Dishing the Dirt

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Great read:

The Atlanta Journal

Atlanta, Georgia • Sun, Jan 17, 1937Page 56

I crushed a Finance midterm last week, so to celebrate I ignored my coursework this week to get my Pre-AHAC stuff in order/take out the tables.

As you’ll see, I begin in 1881, as that is the earliest record I’ve seen so far of teams travelling outside their city for games.

The Pre-AHAC is rough; information is sparse, some games are only alluded to in other game summaries, some games are said to take place at a future date but no record of the game actually taking place was found, etc. More troubling to me is the issue with names- I’ve done my best to account for what I think are typos, incorrect/alternate spellings, and wrong/different initials, but there is a very (very) real chance I incorrectly conflated 2-3 players or did the opposite and didn’t separate two records when I should have. As always, I’m happy to discuss anything here, and will make any corrections that we decide should be made to the record.

For the season stats tables, I’m only going to list players who registered at least 1 confirmed point. Without the ability to easily post tables, it would simply be too labor-intensive (at the moment) to manually build all the tables in the forum. I will also post a top 10 games, goals, and points table encompassing the entire 1881-1886 time period. Assists weren’t really awarded enough to make an assist table worthwhile.

There are several interesting things I found during the course of this research. First, Dolly Swift gets mentioned as the first player to play for a team that he didn’t live in. I believe this is false, as we see Fred Ashe and Percy Myles- usually of Quebec City- play for the Victorias a couple times. Speaking of Messrs. Ashe and Myles, however, it is outside the scope of this post, but I’d like to note that they were some great hockey proselytizers; Ashe would eventually go to Winnipeg and play the game there, while Myles was influential in bringing hockey to Pittsburgh. Organized hockey (as we know it) may have started in Montreal, but it was spread by members of the Quebec Hockey Club.

Second, look at how similar 1885 and 1886 look to the AHAC, not only in terms of personnel, but coverage, clubs, and scoring information. I know we look at 1887 as really the dawn of the eventual NHL chain, but I definitely think we should push that lineage back a bit.

Third, look at the personnel. Obviously Dolly Swift stands out- there couldn’t have been that many A.E. Swift’s playing hockey in Quebec City at that time, so I have no reason to doubt that it wasn’t Dolly. Additionally, it tracks with a newspaper article I read a couple years ago that mentioned Swift being just a boy at the onset of his career. But there are several more names that debuted in this time frame that had careers that went fairly deep into the AHAC- Allan Cameron, Tom Paton, James Stewart, Jack Arnton, Jack Findlay, Billy Hodgson, Robert Davidson, Halder Kirby, etc. Stars were stars, regardless of when they played.

Game 1: Quebec vs Montreal, 22 January 1881

Final Score: 2-0 Quebec

Montreal: C. Coursol, F. Larmouth, D. Kinghorn, D. Richards, W. Aird, E. Sheppard, C. Lamothe

Quebec: C. Miller, Percy Myles, Harcourt Smith, W.E. Scott, H. Woods, A. Colley, H. Ashe

Quebec: Harcourt Smith (No assists), Percy Myles (No assists)

Game 2: Quebec vs Montreal, 5 February 1881

“Young Mr. Ashe, of Quebec, played an excellent game throughout”

“Gough and Green played well; they are very determined players and rushed the puck down to the Quebec goals, where it was kept, much to the anxiety of A. Colley, the Quebec goal-keeper, who was good as usual, and who succeeded in saving ten or twelve goals”

“F. Learmont stood in the Montreal goal and showed that he was no mean goal-keeper. Greene rushed the puck from side to side and end to end, and showed that he understood the game. Myles was certainly one of the prettiest players on the ice; he and Miller did some good dodging. Smith played well and Ashe was always with the puck and seemed to be in every part of the rink at the same time”

Final Score: 4-1 Montreal

Quebec: P. Myles, A.W. Colley (goal), H. Smith, A. Swift, H. Ashe, J.O. Richardson, C. Miller

Montreal: W. Aird, C. Lamothe, F. Larmonthe (goal), D. Kinehorn, T. Fraser, Green, E.H. Gough

Montreal: All UNK

Quebec: P. Myles (No Assists)

Game #1: Quebec Hockey Club vs Victoria Club, 21 January 1882

The paper notes that “ome two thousand people attended the Victoria Skating Rink… to witness the hockey match”

“...Mr. F.C. Henshaw, the President of the Rink, occupying the chair. After the repast, the health of Her Majesty was drunk, and then the President proposed the toast of the two teams. In doing so, he said that, whilst they had witnessed some fine play on both sides, the Quebeckers had excelled most; and if he should select any one from their number as distinguishing himself more than the rest, it was Mr. Myles”

“... some remarkably brilliant and skillful play was exhibited on both sides, Ashe noticeably distinguishing himself on the visiting team, and Fred Larmonth and Charles Lamothe doing honor to the Victorias”

Final Score: 0-0

Quebec: C. Miller, P. Myles, H. Ashe, F. Ashe, P. Anderson, A.W. Colley, W.B. Scott

Victorias: C. Lamont, E. Shepherd, T. Fraser, F. Larmonth, D. Kinghorn, J. Watt, W.D. Aird

Game #2: Victoria Hockey Club vs Quebec Hockey Club, 16 February 1882

“Swift, who up to this had not shown as good play as was expected of him…”

“Anderson’s defence was as good as usual”

Final Score: 2-0 Quebec

Quebec: A. Swift, P. Myles, H. Ashe, F. Ashe, P. Anderson, A.W. Colley, W.B. Scott

Victorias: C. Lamothe, E. Shepherd, J. Monk, W. Brown, D. Kinghorn, A.E. Bell, E. Stevenson

Quebec: Myles (F. Ashe), H. Ashe (Myles, Swift)

Carnival Game #1: Quebec HC vs Victoria, 26 January 1883

Quebec was the better team and scored a goal, but it was disallowed.

Final Score: 0-0

Quebec: A. Colley in goal, W. Scott at Back, A.E. Scott and R. Davidson at Half-Back, F. Ashe, A. Swift, F. Ashe at forward

Victorias: Watt in goal, Charles Lamothe at Back, E. Sheppard and J. Muir at Half-Back, E. Stevenson, Abbott, J. Arnton at forward

Carnival Game #2: Victorias vs McGill, 27 January 1883

Final Score: 1-0 McGill

Victorias: Ashe, Myles, Arnton, Sheppard, Stevenson, Muir, Watt

McGill: Kinloch, Smith, Foster, Low, Green, Murray, Elder

Carnival Game #3: McGill vs Quebec, 27 January 1883

“The play of Messrs. W.E. Scott, A. Swift, F. Ashe, R. Davidson, and A. Scott was very much admired, especially that of Mr. W.B. Scott. On the McGill side those who are especially deserving of mention are Messrs. Murray, Foster, Elder, Green and Smith”

Final Score: 2-2

Quebec: A.W. Colley in goal, WB Scott at Back, AE Scott and R. Davidson at Half-Back, A. Swift and A. Swift (almost certainly a typo- I think it should be Valier) at forward, F. Ashe at centre forward

McGill: A.P. Low in goal, J. Elder at Back, P. Foster and F. Green at Half-Back, J. Kinloch, R.F. Smith at forward, W.L. Murray at centre forward

Exhibition Game: Quebec vs Victorias, 27 January 1883

“On the Quebec side Ashe, Scott and Swift made some beautiful play, but failed to pass the Victoria backs. Watt in goal played beautifully, stopping many shots almost in the goal line”

“The play of the following gentlemen is especially worthy of mention: Scott, R. Davidson, E. Valliere, Swift and Ashe for Quebec, and of Arnton, Shepherd, Lamothe and Stevenson for the Victorias”

“For the Montrealers, Shepherd, Arnton, Muir and Stevenson deserve special mention, as do also Scott, Davidson, Colley and Swift for the Quebec club”

Final Score: 1-1

Quebec: W. Scott, F. Ashe, A. Scott, Swift, Colley, Valier, Davidson

Victorias: Lamothe, Dunn, Arnton, Sheppard, Stevenson, Muir, Watt

Game #1: McGill vs Victorias, 14 January 1884

Final Score: 1-0 McGill

Game #2: McGill vs Crystals, 16 January 1884

Final Score: 2-0 McGill

Game #3: Victorias vs Crystals, 28 January 1884

Final Score: 7-2 Victorias

Crystals: J. Finlay in goal, J. Stewart at point, R. Laing at center (means cover at this point), D. Labonte, G. Barlow, G. McCaffrey, J. McCabe at forward

Victorias: E. Shepherd in goal, J. Arnton at point, A. Shearer at center (means cover), Joseph Muir, E. Stephenson, F. Larmonth, Foster at forward

Crystals: McCabe (No assists), McCaffrey (No assists)

Victorias: Larmonth (No assists), Muir (No assists), Muir (No assists), Muir (No assists), (No assists), Arnton (No assists), Arnton (No assists)

Tournament Game #1: McGill vs Victorias, 4 February 1884
The ice surface is massive- 250 feet long by 124 feet wide

“...for Arnton came down in his usual dodging style, passing Budden and Craven and sending the rubber to Stevenson who was in front of the College goal, and in a second the latter had it through”

“Hutchinson saved his goal in good style, Elder is playing like three men, and so is Budden and Craven, but the swiftness and sure hitting of Arnton, Ash, Shepherd and Shearer, with the capital goal-keeping of Dunne, proves too much for the assault of the McGill men”

“...but Elder, as point, was simply impregnable”

“Elder and Ogilvie were decidedly the strongest men on the McGill team, while Ash, Muir and Shearer did some good work for the Victorias”

Budden scored a goal that was disallowed. McGill refused to continue playing.

Final Score: 1-0 Victorias

Victorias: G. Dunne in goal, J. Arnton at point or cover, E. Shepherd at Cover or Forward, Shearer at Point or forward, Stevenson at centre, Ash and Muir at forward

McGill: Hutchinson in goal, Elder at point, Ogilvie at center, Budden, Craven, Brown, Fairbanks at forward

Victorias: Stevenson (Arnton)

Tournament Game #2: Crystals vs Wanderers, 5 February 1884

“Virtue, as goal-keeper however, proved impregnable. Laing and McCabe also did some good work. Gough, Abbott and McLeo, also rendered effective service for the Wanderers”

Final Score: 1-0 Crystals

Wanderers: A. Kohl in goal, E. Gough at point or forward, R. Campbell at point or forward, Abbott at centre, Hamilton, R. McLEod, C.A. Lawford at forward

Crystals: Virtue in goal, Stewart at point, R. Laing at centre or forward, McCaffrey at centre or forward, McCabe, Barlow, O’Neil at forward

Crystals: McCabe or McCaffrey (No assists)

Tournament Game #3: McGill vs Ottawa, 7 February 1884

“Time and again Green saved the goals of his side”

“Some very fine play was exhibited by Kirby, Kerr, and Young for the visitors, and Elder, Ogilvie and Brown for the home team during the first half hour’s play”

“Some long runs for goal were made by Gallager, Green, and Kirby, but the defence of Hutchinson in the goal and Alder as point was impregnable. The goal keeping of Lowe for Ottawa was also excellent”

Final Score: 1-0 McGill

McGill: Hutchinson in goal, Elder at point, Ogilvie at center, Budden, Craven, Brown, H.D. Johnson at forward

Ottawa: A.P. Low in goal, J. Kerr at point, Green at center, Jenkins at center, H. Kirby, F.L. Gallagher, W. Young at forward

McGill: Ogilvie (No assists)

Tournament Game #4: Ottawa vs Victorias, 8 February 1884

“Green, the Ottawa’s goal man, was a tower of strength, while Arnton, Ashe and Brown for the Vic’s did good work”

“Arnton, Brown and Weaver made matters lively for the ‘boys’ from the capital, but Green, who held the Ottawa’s goal, was like a stone wall, and strive as the Victorias might they were unable to get the ball past him”

“Arnton, Dunn and Ashe were particularly strong on the home team, while Kirby, Green and Jenkins i good work for the visitors”

Final Score: 1-0 Ottawa

Victorias: Dunne in goal, J. Arnton at point, Shepherd at cover, Myles at center, Shearer, Ashe, Muir at forward

Ottawa: Lowe in goal, Kerr at point, Jenkins at center, Kirby, Gallagher, Porter at forward, Green at forward or Goal

Ottawa: Porter

Tournament Game #5: McGill vs Ottawa, 9 February 1884

Final Score: 3-0 Ottawa

McGill: Hutchinson in goal, Elder at point, Budden, Craven, Brown, H.D. Johnson, Ogilvie at forward

Ottawa: Green in goal, Kerr at point, Law at UNK, Jenkins, Kirby, Gallagher, Young at forward

Ottawa: Jenkins (No assists), Jenkins (No assists), UNK (No assists)

Tournament Game #6: Crystals vs Victorias, 9 February 1884

Final Score: 2-0 Victorias

Crystals: Bonte

Victorias: Ashe

Tournament Game #7: Ottawa vs Victorias, 11 February 1884
Some interesting talk about the state of the game. Too much like shinty, the need for a square puck to do away with lifting, etc.

“Green, Jenkins, and Kirby doing yeoman’s work for the Ottawas, while Arnton, Shepherd, Brown, Muir and Ashe did the same for the Victorias”

“Muir and Arnton of the Vic’s were a power of strength in themselves”

Final Score: 1-0 Victorias

Ottawa: Green, Jenkins, Kirby

Victorias: Arnton, Shepherd, Brown, Muir, Ashe, Myles

Victorias: Myles (No assists)

Game 3: Quebec HC vs No. 4 Company, 20 February 1884

“Notwithstanding the strong play of No. 4 the first game was taken by the World as the Hockey Club were called, because they had the power of taking any who would to help them”

“The goal keepers of both sides had a lively time- Colley for No. 4 and Patton for World; both received great praise from the spectators”

“The rubber during the first game was kept pretty well down by No. 4, when Swift, of the World, who is an excellent player…”

“The excitement because intense ; Scott, Davidson, Colley, Baldwin playing a very strong game for No. 4, and Swift, Miller, Vanfelson and Hamilton for the World”

Final Score: 2-1 No. 4

Quebec: Patton (goal), Swift, Miller, Vanfelson, Hamilton

No. 4: Colley (goal), Scott, Davidson, Baldwin

Quebec: Swift (No assists)

No. 4: UNK (No assists), UNK (No assists)

Game 4: Crystals vs Victorias, 3 March 1884

Final Score: 2-0 Victorias

Victorias: G. Dunn in goal, J. Arnton at point, A. Shearer at center, E. Shepherd, F. Larmonth, J. Ashe, E. Stevenson at forward

Crystals: J. Findlay in goal, J. Stewart at point, R. Laing at center, D. Labonte, E. Barlow, E. McCaffrey, J. McCabe

Game 5: Quebec HC vs No. 4 Company, 5 March 1884

“...the Quebec Hockey Club made several very dangerous and determined onslaughts upon the goals of No. 4, but ‘Brick Wall’ Colley (of Lacrosse fame) seemed to be here, there and everywhere to prevent the puck from going between the poles; the same might also be said of Patton, goal keeper for the Quebec Hockey Club”

“For the Quebec Hockey Club, C. Miller, Point and Captain, saved many a goal for his side; Swift, Valliere and Hamilton also did good work”

“For No. 4 Company, ‘Bob’ Davidson played a magnificent game, taking the puck time and again from one end of the Rink to the other, evoking tremendous applause from the spectators; Baldwin and W.B. Scott, Point and Captain, were invulnerable upon the defence for their side”

Final Score: 2-1 No. 4

Quebec: Patton (Goal), C. Miller (Point), Swift, Valliere, Hamilton

No. 4: Colley (Goal), W.B. Scott (Point), Baldwin (Defense), Bob Davidson

Quebec: Swift (No assists)

No. 4: UNK (No assists), UNK (No assists)

Game 6: McGill vs Crystals, 14 March 1884

Final Score: 1-0 Crystals

According to The Gazette, 15 December 1884, a group of hockey clubs discussed creating a league of sorts since the Winter Carnival would not feature hockey. The article states that there are “six first-class clubs in [Montreal] besides two from Quebec and Ottawa”. A prize of $100 was discussed for the winning club. Apparently, Montreal, the Crystals, and Victorias had already begun scheduling games.

Game #1: Victorias vs Crystals, 16 January 1885

As a disclaimer- the actual game summary doesn’t include rosters. An article from the day of the game gives the roster that I use here.

Final Score: 3-1 Victorias

Victorias: E. Sheppard in goal, J. Arnton at point, A. Shaver at cover, J. Craven, J. Muir, E. Monk at forward

Crystals: W. Hutchison in goal, J. Stewart at point, A. Cameron at cover, J. Findlay, A.J. Ritchie, J. McGoldrick, and E. McCaffrey at forward

Crystals: UNK

Victorias: J. Arnton, UNK, UNK

Game #2: McGill vs M.A.A.A., 20 January 1885

Final Score: 2-1 M.A.A.A.

M.A.A.A.: T.L. Paton, F. Larmonth, W.D. Aird, D. McIntyre, R.F. Smith, W. Hodgson, F.W. Barlow

McGill: G.W.Stephens Jr., J. Elder, H.D. Johnson, J.A. Kinloch, C.F. Wilde, C.P. Brown, H.A. Budden

Carnival Game #1: Ottawa vs Victorias, 27 January 1885

Final Score: 3-1 Ottawa

Ottawas: W. Odell in goal, F. Jenkins at point, C. Green at cover, Currier, J. Kirby, H. Kirby, and T. Gallagher at forward

Victorias: Shaver in goal, J. Arnton at point, E. Sheppard at cover, E. Barlow, A. Swift, J. Craven, and J. Muir at forward

Ottawa: Gallagher, UNK, Kirby

Victorias: Muir

Carnival Game #2: Montreal Football Club vs M.A.A.A., 28 January 1885
Interestingly, it looks like MFC was forced to play a man down the entire game.

“Paton, in goal for the champions, however, was a tower of strength and time after time raised the prospects of his side as he swiped the puck from its dangerous position”

Final Score: 6-1

Montreal: Paton in goal, Larmouth at point, Aird at cover, D. McIntyre, W. Hodgson, Smith, and F. Barlow at forward

MFC: W. Cleghorn in goal, R. Campbell at point, J. Campbell at cover, R. Stirling, A. Elliott, and L. Robinson at forward

MAAA: Barlow, Barlow, McIntyre, UNK, UNK

MFC: J. Campbell

Carnival Game #3: McGill vs Crystals, 29 January 1885

“Brown, Kinloch and Budden made some good play for McGill, while on the Crystal team Stewart, Cameron, and Hutchison showed up well”

Final Score: 2-0 or 2-1 McGill

Crystals: Hutchison in goal, Stewart at point, Cameron at cover, D. Laporte, E. MCCaffrey, J. Findlay, and R. Lang at forward

McGill: G.W. Stephens in goal, J.N. Elder at point, H.A. Budden at cover, R.E. Palmer, J.A. Kinloch, H.D. Johnston, C.P. Brown at forward

McGill: Kinloch, Brown

Crystals: Disputed UNK

Carnival Game #4: Ottawa vs M.A.A.A., 30-31 January 1885

Final Score: 1-0 M.A.A.A.

Montreal: Paton in goal, Fred Larmouth at point, F. Barlow at cover, W. Hodgson, W. Aird, Duncan McIntyre, and R.S. Smith at forward

Ottawa: W. Odell in goal, J. Kerr at point, T. Jenkins at cover, T.D. Green at cover, H. Kirby, T. Gallagher, and G. Currier at forward

MAAA: Aird

Carnival Game #5: McGill vs M.A.A.A., 31 January 1885

Final Score: 1-0 M.A.A.A.

MAAA: Paton in goal, WD Aird, Frederick Marmonth, F. Barlow, Duncan McIntyre, William Hodgson, R.S. Smith

McGill: G.W. Stephens, J.M. Elder, H.A. Budden, J.A. Kinloch, H.D. Johnson, R.E. Palmer, C.P. Brown

Game #3: Victoria vs M.A.A.A., 6 February 1885

Final Score: 1-0 M.A.A.A.

Montreal: Paton in goal, Larmouth at point, Aird at cover, Smith, McIntyre, Hodgson, and Barlow at forward

Victorias: Shepherd in goal, Shearer at point, Arnton at cover, Barlow, Craven, Swift, and Muir at forward

Exhibition Game: Crystal vs Victoria, 17 March 1885

Final Score: 1-0 Crystals.

Crystals: Findlay in goal, Stewart at point, Cameron at cover, Hutchison, Ritchie, McGoldrick, McCaffrey at forward

Victorias: Monk in goal, Shearer at point, Arnton at cover, Sheppard, Craven, Barlow, and Swift at forward

Crystals: Ritchie

On 5, 6, 7, and 8 January, both the Montreal Star and Gazette discussed the creation of a tournament, wherein there would be a game scheduled each week. The Crystals and McGill would play a best of 3 series, the M.A.A.A. and VIctorias would play a best of 3 series, and the winner of each series would then play each other in a best of 3 series. The winner of the tournament would receive an $80 trophy. Quebec HC then challenged the winners for the “Championship of Canada”. There was also a post-season exhibition match between QHC and the Victorias, as well as a post-season Crystals vs Victorias game.

According to the Montreal Herald 5 January 1886, M.A.A.A. was the champion from 1885.

Game #1: McGill vs Crystals, 15 January 1886

Final Score: 1-0 Crystals

McGill: Stephens in goal, William Brown at point, Wilde at cover, William Hamilton, H.A. Buden, Weird, and Palmer (replaced by May) at forward

Crystals: William Hutchinson in goal, Stewart at point, Cameron at cover, M. McGoldrick, J. McGoldrick, R. Laing at forward, John Findlay at UNK, D. Elliott as a sub

Crystals: Findlay

Game #2: Victorias vs M.A.A.A., 22 January 1886

Final Score: 1-0 Victorias

Victorias: Watt in goal, T. Arnton at point, J. Muir at center, J. Craven, T> Barlow, A. Shearer, J. Arnton at forward

MAAA: Paton in goal, Larmont at point, W. Hodgson at center, R. Smith, Lowe, F. Barlow, D. McIntyre at forward

Victorias: J. Arnton

Exhibition Game #1: McGill vs Victorias, 25 January 1886

“During the evening Messs. Barlow, Craven, and Jack Arnton distinguished themselves by magnificent play”

Final Score: 8-0 Victorias

Game #3: McGill vs Crystals, 29 January 1886

Final Score: 4-1 Crystals

McGill: Weir in goal, Brown at point, Stephens at center, Budden, Wilde, Hamilton, Palmer at forward

Crystals: W. Virtue in goal, Stewart at point, Cameron at center, Laing, Hutchinson, Findlay, McGoldrick at forward

McGill: Brown
Crystals: J. McGoldrick, J. McGoldrick, J. McGoldrick, Laing

Game #4: Victorias vs M.A.A.A., 5 February 1886

“The Montreal team was strengthened by W. Aird”

“For the Montrealers, Larmonth, Barlow, and McIntyre were conspicuous for good play, as were J. Arnton, T. Arnton, A. Shearer, and E. Barlow for the Vics”

“The M.A.A.A. men, who were in capital trim, started in with a determination to wipe out the defeat of two weeks ago, while the Victorias, who were in anything but good form, went in minus one of their best men, Mr. J. Craven, whose place had to be filled by Mr. Stevenson, one of their reserves”

Face taken by J. Arnton and McIntyre

“Billy Aird, however, capture it, bearing it well up the rink. E. Barlow and Spencer made a break for its possession, but Billy was too quick for them, and just as they reached him he skillfully passed it to McIntyre”

“..marked by the splendid play of Aird and McIntyre”

Final Score: 3-1 M.A.A.A.

Victorias: Watt in goal, T. Arnton at point, Muir at centre, Shearer, J. Arnton, Stevenson, E. Barlow at forward

MAAA: T. Paton in goal, F. Larmont at point, W. Aird at centre, W. Hodgson, R. Smith, D. McIntyre, F. Barlow at forward

Victorias: Jack Arnton

MAAA: McIntyre, McIntyre, Hodgson

Game #5: Victorias vs M.A.A.A., 12 February 1886

J. Arnton and D. McIntyre did the face

“The Vics were evidently in hard luck. Time after time Jack Arnton, the inimitable, made splendid shots for goal, but some accident always prevented the puck from going through. Ed. Barlow and Cravin were here, there and everywhere. Their splendid play elicited round after round of applause, but their efforts availed them naught”

“For the Amateurs, Aird, McIntyre and Barlow were towers of strength”

Final Score: 2-1 M.A.A.A.

Victorias: Watt in goal, T. Arnton at point, J. Muir at centre, E. Stevenson, E. Barlow, J. Craven, J. Arnton at forward

MAAA: T.L. Paton in goal, Learmonth at point, W.. Aird at centre, R. Smith, D. McIntyre, F. Barlow, W. Hodgson at forward

MAAA: Smith, Aird (McIntyre)

Victorias: J. Arnton

Game #6: Crystals vs M.A.A.A., 19 February 1886

“After resuming, the chief features of the game, prior to ‘half time’, which was shortly after called, was the brilliant play of Cameron, apart from his decidedly questionable bodychecking; and, the smart goal keeping of Paton, who had to do all he knew to stop some nasty shots by the last named player”

“The Montreal team were the same that Capt. Larmont has so often led to victory. But in the Crystal team some changes had been made. The principal one was the bringing out of Virtue, a comparatively untried player. This move was a wise one, as he proved to be a giant with the stick, and played hockey like a professional, being here there and everywhere. At point we missed the tall form of Jim Stewart, but his place was ably filled by Ed. McCaffrey, who time and again saved a threatened goal and sent the puck flying to safer quarters”

“It was remarked that the Montrealers, as a team, were playing wretchedly, but the individual play of Messrs. Aird, McINtyre, Barlow and Smith was, as usual, away up. For the Crystal, every man was playing a whole game. J.A. Findlay, Laing, Virtue and Joe McGoldrick were making it real warm for their opponents, while Allan Cameron was playing as if he was the whole team himself”

Final Score: 3-0 Crystals

Crystals: W. Hutchison in goal, E. MCCaffrey at point, A. Cameron at center, R. Laing, J.Findlay, J. McGoldrick, J. Virtue at forward

MAAA: Paton in goal, F. Larmonth at point, WD Aird at center, W. Hodgson, D. McIntyre, F. Barlow, R. Smith at forward

Crystals: J. Findlay, Findlay or Virtue (Laing), Laing (Cameron)

Carnival Game #1: M.A.A.A. vs Montreal Crystals, 26 February 1886

Final Score: 1-0 M.A.A.A.

Crystals: Cameron in goal, Findlay at point, McCaffrey, J. McGoldrick, W. Hutchinson, J. Virtue at forward, R. Laing at captain

MAAA: Paton in goal, Low at point, McIntyre at cover, Barlow, Crispo, W Hodgson, R. Smith at forward, F. Larmoth as captain

MAAA: Smith

Carnival Game #2: M.A.A.A. vs Van Ness House HC, 26 February 1886

Final Score: 3-0 M.A.A.A.

Van Ness: LC Johnson in goal, CH Whitcomb at point, MA Kilvert at cover, WH Waters, ES Griffing, Howard Crane, W. Laduke at forward

MAAA: Paton in goal, Low at point, McIntyre at cover, Barlow, Crispo, Hodgson, Smith at forward, . Larmoth as captain

MAAA: Hodgson, Smith, Crispo

Carnival Game #3: Van Ness House HC vs Montreal Crystals, 26 February 1886

Final Score: 1-0 Crystals

Crystals: Cameron in goal, Findlay at point, R. Laing as captain, McCaffrey, McGoldrick, Hutchinson, J. Virtue at forward

Van Ness: LC Johnson in goal, CH Whitcomb at point, MA Kilvert at cover, WH Waters, ES Griffing, Howard Crane, W. Laduke at forward

Crystals: McGoldrick

Game #7: Crystals vs M.A.A.A., 5 March 1886

“For the M.A.A.A. all showed up in turns; for the Crystal the captain, Virtue and Cameron deserve special mention”

Crystals called Champions of Canada ; Montreal had previously held the title

Laing and Aird did the face

“For the M.A.A.A. men, Messrs. Aird, McIntyre, Barlow and Larmonth were doing splendidly, R. Smith was playing for all he was worth and was the cause of repeated calls of foul”

“Smith, the irrepressible, takes another goal”

“Joe McGoldrick, the lightning forward, scores another game”

“Allan Cameron is playing like himself and the men who rush him sit down with ‘thanks, not any more of that’”

Final Score: 4-2 Crystals

Crystals: Hutchinson in goal, Stewart at point, Cameron at center, Laing, Virtue, Findlay, McGoldrick at forward

MAAA: R. White in goal, Learmonth at point, Aird at center, McIntyre, Hodgson, Smith, Barlow at forward

MAAA: Hodgson, Smith

Crystals: Findlay, McGoldrick, McGoldrick, McGoldrick

Exhibition Game #2: Crystals vs M.A.A.A., 15 March 1886

“During the game the players who particularly distinguished themselves were, for the M.A.A.A., Messrs. Lowe, Hodgson, and McIntyre, and for the Crystals, Cameron, McGoldrick, Findley and Stewart, although the whole team played in splendid form”

Final Score: 5-0 Crystals

Crystals: W. Hutchison in goal, J. Stewart at pint, Cameron at centre, Laing, Virtue, Findlay, McGoldrick at forward

MAAA: Lockerby in goal, Crispo at point, Lowe at centre, McIntyre, Barlow, Hodgson, Smith at forward

Goals- Unknown order
Crystals: Virtue, Virtue, Laing, McGoldrick, Findlay

Championship Game #1: Crystals vs Quebec HC, 19 March 1886

“Of the Quebec team, Ashe, the Scotts and Swift played remarkably good hockey, the dodgy running of the first named frequently eliciting loud cheers from the lookers on. For the home team Laing played a consistently good game”

Final Score: Unknown- Crystals awarded the win after 28 minutes of play. A.E. Scott was injured, the Crystals refused to drop a player, and “as these representatives of a so-called first class hockey team were the sole possessors of the ice when ‘time’ was called, the referee declared the game ended in favor of the Montreal men”

Crystals: Stewart in goal, McGolrick, Virtue, findlay, Cameron, Hutchison, Laing

Quebec: W Scott, F Ashe, B. Patton in goal, A Swift, RJ Davidson, M.B. Colley, AE Scott

Exhibition Game #3: Quebec HC vs Victorias, 20 March 1886

“Where all played remarkably fine hockey it would be invidious to particularize, but it was evident that the advantage lay with the visitors (read: Quebec), who were the heavier men, and had, also, the pace of all the home team except J. Arnton. The Vics missed the goal keeper, Watts”

“Still, the Vics played a fine game, the playing of the Messrs. Arnton and Barlow being particularly good, while Ash of the Quebecers was conspicuous for his roughness and want of knowledge of the game”

Final Score: 4-1 Quebec

Victorias: Tom Arnton in goal, J. Arnton at point, J. Craven at center, T. Barlow and A. Shearer at forward

Quebec: Patton in goal, Ash at point, Davidson at center, Colley and Swift at forward

Victorias: Craven or J. Arnton (Maybe J. Arnton), J. Arnton

Quebec: Ash, Davidson, UNK, UNK

Exhibition Game #4: Crystals vs Victorias, 24 March 1886

Also called a battle for the Championship- Victorias the champs?

Arnton and Laing did the face

“On the Crystal side Laing, Findley, Virtue and McGoldrick were playing a magnificent game, as were Shearer, Craven and Barlow of the Vics. Jack Arnton was taking things quietly, and was paying more attention to the direction of his team than to his own play”

“Jack Arnton began to show his magnificent play which he had apparently held in reserve during the first half”

“Findlay, Cameron, and McGoldrick were conspicuous for the home team and did excellent work”

“Even at this early stage of the game, Barlow, Craven and Shearer and shown up well, the others, and especially J. Arnton, being a little weak”

“In the play off of a third half hour the Victorias were all over the Crystals, Jack Arnton being specially good”

Final Score: 4-1 Victorias

Crystals: Hutchison in goal, J. Stewart at point, A. Cameron at center, J. McGoldrick, J. Findlay, Virtue, Laing

Victorias: T. Arnton in goal, J. Muir at point, Stevenson, J. Craven, W. Barlow, J. Arnton, A. Shearer at point

Crystals: Findlay

Victorias: W. Barlow, W. Barlow, Craven, Shearer

EDIT: I have no idea why it is putting the lines through most of the text. Man, I can’t wait for the update.

Percy Myles202
Harcourt Smith101

Percy Myles112
H. Ashe101
Dolly Swift011
Fred Ashe011

No recorded points

Joseph Muir404
Jack Arnton213
Dolly Swift202
Frank Jenkins202
J. McCabe1.501.5
E. McCaffrey1.501.5
Percy Myles101
Fred Larmonth101
E. Stevenson101
S. Ogilvie101

Fred Barlow202
Halder Kirby101
Jack Arnton101
Joseph Muir101
Jack Campbell101
Andy Ritchie101
Billy Aird101
Duncan McIntyre101
R. Smith101
J. Kinloch101
C. Brown101

Joe McGoldrick808
Jack Findlay5.8305.83
Jack Arnton4.5.55
Billy Hodgson3.503.5
R. Smith3.503.5
Duncan McIntyre213
R. Laing2.8302.83
James Virtue2.3302.33
Eddie Barlow1.501.5
J. Craven1.501.5
Andy Shearer101
Billy Aird101
F. Crispo101
Fred Ashe101
Robert J. Davidson101
C.P. Brown101
E. Stevenson.50.5

Top 10 Games 1881-1886
Jack Arnton177.51.59
Fred Larmonth17101
F. Smith154.504.5
William Hutchinson15000
Jack Findlay145.8305.83
Joseph Muir14505
E. Shepherd14000
Duncan McIntyre13314
Billy Hodgson133.503.5
R. Laing132.8302.83
Fred Barlow13202

Top 10 Goals 1881-1886
Joe McGoldrick811
Jack Arnton7.517
Jack FIndlay5.8314
Joseph Muir514
R. Smith4.515
Percy Myles46
Billy Hodgson3.513
Duncan McIntyre313
R. Laing2.8313
James Virtue2.837

Top 10 Points 1881-1886
Jack Arnton917
Joe McGoldrick811
Jack Findlay5.8314
Joseph Muir514
Percy Myles56
R. Smith4.515
Duncan McIntyre413
Billy Hodgson3.513
Dolly Swift312
R. Laing2.8313
James Virtue2.837
Last edited:
I crushed a Finance midterm last week, so to celebrate I ignored my coursework this week to get my Pre-AHAC stuff in order/take out the tables.

As you’ll see, I begin in 1881, as that is the earliest record I’ve seen so far of teams travelling outside their city for games.

The Pre-AHAC is rough; information is sparse, some games are only alluded to in other game summaries, some games are said to take place at a future date but no record of the game actually taking place was found, etc. More troubling to me is the issue with names- I’ve done my best to account for what I think are typos, incorrect/alternate spellings, and wrong/different initials, but there is a very (very) real chance I incorrectly conflated 2-3 players or did the opposite and didn’t separate two records when I should have. As always, I’m happy to discuss anything here, and will make any corrections that we decide should be made to the record.

For the season stats tables, I’m only going to list players who registered at least 1 confirmed point. Without the ability to easily post tables, it would simply be too labor-intensive (at the moment) to manually build all the tables in the forum. I will also post a top 10 games, goals, and points table encompassing the entire 1881-1886 time period. Assists weren’t really awarded enough to make an assist table worthwhile.

There are several interesting things I found during the course of this research. First, Dolly Swift gets mentioned as the first player to play for a team that he didn’t live in. I believe this is false, as we see Fred Ashe and Percy Myles- usually of Quebec City- play for the Victorias a couple times. Speaking of Messrs. Ashe and Myles, however, it is outside the scope of this post, but I’d like to note that they were some great hockey proselytizers; Ashe would eventually go to Winnipeg and play the game there, while Myles was influential in bringing hockey to Pittsburgh. Organized hockey (as we know it) may have started in Montreal, but it was spread by members of the Quebec Hockey Club.

Second, look at how similar 1885 and 1886 look to the AHAC, not only in terms of personnel, but coverage, clubs, and scoring information. I know we look at 1887 as really the dawn of the eventual NHL chain, but I definitely think we should push that lineage back a bit.

Third, look at the personnel. Obviously Dolly Swift stands out- there couldn’t have been that many A.E. Swift’s playing hockey in Quebec City at that time, so I have no reason to doubt that it wasn’t Dolly. Additionally, it tracks with a newspaper article I read a couple years ago that mentioned Swift being just a boy at the onset of his career. But there are several more names that debuted in this time frame that had careers that went fairly deep into the AHAC- Allan Cameron, Tom Paton, James Stewart, Jack Arnton, Jack Findlay, Billy Hodgson, Robert Davidson, Halder Kirby, etc. Stars were stars, regardless of when they played.

Game 1: Quebec vs Montreal, 22 January 1881

Final Score: 2-0 Quebec

Montreal: C. Coursol, F. Larmouth, D. Kinghorn, D. Richards, W. Aird, E. Sheppard, C. Lamothe

Quebec: C. Miller, Percy Myles, Harcourt Smith, W.E. Scott, H. Woods, A. Colley, H. Ashe

Quebec: Harcourt Smith (No assists), Percy Myles (No assists)

Game 2: Quebec vs Montreal, 5 February 1881

“Young Mr. Ashe, of Quebec, played an excellent game throughout”

“Gough and Green played well; they are very determined players and rushed the puck down to the Quebec goals, where it was kept, much to the anxiety of A. Colley, the Quebec goal-keeper, who was good as usual, and who succeeded in saving ten or twelve goals”

“F. Learmont stood in the Montreal goal and showed that he was no mean goal-keeper. Greene rushed the puck from side to side and end to end, and showed that he understood the game. Myles was certainly one of the prettiest players on the ice; he and Miller did some good dodging. Smith played well and Ashe was always with the puck and seemed to be in every part of the rink at the same time”

Final Score: 4-1 Montreal

Quebec: P. Myles, A.W. Colley (goal), H. Smith, A. Swift, H. Ashe, J.O. Richardson, C. Miller

Montreal: W. Aird, C. Lamothe, F. Larmonthe (goal), D. Kinehorn, T. Fraser, Green, E.H. Gough

Montreal: All UNK

Quebec: P. Myles (No Assists)

Game #1: Quebec Hockey Club vs Victoria Club, 21 January 1882

The paper notes that “ome two thousand people attended the Victoria Skating Rink… to witness the hockey match”

“...Mr. F.C. Henshaw, the President of the Rink, occupying the chair. After the repast, the health of Her Majesty was drunk, and then the President proposed the toast of the two teams. In doing so, he said that, whilst they had witnessed some fine play on both sides, the Quebeckers had excelled most; and if he should select any one from their number as distinguishing himself more than the rest, it was Mr. Myles”

“... some remarkably brilliant and skillful play was exhibited on both sides, Ashe noticeably distinguishing himself on the visiting team, and Fred Larmonth and Charles Lamothe doing honor to the Victorias”

Final Score: 0-0

Quebec: C. Miller, P. Myles, H. Ashe, F. Ashe, P. Anderson, A.W. Colley, W.B. Scott

Victorias: C. Lamont, E. Shepherd, T. Fraser, F. Larmonth, D. Kinghorn, J. Watt, W.D. Aird

Game #2: Victoria Hockey Club vs Quebec Hockey Club, 16 February 1882

“Swift, who up to this had not shown as good play as was expected of him…”

“Anderson’s defence was as good as usual”

Final Score: 2-0 Quebec

Quebec: A. Swift, P. Myles, H. Ashe, F. Ashe, P. Anderson, A.W. Colley, W.B. Scott

Victorias: C. Lamothe, E. Shepherd, J. Monk, W. Brown, D. Kinghorn, A.E. Bell, E. Stevenson

Quebec: Myles (F. Ashe), H. Ashe (Myles, Swift)

Carnival Game #1: Quebec HC vs Victoria, 26 January 1883

Quebec was the better team and scored a goal, but it was disallowed.

Final Score: 0-0

Quebec: A. Colley in goal, W. Scott at Back, A.E. Scott and R. Davidson at Half-Back, F. Ashe, A. Swift, F. Ashe at forward

Victorias: Watt in goal, Charles Lamothe at Back, E. Sheppard and J. Muir at Half-Back, E. Stevenson, Abbott, J. Arnton at forward

Carnival Game #2: Victorias vs McGill, 27 January 1883

Final Score: 1-0 McGill

Victorias: Ashe, Myles, Arnton, Sheppard, Stevenson, Muir, Watt

McGill: Kinloch, Smith, Foster, Low, Green, Murray, Elder

Carnival Game #3: McGill vs Quebec, 27 January 1883

“The play of Messrs. W.E. Scott, A. Swift, F. Ashe, R. Davidson, and A. Scott was very much admired, especially that of Mr. W.B. Scott. On the McGill side those who are especially deserving of mention are Messrs. Murray, Foster, Elder, Green and Smith”

Final Score: 2-2

Quebec: A.W. Colley in goal, WB Scott at Back, AE Scott and R. Davidson at Half-Back, A. Swift and A. Swift (almost certainly a typo- I think it should be Valier) at forward, F. Ashe at centre forward

McGill: A.P. Low in goal, J. Elder at Back, P. Foster and F. Green at Half-Back, J. Kinloch, R.F. Smith at forward, W.L. Murray at centre forward

Exhibition Game: Quebec vs Victorias, 27 January 1883

“On the Quebec side Ashe, Scott and Swift made some beautiful play, but failed to pass the Victoria backs. Watt in goal played beautifully, stopping many shots almost in the goal line”

“The play of the following gentlemen is especially worthy of mention: Scott, R. Davidson, E. Valliere, Swift and Ashe for Quebec, and of Arnton, Shepherd, Lamothe and Stevenson for the Victorias”

“For the Montrealers, Shepherd, Arnton, Muir and Stevenson deserve special mention, as do also Scott, Davidson, Colley and Swift for the Quebec club”

Final Score: 1-1

Quebec: W. Scott, F. Ashe, A. Scott, Swift, Colley, Valier, Davidson

Victorias: Lamothe, Dunn, Arnton, Sheppard, Stevenson, Muir, Watt

Game #1: McGill vs Victorias, 14 January 1884

Final Score: 1-0 McGill

Game #2: McGill vs Crystals, 16 January 1884

Final Score: 2-0 McGill

Game #3: Victorias vs Crystals, 28 January 1884

Final Score: 7-2 Victorias

Crystals: J. Finlay in goal, J. Stewart at point, R. Laing at center (means cover at this point), D. Labonte, G. Barlow, G. McCaffrey, J. McCabe at forward

Victorias: E. Shepherd in goal, J. Arnton at point, A. Shearer at center (means cover), Joseph Muir, E. Stephenson, F. Larmonth, Foster at forward

Crystals: McCabe (No assists), McCaffrey (No assists)

Victorias: Larmonth (No assists), Muir (No assists), Muir (No assists), Muir (No assists), (No assists), Arnton (No assists), Arnton (No assists)

Tournament Game #1: McGill vs Victorias, 4 February 1884
The ice surface is massive- 250 feet long by 124 feet wide

“...for Arnton came down in his usual dodging style, passing Budden and Craven and sending the rubber to Stevenson who was in front of the College goal, and in a second the latter had it through”

“Hutchinson saved his goal in good style, Elder is playing like three men, and so is Budden and Craven, but the swiftness and sure hitting of Arnton, Ash, Shepherd and Shearer, with the capital goal-keeping of Dunne, proves too much for the assault of the McGill men”

“...but Elder, as point, was simply impregnable”

“Elder and Ogilvie were decidedly the strongest men on the McGill team, while Ash, Muir and Shearer did some good work for the Victorias”

Budden scored a goal that was disallowed. McGill refused to continue playing.

Final Score: 1-0 Victorias

Victorias: G. Dunne in goal, J. Arnton at point or cover, E. Shepherd at Cover or Forward, Shearer at Point or forward, Stevenson at centre, Ash and Muir at forward

McGill: Hutchinson in goal, Elder at point, Ogilvie at center, Budden, Craven, Brown, Fairbanks at forward

Victorias: Stevenson (Arnton)

Tournament Game #2: Crystals vs Wanderers, 5 February 1884

“Virtue, as goal-keeper however, proved impregnable. Laing and McCabe also did some good work. Gough, Abbott and McLeo, also rendered effective service for the Wanderers”

Final Score: 1-0 Crystals

Wanderers: A. Kohl in goal, E. Gough at point or forward, R. Campbell at point or forward, Abbott at centre, Hamilton, R. McLEod, C.A. Lawford at forward

Crystals: Virtue in goal, Stewart at point, R. Laing at centre or forward, McCaffrey at centre or forward, McCabe, Barlow, O’Neil at forward

Crystals: McCabe or McCaffrey (No assists)

Tournament Game #3: McGill vs Ottawa, 7 February 1884

“Time and again Green saved the goals of his side”

“Some very fine play was exhibited by Kirby, Kerr, and Young for the visitors, and Elder, Ogilvie and Brown for the home team during the first half hour’s play”

“Some long runs for goal were made by Gallager, Green, and Kirby, but the defence of Hutchinson in the goal and Alder as point was impregnable. The goal keeping of Lowe for Ottawa was also excellent”

Final Score: 1-0 McGill

McGill: Hutchinson in goal, Elder at point, Ogilvie at center, Budden, Craven, Brown, H.D. Johnson at forward

Ottawa: A.P. Low in goal, J. Kerr at point, Green at center, Jenkins at center, H. Kirby, F.L. Gallagher, W. Young at forward

McGill: Ogilvie (No assists)

Tournament Game #4: Ottawa vs Victorias, 8 February 1884

“Green, the Ottawa’s goal man, was a tower of strength, while Arnton, Ashe and Brown for the Vic’s did good work”

“Arnton, Brown and Weaver made matters lively for the ‘boys’ from the capital, but Green, who held the Ottawa’s goal, was like a stone wall, and strive as the Victorias might they were unable to get the ball past him”

“Arnton, Dunn and Ashe were particularly strong on the home team, while Kirby, Green and Jenkins i good work for the visitors”

Final Score: 1-0 Ottawa

Victorias: Dunne in goal, J. Arnton at point, Shepherd at cover, Myles at center, Shearer, Ashe, Muir at forward

Ottawa: Lowe in goal, Kerr at point, Jenkins at center, Kirby, Gallagher, Porter at forward, Green at forward or Goal

Ottawa: Porter

Tournament Game #5: McGill vs Ottawa, 9 February 1884

Final Score: 3-0 Ottawa

McGill: Hutchinson in goal, Elder at point, Budden, Craven, Brown, H.D. Johnson, Ogilvie at forward

Ottawa: Green in goal, Kerr at point, Law at UNK, Jenkins, Kirby, Gallagher, Young at forward

Ottawa: Jenkins (No assists), Jenkins (No assists), UNK (No assists)

Tournament Game #6: Crystals vs Victorias, 9 February 1884

Final Score: 2-0 Victorias

Crystals: Bonte

Victorias: Ashe

Tournament Game #7: Ottawa vs Victorias, 11 February 1884
Some interesting talk about the state of the game. Too much like shinty, the need for a square puck to do away with lifting, etc.

“Green, Jenkins, and Kirby doing yeoman’s work for the Ottawas, while Arnton, Shepherd, Brown, Muir and Ashe did the same for the Victorias”

“Muir and Arnton of the Vic’s were a power of strength in themselves”

Final Score: 1-0 Victorias

Ottawa: Green, Jenkins, Kirby

Victorias: Arnton, Shepherd, Brown, Muir, Ashe, Myles

Victorias: Myles (No assists)

Game 3: Quebec HC vs No. 4 Company, 20 February 1884

“Notwithstanding the strong play of No. 4 the first game was taken by the World as the Hockey Club were called, because they had the power of taking any who would to help them”

“The goal keepers of both sides had a lively time- Colley for No. 4 and Patton for World; both received great praise from the spectators”

“The rubber during the first game was kept pretty well down by No. 4, when Swift, of the World, who is an excellent player…”

“The excitement because intense ; Scott, Davidson, Colley, Baldwin playing a very strong game for No. 4, and Swift, Miller, Vanfelson and Hamilton for the World”

Final Score: 2-1 No. 4

Quebec: Patton (goal), Swift, Miller, Vanfelson, Hamilton

No. 4: Colley (goal), Scott, Davidson, Baldwin

Quebec: Swift (No assists)

No. 4: UNK (No assists), UNK (No assists)

Game 4: Crystals vs Victorias, 3 March 1884

Final Score: 2-0 Victorias

Victorias: G. Dunn in goal, J. Arnton at point, A. Shearer at center, E. Shepherd, F. Larmonth, J. Ashe, E. Stevenson at forward

Crystals: J. Findlay in goal, J. Stewart at point, R. Laing at center, D. Labonte, E. Barlow, E. McCaffrey, J. McCabe

Game 5: Quebec HC vs No. 4 Company, 5 March 1884

“...the Quebec Hockey Club made several very dangerous and determined onslaughts upon the goals of No. 4, but ‘Brick Wall’ Colley (of Lacrosse fame) seemed to be here, there and everywhere to prevent the puck from going between the poles; the same might also be said of Patton, goal keeper for the Quebec Hockey Club”

“For the Quebec Hockey Club, C. Miller, Point and Captain, saved many a goal for his side; Swift, Valliere and Hamilton also did good work”

“For No. 4 Company, ‘Bob’ Davidson played a magnificent game, taking the puck time and again from one end of the Rink to the other, evoking tremendous applause from the spectators; Baldwin and W.B. Scott, Point and Captain, were invulnerable upon the defence for their side”

Final Score: 2-1 No. 4

Quebec: Patton (Goal), C. Miller (Point), Swift, Valliere, Hamilton

No. 4: Colley (Goal), W.B. Scott (Point), Baldwin (Defense), Bob Davidson

Quebec: Swift (No assists)

No. 4: UNK (No assists), UNK (No assists)

Game 6: McGill vs Crystals, 14 March 1884

Final Score: 1-0 Crystals

According to The Gazette, 15 December 1884, a group of hockey clubs discussed creating a league of sorts since the Winter Carnival would not feature hockey. The article states that there are “six first-class clubs in [Montreal] besides two from Quebec and Ottawa”. A prize of $100 was discussed for the winning club. Apparently, Montreal, the Crystals, and Victorias had already begun scheduling games.

Game #1: Victorias vs Crystals, 16 January 1885

As a disclaimer- the actual game summary doesn’t include rosters. An article from the day of the game gives the roster that I use here.

Final Score: 3-1 Victorias

Victorias: E. Sheppard in goal, J. Arnton at point, A. Shaver at cover, J. Craven, J. Muir, E. Monk at forward

Crystals: W. Hutchison in goal, J. Stewart at point, A. Cameron at cover, J. Findlay, A.J. Ritchie, J. McGoldrick, and E. McCaffrey at forward

Crystals: UNK

Victorias: J. Arnton, UNK, UNK

Game #2: McGill vs M.A.A.A., 20 January 1885

Final Score: 2-1 M.A.A.A.

M.A.A.A.: T.L. Paton, F. Larmonth, W.D. Aird, D. McIntyre, R.F. Smith, W. Hodgson, F.W. Barlow

McGill: G.W.Stephens Jr., J. Elder, H.D. Johnson, J.A. Kinloch, C.F. Wilde, C.P. Brown, H.A. Budden

Carnival Game #1: Ottawa vs Victorias, 27 January 1885

Final Score: 3-1 Ottawa

Ottawas: W. Odell in goal, F. Jenkins at point, C. Green at cover, Currier, J. Kirby, H. Kirby, and T. Gallagher at forward

Victorias: Shaver in goal, J. Arnton at point, E. Sheppard at cover, E. Barlow, A. Swift, J. Craven, and J. Muir at forward

Ottawa: Gallagher, UNK, Kirby

Victorias: Muir

Carnival Game #2: Montreal Football Club vs M.A.A.A., 28 January 1885
Interestingly, it looks like MFC was forced to play a man down the entire game.

“Paton, in goal for the champions, however, was a tower of strength and time after time raised the prospects of his side as he swiped the puck from its dangerous position”

Final Score: 6-1

Montreal: Paton in goal, Larmouth at point, Aird at cover, D. McIntyre, W. Hodgson, Smith, and F. Barlow at forward

MFC: W. Cleghorn in goal, R. Campbell at point, J. Campbell at cover, R. Stirling, A. Elliott, and L. Robinson at forward

MAAA: Barlow, Barlow, McIntyre, UNK, UNK

MFC: J. Campbell

Carnival Game #3: McGill vs Crystals, 29 January 1885

“Brown, Kinloch and Budden made some good play for McGill, while on the Crystal team Stewart, Cameron, and Hutchison showed up well”

Final Score: 2-0 or 2-1 McGill

Crystals: Hutchison in goal, Stewart at point, Cameron at cover, D. Laporte, E. MCCaffrey, J. Findlay, and R. Lang at forward

McGill: G.W. Stephens in goal, J.N. Elder at point, H.A. Budden at cover, R.E. Palmer, J.A. Kinloch, H.D. Johnston, C.P. Brown at forward

McGill: Kinloch, Brown

Crystals: Disputed UNK

Carnival Game #4: Ottawa vs M.A.A.A., 30-31 January 1885

Final Score: 1-0 M.A.A.A.

Montreal: Paton in goal, Fred Larmouth at point, F. Barlow at cover, W. Hodgson, W. Aird, Duncan McIntyre, and R.S. Smith at forward

Ottawa: W. Odell in goal, J. Kerr at point, T. Jenkins at cover, T.D. Green at cover, H. Kirby, T. Gallagher, and G. Currier at forward

MAAA: Aird

Carnival Game #5: McGill vs M.A.A.A., 31 January 1885

Final Score: 1-0 M.A.A.A.

MAAA: Paton in goal, WD Aird, Frederick Marmonth, F. Barlow, Duncan McIntyre, William Hodgson, R.S. Smith

McGill: G.W. Stephens, J.M. Elder, H.A. Budden, J.A. Kinloch, H.D. Johnson, R.E. Palmer, C.P. Brown

Game #3: Victoria vs M.A.A.A., 6 February 1885

Final Score: 1-0 M.A.A.A.

Montreal: Paton in goal, Larmouth at point, Aird at cover, Smith, McIntyre, Hodgson, and Barlow at forward

Victorias: Shepherd in goal, Shearer at point, Arnton at cover, Barlow, Craven, Swift, and Muir at forward

Exhibition Game: Crystal vs Victoria, 17 March 1885

Final Score: 1-0 Crystals.

Crystals: Findlay in goal, Stewart at point, Cameron at cover, Hutchison, Ritchie, McGoldrick, McCaffrey at forward

Victorias: Monk in goal, Shearer at point, Arnton at cover, Sheppard, Craven, Barlow, and Swift at forward

Crystals: Ritchie

On 5, 6, 7, and 8 January, both the Montreal Star and Gazette discussed the creation of a tournament, wherein there would be a game scheduled each week. The Crystals and McGill would play a best of 3 series, the M.A.A.A. and VIctorias would play a best of 3 series, and the winner of each series would then play each other in a best of 3 series. The winner of the tournament would receive an $80 trophy. Quebec HC then challenged the winners for the “Championship of Canada”. There was also a post-season exhibition match between QHC and the Victorias, as well as a post-season Crystals vs Victorias game.

According to the Montreal Herald 5 January 1886, M.A.A.A. was the champion from 1885.

Game #1: McGill vs Crystals, 15 January 1886

Final Score: 1-0 Crystals

McGill: Stephens in goal, William Brown at point, Wilde at cover, William Hamilton, H.A. Buden, Weird, and Palmer (replaced by May) at forward

Crystals: William Hutchinson in goal, Stewart at point, Cameron at cover, M. McGoldrick, J. McGoldrick, R. Laing at forward, John Findlay at UNK, D. Elliott as a sub

Crystals: Findlay

Game #2: Victorias vs M.A.A.A., 22 January 1886

Final Score: 1-0 Victorias

Victorias: Watt in goal, T. Arnton at point, J. Muir at center, J. Craven, T> Barlow, A. Shearer, J. Arnton at forward

MAAA: Paton in goal, Larmont at point, W. Hodgson at center, R. Smith, Lowe, F. Barlow, D. McIntyre at forward

Victorias: J. Arnton

Exhibition Game #1: McGill vs Victorias, 25 January 1886

“During the evening Messs. Barlow, Craven, and Jack Arnton distinguished themselves by magnificent play”

Final Score: 8-0 Victorias

Game #3: McGill vs Crystals, 29 January 1886

Final Score: 4-1 Crystals

McGill: Weir in goal, Brown at point, Stephens at center, Budden, Wilde, Hamilton, Palmer at forward

Crystals: W. Virtue in goal, Stewart at point, Cameron at center, Laing, Hutchinson, Findlay, McGoldrick at forward

McGill: Brown
Crystals: J. McGoldrick, J. McGoldrick, J. McGoldrick, Laing

Game #4: Victorias vs M.A.A.A., 5 February 1886

“The Montreal team was strengthened by W. Aird”

“For the Montrealers, Larmonth, Barlow, and McIntyre were conspicuous for good play, as were J. Arnton, T. Arnton, A. Shearer, and E. Barlow for the Vics”

“The M.A.A.A. men, who were in capital trim, started in with a determination to wipe out the defeat of two weeks ago, while the Victorias, who were in anything but good form, went in minus one of their best men, Mr. J. Craven, whose place had to be filled by Mr. Stevenson, one of their reserves”

Face taken by J. Arnton and McIntyre

“Billy Aird, however, capture it, bearing it well up the rink. E. Barlow and Spencer made a break for its possession, but Billy was too quick for them, and just as they reached him he skillfully passed it to McIntyre”

“..marked by the splendid play of Aird and McIntyre”

Final Score: 3-1 M.A.A.A.

Victorias: Watt in goal, T. Arnton at point, Muir at centre, Shearer, J. Arnton, Stevenson, E. Barlow at forward

MAAA: T. Paton in goal, F. Larmont at point, W. Aird at centre, W. Hodgson, R. Smith, D. McIntyre, F. Barlow at forward

Victorias: Jack Arnton

MAAA: McIntyre, McIntyre, Hodgson

Game #5: Victorias vs M.A.A.A., 12 February 1886

J. Arnton and D. McIntyre did the face

“The Vics were evidently in hard luck. Time after time Jack Arnton, the inimitable, made splendid shots for goal, but some accident always prevented the puck from going through. Ed. Barlow and Cravin were here, there and everywhere. Their splendid play elicited round after round of applause, but their efforts availed them naught”

“For the Amateurs, Aird, McIntyre and Barlow were towers of strength”

Final Score: 2-1 M.A.A.A.

Victorias: Watt in goal, T. Arnton at point, J. Muir at centre, E. Stevenson, E. Barlow, J. Craven, J. Arnton at forward

MAAA: T.L. Paton in goal, Learmonth at point, W.. Aird at centre, R. Smith, D. McIntyre, F. Barlow, W. Hodgson at forward

MAAA: Smith, Aird (McIntyre)

Victorias: J. Arnton

Game #6: Crystals vs M.A.A.A., 19 February 1886

“After resuming, the chief features of the game, prior to ‘half time’, which was shortly after called, was the brilliant play of Cameron, apart from his decidedly questionable bodychecking; and, the smart goal keeping of Paton, who had to do all he knew to stop some nasty shots by the last named player”

“The Montreal team were the same that Capt. Larmont has so often led to victory. But in the Crystal team some changes had been made. The principal one was the bringing out of Virtue, a comparatively untried player. This move was a wise one, as he proved to be a giant with the stick, and played hockey like a professional, being here there and everywhere. At point we missed the tall form of Jim Stewart, but his place was ably filled by Ed. McCaffrey, who time and again saved a threatened goal and sent the puck flying to safer quarters”

“It was remarked that the Montrealers, as a team, were playing wretchedly, but the individual play of Messrs. Aird, McINtyre, Barlow and Smith was, as usual, away up. For the Crystal, every man was playing a whole game. J.A. Findlay, Laing, Virtue and Joe McGoldrick were making it real warm for their opponents, while Allan Cameron was playing as if he was the whole team himself”

Final Score: 3-0 Crystals

Crystals: W. Hutchison in goal, E. MCCaffrey at point, A. Cameron at center, R. Laing, J.Findlay, J. McGoldrick, J. Virtue at forward

MAAA: Paton in goal, F. Larmonth at point, WD Aird at center, W. Hodgson, D. McIntyre, F. Barlow, R. Smith at forward

Crystals: J. Findlay, Findlay or Virtue (Laing), Laing (Cameron)

Carnival Game #1: M.A.A.A. vs Montreal Crystals, 26 February 1886

Final Score: 1-0 M.A.A.A.

Crystals: Cameron in goal, Findlay at point, McCaffrey, J. McGoldrick, W. Hutchinson, J. Virtue at forward, R. Laing at captain

MAAA: Paton in goal, Low at point, McIntyre at cover, Barlow, Crispo, W Hodgson, R. Smith at forward, F. Larmoth as captain

MAAA: Smith

Carnival Game #2: M.A.A.A. vs Van Ness House HC, 26 February 1886

Final Score: 3-0 M.A.A.A.

Van Ness: LC Johnson in goal, CH Whitcomb at point, MA Kilvert at cover, WH Waters, ES Griffing, Howard Crane, W. Laduke at forward

MAAA: Paton in goal, Low at point, McIntyre at cover, Barlow, Crispo, Hodgson, Smith at forward, . Larmoth as captain

MAAA: Hodgson, Smith, Crispo

Carnival Game #3: Van Ness House HC vs Montreal Crystals, 26 February 1886

Final Score: 1-0 Crystals

Crystals: Cameron in goal, Findlay at point, R. Laing as captain, McCaffrey, McGoldrick, Hutchinson, J. Virtue at forward

Van Ness: LC Johnson in goal, CH Whitcomb at point, MA Kilvert at cover, WH Waters, ES Griffing, Howard Crane, W. Laduke at forward

Crystals: McGoldrick

Game #7: Crystals vs M.A.A.A., 5 March 1886

“For the M.A.A.A. all showed up in turns; for the Crystal the captain, Virtue and Cameron deserve special mention”

Crystals called Champions of Canada ; Montreal had previously held the title

Laing and Aird did the face

“For the M.A.A.A. men, Messrs. Aird, McIntyre, Barlow and Larmonth were doing splendidly, R. Smith was playing for all he was worth and was the cause of repeated calls of foul”

“Smith, the irrepressible, takes another goal”

“Joe McGoldrick, the lightning forward, scores another game”

“Allan Cameron is playing like himself and the men who rush him sit down with ‘thanks, not any more of that’”

Final Score: 4-2 Crystals

Crystals: Hutchinson in goal, Stewart at point, Cameron at center, Laing, Virtue, Findlay, McGoldrick at forward

MAAA: R. White in goal, Learmonth at point, Aird at center, McIntyre, Hodgson, Smith, Barlow at forward

MAAA: Hodgson, Smith

Crystals: Findlay, McGoldrick, McGoldrick, McGoldrick

Exhibition Game #2: Crystals vs M.A.A.A., 15 March 1886

“During the game the players who particularly distinguished themselves were, for the M.A.A.A., Messrs. Lowe, Hodgson, and McIntyre, and for the Crystals, Cameron, McGoldrick, Findley and Stewart, although the whole team played in splendid form”

Final Score: 5-0 Crystals

Crystals: W. Hutchison in goal, J. Stewart at pint, Cameron at centre, Laing, Virtue, Findlay, McGoldrick at forward

MAAA: Lockerby in goal, Crispo at point, Lowe at centre, McIntyre, Barlow, Hodgson, Smith at forward

Goals- Unknown order
Crystals: Virtue, Virtue, Laing, McGoldrick, Findlay

Championship Game #1: Crystals vs Quebec HC, 19 March 1886

“Of the Quebec team, Ashe, the Scotts and Swift played remarkably good hockey, the dodgy running of the first named frequently eliciting loud cheers from the lookers on. For the home team Laing played a consistently good game”

Final Score: Unknown- Crystals awarded the win after 28 minutes of play. A.E. Scott was injured, the Crystals refused to drop a player, and “as these representatives of a so-called first class hockey team were the sole possessors of the ice when ‘time’ was called, the referee declared the game ended in favor of the Montreal men”

Crystals: Stewart in goal, McGolrick, Virtue, findlay, Cameron, Hutchison, Laing

Quebec: W Scott, F Ashe, B. Patton in goal, A Swift, RJ Davidson, M.B. Colley, AE Scott

Exhibition Game #3: Quebec HC vs Victorias, 20 March 1886

“Where all played remarkably fine hockey it would be invidious to particularize, but it was evident that the advantage lay with the visitors (read: Quebec), who were the heavier men, and had, also, the pace of all the home team except J. Arnton. The Vics missed the goal keeper, Watts”

“Still, the Vics played a fine game, the playing of the Messrs. Arnton and Barlow being particularly good, while Ash of the Quebecers was conspicuous for his roughness and want of knowledge of the game”

Final Score: 4-1 Quebec

Victorias: Tom Arnton in goal, J. Arnton at point, J. Craven at center, T. Barlow and A. Shearer at forward

Quebec: Patton in goal, Ash at point, Davidson at center, Colley and Swift at forward

Victorias: Craven or J. Arnton (Maybe J. Arnton), J. Arnton

Quebec: Ash, Davidson, UNK, UNK

Exhibition Game #4: Crystals vs Victorias, 24 March 1886

Also called a battle for the Championship- Victorias the champs?

Arnton and Laing did the face

“On the Crystal side Laing, Findley, Virtue and McGoldrick were playing a magnificent game, as were Shearer, Craven and Barlow of the Vics. Jack Arnton was taking things quietly, and was paying more attention to the direction of his team than to his own play”

“Jack Arnton began to show his magnificent play which he had apparently held in reserve during the first half”

“Findlay, Cameron, and McGoldrick were conspicuous for the home team and did excellent work”

“Even at this early stage of the game, Barlow, Craven and Shearer and shown up well, the others, and especially J. Arnton, being a little weak”

“In the play off of a third half hour the Victorias were all over the Crystals, Jack Arnton being specially good”

Final Score: 4-1 Victorias

Crystals: Hutchison in goal, J. Stewart at point, A. Cameron at center, J. McGoldrick, J. Findlay, Virtue, Laing

Victorias: T. Arnton in goal, J. Muir at point, Stevenson, J. Craven, W. Barlow, J. Arnton, A. Shearer at point

Crystals: Findlay

Victorias: W. Barlow, W. Barlow, Craven, Shearer
I assume the strikethrough on the text is a copy error?
I assume the strikethrough on the text is a copy error?
Maybe? It wasn't there when I initially copied it from my google doc. It only showed up after I posted it, which is odd. I initially wondered if something happened when I added the spoilers, but not all of the text with spoilers was stricken through.
Of my many years doing this, I'd safely say this would place on my Mt. Rushmore of toughest, hold my whiskey, moments, I've encountered.

Moose Johnson was a different breed. He had another game where his jaw was broken and he stayed in and dominated. Numerous feats of pain tolerance by this old timer. They don't make them like Ernie (and many others of times long past) anymore.

Vancouver Daily World

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada • Sat, Feb 3, 1912Page 14




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AHAC- Top 5 Points by season

1887 (challenge schedule)
Dolly Swift707
J. Craven5.505.5
Jack Campbell5.505.5
Jack Arnton505
Andy Shearer3.503.5

1888 (home and away schedule)
James Virtue8.5311.5
Jack Campbell7.518.5
D.A. Elliott6.8306.83
Archie Hodgson4.515.5
Fred Ashe4.515.5

1889 (challenge schedule)
Archie McNaughton7.8329.83
Archie Hodgson6.3306.33
Jack Findlay6.3306.33
J. McDonald5.505.5
Sam Lee3.525.5

1890 (challenge schedule)
Archie McNaughton12113
Dave Brown5.527.5
Jack Findlay5.516.5
Alex Kingan505
Andy Ritchie314

1891 (challenge schedule)
George Lowe4.515.5
Alex Kingan3.503.5
Archie McNaughton303
Sam Lee2.502.5
C. Smith112

1892 (challenge schedule)
Reginald Bradley11011
Halder Kirby6.517.5
George Lowe516
Jack Kerr426
Herbert Russell314

1893 (home and away schedule)
Haviland Routh15.5116.5
Archie Hodgson8.55.514
Reginald Bradley12.75.7513.5
W. Murray9.5211.5
Dolly Swift11.511.5

1894 (home and away schedule)
Herbert Russell9.336.1715.5
Haviland Routh8.54.513
Dolly Swift10.5212.5
Chauncey Kirby7.16512.16
Billy Barlow819

1895 (home and away schedule)
Haviland Routh18.518.5
Bob MacDougall104.1614.16
Graham Drinkwater9.54.6614.16
Norman Rankin9.53.1612.66
Archie Hodgson5.5712.5

1896 (home and away schedule)
Bob MacDougall124.516.5
Shirley Davidson5.758.514.25
Dolly Swift7.833.511.33
Aubrey Mussen8210
Chauncey Kirby4610

1897 (home and away schedule)
Bob MacDougall18.56.6625.16
Billy Barlow10.665.6716.33
Ernie McLea11.66415.66
Clare McKerrow11.83314.83
Shirley Davidson4.179.3313.5

1898 (home and away schedule)
Bob MacDougall15.56.522
Cam Davidson11.5920.5
Clare McKerrow13.334.517.83
Graham Drinkwater11.5415.5
James Gillespie10.52.513

As always, please point out any mistakes you see. As more sources become available, I anticipate these numbers changing, just like they have changed since the pre-merger project.
CAHL Top 5 Points by Season

Harry Trihey17.5219.5
Art Farrell9716
Cam Davidson8715
Jack Brannen8.52.510.5
Clare McKerrow10.510.5

Harry Trihey15.752.518.25
Russell Bowie15.33.515.83
Art Farrell11.752.514.25
James Gillespie10.83313.83
Billy Christmas11.83112.83

Russell Bowie23.83225.83
Lorne Campbell9.53.513
Art Farrell9.83312.83
Harry Trihey8.83210.83
Charlie Liffiton6.83410.83

Archie Hooper16.51.1717.67
Rat Westwick12.832.6715.5
Russell Bowie13215
Jack Marshall122.514.5
Charlie Liffiton7.662.6710.33

Russell Bowie23.833.527.33
Frank McGee15.33924.33
Herb Jordan13417
Billy Gilmour9.335.514.83
Rat Westwick57.512.5

Russell Bowie27.51.3328.83
Herb Jordan21223
Blair Russel16.66016.66
Cavie Howard16016
Frank McGee13.831.515.33

Russell Bowie28230
Joe Power23023
Blair Russel18.52.1620.66
Herb Jordan18.332.1720.5
Colin Foulis16117

Like always, please point out any errors. And, like always, this will likely change as more information becomes available.
Top 10s for the entirety of the AHAC (1887-1898)

Weldy Young59
Dolly Swift51
James Stewart51
Dave Brown50
Allan Cameron50
Dave Watson49
A.D. Scott48
D.A. Elliott48
Herb Collins46
Tom Paton46

Bob MacDougall60.5
Dolly Swift57.83
Haviland Routh42.5
Billy Barlow38.16
Graham Drinkwater36.33
Clare McKerrow31.41
Chauncey Kirby30.75
Shirley Davidson29.92
Archie Hodgson29.83
Dave Brown28.5

Shirley Davidson23.83
Bob MacDougall21.83
Archie Hodgson17.5
Weldy Young16.67
Cam Davidson14.5
Chauncey Kirby14
Billy Barlow13.17
Graham Drinkwater12.17
Herb Russell10.83
Dolly Swift10.5

Bob MacDougall82.33
Dolly Swift68.33
Shirley Davidson53.75
Billy Barlow51.33
Haviland Routh49
Graham Drinkwater48.5
Archie Hodgson47.33
Chauncey Kirby44.75
Clare McKerrow38.91
Herb Russell38.33

The usual disclaimers
Top 10s for the entirety of the CAHL (1899-1905)

Russell Bowie52
Blair Russel47
Bouse Hutton36
George Cummings31
Paddy Moran30
Eddie Hogan29
Jack Brennan29
James Gillespie28
Billy Nicholson28
Rat Westwick25
Charlie Liffiton25
Hod Stuart25
Chic Henry25
Harvey Pulford25

Russell Bowie141.83
Blair Russel70.16
Herb Jordan52.33
Harry Trihey42.08
Joe Power36.5
Archie Hooper31
Art Farrell30.58
Cavie Howard30.5
Frank McGee29.16
Rat Westwick28.83

Rat Westwick13.67
Art Farrell12.5
Russell Bowie11.32
Frank McGee10.5
Jack Brannen10
Hod Stuart9.17
Herb Jordan8.17
Blair Russel8
James Gillespie8
Charlie Liffiton7.67

Russell Bowie153.15
Blair Russel78.16
Herb Jordan60.5
Harry Trihey48.58
Art Farrell43.08
Rat Westwick42.5
Joe Power41.83
Frank McGee39.66
Cavie Howard35.16
James Gillespie34.66

Standard disclaimers
AHAC + CAHL Top 10s (1887-1905)

Weldy Young66
Harvey Pulford61
Frank Stocking59
Mike Grant56
Dave Watson54
Rat Westwick53
Herb Collins53
Russell Bowie52
Dolly Swift52
A.D. Scott51
James Stewart51

Russell Bowie141.83
Blair Russel70.16
Bob MacDougall68
Dolly Swift57.83
Herb Jordan52.33
Rat Westwick46.66
Harry Trihey46.58
Haviland Routh42.5
Clare McKerrow41.41
Billy Barlow38.16

Shirley Davidson23.83
Bob MacDougall22.83
Cam Davidson21.5
Weldy Young21.17
Rat Westwick19.84
Chauncey Kirby18
Archie Hodgson17.5
Graham Drinkwater14.67
Art Farrell13.35
Billy Barlow13.17

Russell Bowie153.16
Bob MacDougall90.83
Blair Russell78.16
Dolly Swift68.33
Rat Westwick66.5
Herb Jordan60.5
Shirley Davidson53.75
Chauncey Kirby53.25
Harry Trihey53.08
Billy Barlow51.33

Standard disclaimers
The statistical dominance of Russell Bowie is something else.
It really is- especially over time. Bowie's peak dominance for a single season which I think is 1901, with a Vs2 of 198.69. Really the only individual season that really rivals that is Billy Breen's 1904 season in whatever the Manitoba league was calling itself at that point, when he had 22.5 points while second place (Charlie Dodd) ended up with 9, giving Breen a Vs2 of 250. Of course, the talent level of the 1901 CAHL was likely substantially higher than Breen's league.

And, of course, Bowie did it for what feels like ages:

1899: 6th
1900: 2nd
1901: 1st
1902: 3rd
1903: 1st
1904: 1st
1905: 1st
1906: 1st
1907: 1st
1908: 2nd

That 1900-1908 run is pretty great. Of course- and this is the big caveat- we are looking at quite possibly the highest levels of talent dispersion in that period (1903-1906 in particular). The FAHL had a good couple years that took away some of the Montreal Wanderers and Frank McGee. Tommy Phillips went off (or back to) Manitoba to play for Rat Portage for a while (and the year he came back- the only year Phillips and Bowie played in the same league- Phillips led in points) and spent a year in the OHA. Hod Stuart and some other high-level players where in the WPHL/IPHL. Plus we had some weird circumstances, like Trihey having that injury he never fully recovered from, Archie Hooper dying, etc.

Even after the end of the IPHL, not everybody went to the ECAHA- a guy like Newsy Lalonde ended up in the OPHL, and there was enough talent in that league at that time that he didn't blow the doors off of it. While Lalonde did lead the league in points with 33, Lady Taylor had 29 and Bert Morrison had 28.

It has become apparent to me that we have marginalized the "other" leagues of the era- the AHAC/CAHL/ECAHA, while they were often (if not always) the best league around, didn't have anything close to a monopoly on talent. As such, traditional measures of offense like Vs2 are quite likely inappropriate.

VsX/Vs1/Vs2 also provide a problem for the really early years in that recorded point totals were pretty low. As such, point differences of 1 or 2 end up with a substantial impact- an impact that doesn't exist now. If the benchmark player had 10 points, each point below that reduces a players score by 10, right? If the benchmark player is at 100, each point below reduces a players score by 1. I think we need something else for the low points era.

And since I'm on the topic- even if we are going to use VsX/1/2 for this timer period due to a lack of better options, I'm wondering if 7 years is even the right call for the whole time period. For guys who debuted prior to about 1895 (don't hold me to that, just going off the cuff at the moment), it seems like a 5 year period would be more representative of the norm.
It really is- especially over time. Bowie's peak dominance for a single season which I think is 1901, with a Vs2 of 198.69. Really the only individual season that really rivals that is Billy Breen's 1904 season in whatever the Manitoba league was calling itself at that point, when he had 22.5 points while second place (Charlie Dodd) ended up with 9, giving Breen a Vs2 of 250. Of course, the talent level of the 1901 CAHL was likely substantially higher than Breen's league.

And, of course, Bowie did it for what feels like ages:

1899: 6th
1900: 2nd
1901: 1st
1902: 3rd
1903: 1st
1904: 1st
1905: 1st
1906: 1st
1907: 1st
1908: 2nd

That 1900-1908 run is pretty great. Of course- and this is the big caveat- we are looking at quite possibly the highest levels of talent dispersion in that period (1903-1906 in particular). The FAHL had a good couple years that took away some of the Montreal Wanderers and Frank McGee. Tommy Phillips went off (or back to) Manitoba to play for Rat Portage for a while (and the year he came back- the only year Phillips and Bowie played in the same league- Phillips led in points) and spent a year in the OHA. Hod Stuart and some other high-level players where in the WPHL/IPHL. Plus we had some weird circumstances, like Trihey having that injury he never fully recovered from, Archie Hooper dying, etc.

Even after the end of the IPHL, not everybody went to the ECAHA- a guy like Newsy Lalonde ended up in the OPHL, and there was enough talent in that league at that time that he didn't blow the doors off of it. While Lalonde did lead the league in points with 33, Lady Taylor had 29 and Bert Morrison had 28.

It has become apparent to me that we have marginalized the "other" leagues of the era- the AHAC/CAHL/ECAHA, while they were often (if not always) the best league around, didn't have anything close to a monopoly on talent. As such, traditional measures of offense like Vs2 are quite likely inappropriate.

VsX/Vs1/Vs2 also provide a problem for the really early years in that recorded point totals were pretty low. As such, point differences of 1 or 2 end up with a substantial impact- an impact that doesn't exist now. If the benchmark player had 10 points, each point below that reduces a players score by 10, right? If the benchmark player is at 100, each point below reduces a players score by 1. I think we need something else for the low points era.

And since I'm on the topic- even if we are going to use VsX/1/2 for this timer period due to a lack of better options, I'm wondering if 7 years is even the right call for the whole time period. For guys who debuted prior to about 1895 (don't hold me to that, just going off the cuff at the moment), it seems like a 5 year period would be more representative of the norm.

This is all fantastic work and much appreciated!

I think it's amazing we're finally getting to see the real impact and rapid growth of hockey not only in Canada but even parts of the US.

I think the most amazing aspect to Bowie's career, beyond the Gretzky like dominance, and longevity, is that he didn't put those figures up on a stacked roster, gleaming with talent all around him. He was never on a super deep roster like the Silver Seven, or Wanderers.
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ECAHA Top 5 Points per Season

Russell Bowie30.5636.5
Harry Smith31.5132.5
Alf Smith12.51830.5
Frank McGee26.52.529
Joe Power215.526.5

Russell Bowie3911.550.5
Ernie Russell42.51.544
Alf Smith16.3317.533.83
Harry Smith22527
Blair Russel23427

Tommy Phillips25.516.8342.33
Russell Bowie28.337.6736
Marty Walsh26.53.8330.33
Herb Jordan22.337.529.83
Chubby Power22527

Marty Walsh41.83849.83
Herb Jordan327.539.5
Bruce Stuart21.331536.33
Dubbie Kerr19.836.526.33
Chubby Power196.525.5
Top 10s for the entirety of the ECAHA (1906-1909)

Pud Glass41
Moose Johnson40
Joe Power40
Paddy Moran38
Walter Smaill36
Herb Jordan33
Riley Hern32
Harvey Pulford29
Russell Bowie29
Alf Smith28

Russell Bowie97.83
Ernie Russell82.83
Herb Jordan81.16
Marty Walsh68.33
Harry Smith62.5
Walter Smaill48.83
Pud Glass45.5
Moose Johnson45
Chubby Power41.5
Joe Power39

Alf Smith39
Rat Westwick27.5
Russell Bowie25.17
Herb Jordan22.5
Moose Johnson19.83
Tommy Phillips16.83
Bruce Stuart15
Joe Power14
Cyclone Taylor13.33
Jimmy Gardner12.5

Russell Bowie123
Herb Jordan103.66
Ernie Russell86.33
Marty Walsh72.16
Harry Smith70.5
Alf Smith70.33
Moose Johnson64.83
Rat Westwick59.33
Pud Glass53.33
Joe Power53
Chubby Power53
Last edited:
Top 10s for the entirety of the ECAHA (1906-1909)

Pud Glass41
Moose Johnson40
Joe Power40
Paddy Moran38
Walter Smaill36
Herb Jordan33
Riley Hern32
Harvey Pulford29
Alf Smith28
Rat Westwick27
Jack McDonald27

Russell Bowie97.83
Ernie Russell82.83
Herb Jordan81.16
Marty Walsh68.33
Harry Smith62.5
Walter Smaill48.83
Pud Glass45.5
Moose Johnson45
Chubby Power41.5
Joe Power39

Alf Smith39
Rat Westwick27.5
Russell Bowie25.17
Herb Jordan22.5
Moose Johnson19.83
Tommy Phillips16.83
Bruce Stuart15
Joe Power14
Cyclone Taylor13.33
Jimmy Gardner12.5

Russell Bowie123
Herb Jordan103.66
Ernie Russell86.33
Marty Walsh72.16
Harry Smith70.5
Alf Smith70.33
Moose Johnson64.83
Rat Westwick59.33
Pud Glass53.33
Joe Power53
Chubby Power53

Bowie leading the pack statistically without even showing up on the games played leaderboard is a striking feature.
Bowie leading the pack statistically without even showing up on the games played leaderboard is a striking feature.
Thanks for pointing that out- I figured that couldn't possibly be right, and it wasn't. I made an error in copying over his games played, he had 29 from 1906-1908. That number is good for T-8th over the course of the league. I have fixed the table.

But, yeah- Bowie's offensive dominance over time here is unparalleled.
AHAC+CAHL+ECAHA Top 10s (1887-1909)

Harvey Pulford90
Russell Bowie81
Rat Westwick80
Paddy Moran68
Blair Russel67
Weldy Young66
Frank Stocking59
Joe Power58
Alf Smith56
Mike Grant56

Russell Bowie239.66
Herb Jordan133.5
Blair Russel108.66
Ernie Russell96.16
Rat Westwick78.5
Joe Power75.5
Marty Walsh68.33
Bob MacDougall68
Harry Smith62.5
Alf Smith59.83

Rat Westwick47.33
Alf Smith47
Russell Bowie36.5
Herb Jordan30.66
Shirley Davidson23.83
Bob MacDougall22.83
Cam Davidson21.5
Moose Johnson21.33
Weldy Young21.17
Joe Power19.33

Russell Bowie276.16
Herb Jordan164.16
Rat Westwick125.83
Blair Russel125.66
Alf Smith106.83
Ernie Russell100.66
Joe Power94.83
Bob MacDougall90.83
Moose Johnson74.83
Marty Walsh72.16

Standard Disclaimers

Some notes- I really hesitated to post this full version, because there are a couple issues everyone should be aware of. First, the usuals- coverage varies year to year, names are tricky, especially in the first decade or so, etc.

Second, this doesn't take the FAHL years into account. I have that data and will post it at another time, but I deliberately kept it separate because it was not the direct line to the NHA/NHL. Plus, it was a pretty poor league outside of the Wanderers for 1904 and 1905 and Ottawa HC for 1905.

Third, the scoring environment really changed by the mid 1900s. From 1887 to 1905 (so the AHAC through the CAHL) only two players ever hit 25+ points- Bob MacDougall in 1897, and Russell Bowie in 1901, 1903, 1904, and 1905. None hit 30 points. So, 5 total 25+ point seasons in 18 years. Over the course of the ECAHA (4 seasons, 1906-1909), here are the 25+ point seasons-

Russell Bowie: 1906, 1907, 1908
Harry Smith: 1906, 1907
Alf Smith: 1906, 1907, 1908
Frank McGee: 1906
Joe Power: 1906
Ernie Russell: 1907
Blair Russell: 1907
Tommy Phillips: 1908
Marty Walsh: 1908, 1909
Herb Jordan: 1908, 1909
Chubby Power: 1908, 1909
Bruce Stuart: 1909
Dubbie Kerr: 1909

And the ones that hit 30-
Russell Bowie: 1906, 1907, 1908
Harry Smith: 1906
Alf Smith: 1906
Ernie Russell: 1907
Tommy Phillips: 1908
Marty Walsh: 1908, 1909
Herb Jordan: 1909
Bruce Stuart: 1909

And the ones that hit 35-
Russell Bowie: 1906, 1907, 1908
Ernie Russell: 1907
Tommy Phillips: 1908
Marty Walsh: 1909
Herb Jordan: 1909
Bruce Stuart: 1909

And the ones that hit 40-
Russell Bowie: 1907
Ernie Russell: 1907
Tommy Phillips: 1908
Marty Walsh: 1909

And the ones that hit 45-
Russell Bowie: 1907
Marty Walsh: 1909

And the ones that hit 50-
Russell Bowie: 1907

Fourthly (that looks wrong, haha), this obviously doesn't account for what players did in other leagues or after this time period.
MHA-MPHL Top 5s (1892-1909, minus 1908 due to a lack of coverage so far... does not include MNHA or WCHA information)

Jack Armytage10
Tom Howard6
Harry Beckett5
Fred Ashe5
Bob Girdlestone4

Charles Macdonnell1

Jack Armytage10
Tom Howard6
Harry Beckett5
Fred Ashe5
Bob Girdlestone4

Tom Howard9
Jack Armytage7
Hugh Taylor6.7
Bob Girdlestone5.2
Colin Campbell5

Tom Howard2
Bob Girdlestone2
Harry Beckett2
Fred Higginbotham2
Hugh Taylor1.5
Ford Thompson1.5
Rod Flett1.5

Tom Howard11
Hugh Taylor8.2
Jack Armytage8
Bob Girdlestone7.2
Charles Macdonnell5.2

Dan Bain9.5
Jack Armytage6.5
Tom Howard3
Colin Campbell1
Rod Flett1
Ford Thompson1
Claude Dennison1
Walter Wickson1
Bob Girdlestone1

Tom Howard1
Charles Macdonnell1

Dan Bain9.5
Jack Armytage6.5
Tom Howard4
Charles Macdonnell1
Colin Campbell1
Rod Flett1
Ford Thompson1
Claude Dennison1
Walter Wickson1
Bob GIrdlestone1

Dan Bain12.16
Jack Armytage8.16
Colin Campbell5.16
Tom Howard3.5

Collin Campbell7.14
Dan Bain5.14
Tom Howard3.5
Jack Armytage3.14
Monte Black1.17
Tony Gingras1.17

Dan Bain17.3
Colin Campbell12.3
Jack Armytage11.3
Tom Howard7
Tony Gingras4

Dan Bain5
Jack Armytage3
Tom Howard3
Tony Gingras3

Dan Bain1
Jack Armytage1
Tom Howard1
Tony Gingras1
Rod Flett1

Dan Bain6
Jack Armytage4
Tom Howard4
Tony Gingras4

Dan Bain11
Tom Howard7
Tony Gingras4
Colin Campbell2

Dan Bain1
Tony Gingras1
Colin Campbell1
Jack Armytage1

Dan Bain12
Tom Howard7
Tony Gingras5
Colin Campbell3

Dan Bain11.33
Tony Gingras5.33
Tom Howard5.33
Charles Johnstone3
Colin Campbell1
R.A.C. Manning1
Elswood Richards1
Charlie McGaw1

Tony Gingras2.67
Dan Bain2
Charles Johnstone2
Colin Campbell2
Sel Macdonald1.5

Dan Bain13.33
Tony Gingras8
Tom Howard6.5
Charles Johnstone5
Colin Campbell3

W.N. Roxborough10.5
Dan Bain8.5
Tony Gingras3
Colin Campbell3
Sel Macdonald3

W.N. Roxborough3
Tony Gingras3
George Killam2
R.A.C. Manning2
Elswood Richards1.66

W.N. Roxborough13.5
Dan Bain9.5
Tony Gingras6
George Killan3.5

Billy Breen3
Tony Gingras2
Dan Bain2
Charles Johnstone2
Burke Wood1
Magnus FLett1
R.A.C. Manning1
Elsewood RIchards1

Burke Wood2
Charlie McGaw2
Tony Gingras1

Burke Wood3
Tony GIngras3
Billy Breen3
Charlie McGaw2
Dan Bain2
Charles Johnstone2

Burke Wood5
Fred Scanlan5
Fred Cadham4
Billy Breen4
Dan Bain3
Magnus Flett3
Claude Nash3

Rod Flett1.5
Burke Wood1
an Bain1
Tony Gingras1
R.A.C. Manning1
George Killam1

Burke Wood6
Fred Scanlan5
Dan Bain4
Fred Cadham4
Billy Breen4

Fred Cadham10.5
Billy Breen9
Burke Wood7.5
Billy Bawlf6.5
R.A.C. Manning5.5
Fred Scanlan5.5

Charles Johnstone1.5
Fred Cadham1
Billy Bawlf1
Percy Brown1
R.A.C. Manning.5

Fred Cadham11.5
Billy Breen9
Billy Bawlf7.5
Burke Wood7.5
R.A.C. Manning6

Billy Breen21.5
Charlie Dodd9
Cluade Borland7
Billy Kean6
Claude Robinson6

Billy Kean2
Joe Hall2
ave Keith2
Billy Breen1
Claude Robinson1
Billy Bawlf1
Percy Brown1

Billy Breen22.5
Charlie Dodd9
Billy Kean8
Joe Hall7
Claue Robinson7
Claude Borland7

Billy McGimsie26
Tommy Phillips22
Billy Breen18
Clint Bennest13
Joe Hall11
Edgar Dey11

Harry Kennedy5
Tommy Phillips4.33
Si Griffis3.33
Tom Hooper3.33
Gerald Aldous3

Billy McGimsie28
Tommy Phillips26.33
Billy Breen18
Clint Bennest14
Si Griffis13.33

Billy Breen24.5
Tommy Phillips23
Billy McGImsie18.5
Billy Kean10.5
Si Griffis9.5

Tommy Phillips10
Charley Haddock4.5
Gerald Aldous4
Billy Breen3
Harry Gordon3

Tommy Phillips33
Billy Breen27.5
Billy McGimsie19.5
Billy Kean13
Charley Haddock10.5
Si Griffis10.5

Harry Nesbitt14
Joe Hall13
George Smith13
Tommy Phillips13

Art Ross2
Edgar Dey2
Joe Hall1
George Smith1
Si Griffis1
Alf Smith1
Fred Whitcroft1
Tuff Bellefuille1

Joe Hall14
George Smith14
Harry Nesbitt14
Tommy Phillips13

1908- Incomplete Data, skipping for now

Harry Nesbitt18
Tommy Dunderdale17.5
Harry Kennedy13
Kid Poulin12.5

Harry Kennedy9
Jim Jackson4
John Jackson4
Dan Flett4

Harry Kenney22
Tommy Dunderdale20
Harry Nesbitt20
Jim Jackson15
Kid Poulin15
Last edited:
MHA + MPHL (minus 1908) Total Top 10s

Magnus Flett38
Billy Breen37
Charlie Quinn35
Tony Gingras34
Tom Howard30
Whitey Merritt30
Percy Brown28
Joe Hall26
Charles Johnstone26
Rod Flett26

Billy Breen86
Dan Bain62.5
Tommy Phillips58
Billy McGimsie46.5
Tom Howard36.83
Jack Armytage34.66
Harry NEsbitt32
Billy Kean31.5
Joe Hall31

Tommy Phillips14.33
Dan Bain11.14
Harry Kennedy11
Tony Gingras10.84
Colin Campbell10.14
Billy Kean9
Tom Howard8.67
Gerald Aldous7
Billy Breen6.66
Si Griffis5.33

Billy Breen92.66
Dan Bain73.64
Tommy Phillips72.33
Billy McGimsie50
Tom Howard45.5
Billy Kean40.5
Jack Armytage39.8
Tony Gingras36
Joe Hall36
Harry Nesbitt34

I currently have access to far fewer sources for the Manitoba leagues than I do for the AHAC/CAHL/ECAHA, and it shows when it comes to things like assists.
In 1905, the Winnipeg Rowing Club and Winnipeg Victorias, in addition to their regular league, held a Winnipeg City Championship series consisting of 3 games. Since the Manitoba league consisted of two teams for several years (1894-95 through 1903-04 - and from 1902-1903 to 1903-04 specifically it consisted of the Rowing Club and Victorias), I wanted to collect this season as well.

Billy Breen7
Harry Kennedy6
Mervar Hay6
Dave Keith3
Harry Gordon2
Jack Kennedy2
Billy Kean1
Arthur Smith1
Charlie Dodd1
Magnus Flett1

Billy Breen1
Billy Kean1
Claude Borland1
Billy ield1
Gerald Aldous1
Billy Brown1

Billy Breen8
Harry Kennedy6
Mervar Hay6
ave Keith3
Billy Kean2
Harry Gordon2
Jack KEnnedy2
Claude Borland1
Billy Field1
Gerald Aldous1
Billy Brown1
Arthur Smith1
Charlie Dodd1
Magnus Flett1

And when the Manitoba league went professional in 1907, not all the clubs and players were interested. So they established the WCHA, consistinting of the Winnipeg Winnipegs, Winnipeg Victorias, and Winnipeg Shamrocks.

Billy Breen20
Bert Boulton8
Pat Lake6
Harry Kennedy5
Kerr Patton5

Billy Breen2
Harry Kennedy1
Kerr Patton1
Gerald Aldous1

Billy Breen22
Bert Boulton8
Harry Kennedy6
Pat Lake6
Kerr Patton5
Claude Borland5
Wrapped up the research portion of the Moose Johnson bio.

Couple of big bullet points.

1. He was considered by numerous sources to be Cyclone Taylor's equal (played very well against Taylor head to head), not just hometown papers. Moose was certainly in the conversation for best player in the world by 1910-11 and was routinely cited as the best defenseman out west and in the world for the vast majority of his career. Like Clapper, he started off as a good/great winger (not elite) and then found massive success upon moving to defense. Johnson's peak is stellar and possesses longevity few others can match, certainly from the pre-consolidation era.

2. Johnson invented the poke check in Montreal. This was confirmed by Alf Smith and others in very fine detail. The NHL singled him out for his absolute dominance decades later with the poke check, which has to be put into the class of how Nighbor and Walker are talked about, reading everything above. Defensively he was a good as you can get. Offensively he was a sensational rusher, very highly regarded, though his effectiveness was more tied to creating/passing than shooting (missing a few fingers on his left hand key reason)

3. Can't say I've studied a tougher player to this point. Most of the injuries Moose played with or suffered in game, would be weeks if not months of recovery time in the modern age, let alone staying in a game and playing brilliantly. His performance after getting hit in the eye with a Lalonde shot is stuff of legends. And he played his entire career with 3 fingers missing from his left hand.

The one big plus about not working currently, is I've had significantly more time to invest in research and I'm so thankful for that. Moose was a fun study indeed! I'll have a more thorough write-up in the weeks to come.

I was uncertain about sharing this one too, but figured maybe you all could help me refine what I am looking for here.

I was inspired by @jigglysquishy 's postings of weighted all-star finishes during the goalie project. Given the difficulties with a VsX/1/2/etc system for these early years, perhaps we can get a sense of how the pre-1909 AHAC/CAHL/ECAHA players stacked up against each other offensively by looking at their weighted finishes.

I used the same general idea- a 1st place finish is awarded 5 points, a 2nd place finish is worth 3, and a 3rd place finish nets 1 point. I counted ties. I figure that, given the small pool of players, anything lower than a third place finish is probably not all that important in a greater, historical context.

I did this for goals, assists, points, and then I also added the three categories together for a "total" category. I used the stats I have put together from my readings of the game summaries, using as many sources as possible for each game. As such, there were often cases where different sources reported different scorers, so this does use what I call "split" points.

As I am sure you all know, assists are tricky for this time period. I initially did this without any adjustments, but got some really odd results for the "total" category. When I looked for possible causes, I quickly noticed that, prior to 1893, players would lead the league or finish top 3 in assists with minuscule numbers- 2, 1.5, etc. Furthermore, oftentimes the players in the top-3 assists for this time period were not players who received a ton of praise in the summaries, leading me to believe that assists in the pre-1893 time period were not truly representative of who was really leading the way in that category, that it was, for lack of a better word, chance that led to their assists being captured by the newspaper coverage while the assists of others went unreported.

Accordingly, I decided to remove pre-1893 assist finishes from this study. I have the data if anyone is really interested, but these numbers are much more in-line (though not what I would call a perfect fit) with how I interpret the prevailing thoughts of the day, based on the contemporary reports; and as I have said multiple times, I trust what is written about the players a lot more than what the reconstructed stats tables show. The stats tables are useful in providing a quick reference, but nothing should replace the game summaries, in my opinion.

As a quick justification for this decision, let me provide a quick justification- between 1887-1909, 36 players finished top 3 in goals and 40 players finished top 3 in points. When I include pre-1893 assist finishes, I have 62 players finishing in the top 3. Once I remove the pre-1893 assist finishes, that number drops to 42, which is much more in-line with the goals and points finishes.

Before I post the top 10s and some conclusions, I'd like to stress that this only captures the 1887-1909 AHAC/CAHL/ECAHA. As such there are several players who don't show up as highly as we would expect, or don't show up at all. Guys like Frank McGee, Bruce Stuart, Tommy Phillips, Marty Walsh, etc, would almost certainly look a lot better in this metric had they played their entire careers in these leagues in these time periods. It also doesn't cover Stanley Cup games.

I think that's all the stuff I'd like to get to before the tables, so here we go-

NameFirstSecondThirdTotal FinishesTotal Points
Russell Bowie5501040
Bob MacDougall310418
Dolly Swift222618
Archie McNaughton201311
Haviland Routh201311
Harry Trihey200210
Reginald Bradley11028
Marty Walsh11028
Clare McKerrow02137
Herb Jordan02137

NameFirstSecondThirdTotal FinishesTotal Points
Alf Smith210313
Shirley Davidson200210
Cam Davidson200210
Rat Westwick02359
Archie Hodgson11028
Bob MacDougall02248
Chauncey Kirby02026
Charlie Liffiton10126
Allan Cameron10015
Herbert Russell10005
Art Farrell10005
Jack Brannen10005
Frank McGee10005
Joe Power10005
Lester Patrick10005
Tommy Phillips10005
Bruce Stuart10005

NameFirstSecondThirdTotal FinishesTotal Points
Russell Bowie621937
Bob MacDougall310418
Haviland Routh210313
Archie McNaughton201311
Harry Trihey200210
Dolly Swift10237
Herb Jordan02137
Jack Campbell02026
Archie Hodgson02026
George Lowe10126
Reginald Bradley10126
Marty Walsh10126

NameTotal Points
Russell Bowie81
Bob MacDougall44
Haviland Routh25
Dolly Swift25
Archie McNaughton22
Harry Trihey20
Archie Hodgson17
Alf Smith15
Reginald Bradley14
Marty Walsh14
Herb Jordan14
Cam Davidson14


Alright, let's just get this out of the way... I am sick and tired of typing "Russell Bowie" at the top of all these stats tables! Seriously, though, look at that level of dominance. Yes, we should keep in mind that the (likely) best offensive players of his day (Tommy Phillips, Frank McGee) didn't always play in the same league as he did, but, man, he simply produced against the guys he had an opportunity to play with and against.

Even removing the pre-1893 assists, these tables look a bit older than I expected. Having thought about it a bit, I think there are two factors that likely impacted this-

1) ... Russell Bowie. For about a 9 year stretch, the players in the CAHL/ECAHA were basically competing for 2 spots since Bowie had a lock on one of them (and more often than not, the top spot). Perhaps I should do this again without Bowie and see what happens.

2a) Career lengths. I spent some time over the weekend looking at the average career length by Senior debut year. I have a little over 100 players who debuted pre-AHAC (1881-1886), with the average season count being 3.22. Taking out all the players who only played 1 or two seasons, the average climbs to 5.52. I have around 200 players who debuted in the AHAC (1887-1898), with an average season count of 3.4. Taking out the players who only played 1 or 2 seasons, the average climbs to 5.54. Granted, this likely undercounts some of the non-Montreal player seasons, but I don't think it would change the numbers that much considering we have a sample size of over 300 here. I think we are safe to say that the average career length for AHAC and Pre-AHAC players was 5.5 to 6 seasons. I'm not through the CAHL and ECAHA yet, but my general sense is that we are looking at a much higher number. It wouldn't surprise me if we are looking at career lengths of 8-10 years being the average at that point (once we take out the players who played 1 or 2 seasons).

2b) Short careers lead to higher turnover/more players from a particular time period getting credit for points finishes. Let's just look at the Total top 10 by year (only looking at AHAC/CAHL/ECAHA time)

Russell Bowie: 1899 debut, played in the CAHL/ECAHA through 1908 (high points finishes 1900-1908)
Bob MacDougall: 1894-1899 (high points finishes 1895-1898)
Haviland Routh: 1891-1897 (high points finishes 1893-1895)
Dolly Swift: 1881-1899 (high points finishes in 1887, 1893-1896)
Archie McNaughton: 1888-189 (high points finishes 1889-1890)
Harry Trihey: 1897-1902 (high points finishes 1899-1900)
Archie Hodgson: 1887-1895 (high points finishes 1888, 1893, 1895)
Alf Smith: 1895-1897 ; 1904-1908 (high points finishes 1897, 1906-1908)
Reginald Bradley: 1891-1894 (high points finishes 1892-1893)
Marty Walsh: 1908-1909 (high points finishes 1908-1909)
Herb Jordan: 1903-1909 (high points finishes 1903-1906 ; 1908-1909)
Cam Davidson: 1894-1899 (high points finishes 1898-1899)

2b continued) You see how we can build a top scorer chain from Dolly Swift to Archie McNaughton to Haviland Routh to Bob MacDougall to Harry Trihey to Russell Bowie. But whereas we have 1 player (Bowie) take the 9 years from 1900 to 1908, it takes basically 4 players to go the nine years from 1899 back to 1891.

2c) I am digressing a bit, but I also think it is worth noting the career overlap between all these players. There is no time where previous stars were unable to compete the the new stars, especially when one considers the average career length of the era (players were not paid in the 1880s and 1890s, so you see a lot of people step away and/or miss time due to their jobs/real lives).

Alright, I mentioned the "Bowie Effect", the Average Career-Length Impact, I think there are just one or two more things I want to note-

3) I think Bob MacDougall was pretty clearly the best offensive player (of the AHAC/CAHL/ECAHA, at least) pre-Bowie. MacDougall's total score is about 54% of Bowie's, but then numbers 3 on the list, Haviland Routh and Dolly Swift, have a score about 57% of MacDougall's.

4) I mentioned it before, but this "study" is really no substitute for looking at the game summaries and what else was written by those who watched these players. I think these lists get a lot of the right names in a lot of the right places (especially now that I took out the pre-1893 assists- seriously, I was getting some weird results), but I would never suggest that we can say, for example, that Haviland Routh was a better point producer than Frank McGee.

My wife took the kids to the park, I took some time off of work, so I think I'll go put the numbers together for a world without Bowie to see what that looks like. I'm annoyed I didn't think about that until about halfway through this post.
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Alright, in a World without Bowie (then adding Bowie's scores back in after the fact, still only looking at post-1892 assist finishes)...

Russell Bowie5501040
Bob MacDougall310418
Dolly Swift222618
Herb Jordan122513
Archie McNaughton201311
Haviland Routh201311
Harry Trihey201311
Marty Walsh200210
Clare McKerrow03039
Blair Russel03039

Alf Smith210313
Rat Westwick041513
Shirley Davidson200210
Cam Davidson200210
Bob MacDougall02248
Archie Hodgson11028
Chauncey Kirby02026
Charlie Liffiton10126
Herbert Russell10015
Art Farrell10015
Jack Brannen10015
Frank McGee10015
Joe Power10015
Lester Patrick10015
Tommy Phillips10015
Bruce Stuart10015
Allan Cameron10015

Russell Bowie621937
Bob MacDougall310418
Herb Jordan212515
Haviland Routh210313
Archie McNaughton201311
Harry Trihey201311
Art Farrell03039
Marty Walsh11028
Dolly Swift10237
Blair Russel02137

NameTotal Points
Russell Bowie81
Bob MacDougall44
Herb Jordan29
Dolly Swift25
Haviland Routh25
Archie McNaughton22
Harry Trihey22
Art Farrell21
Rat Westwick19
Frank McGee19
Alf Smith19

Alright, that looks a little more balanced between pre-1900 and post-1900. The previous version had 12 players in the top 10 (due to a tie)- 7 pre-1900 (MacDougall, Swift, Routh, McNaughton, Hodgson, Bradley, Davidson), 1 straddling the 1900 line (Trihey), and 4 post-1900 (Bowie, Smith, Walsh, Jordan), this version has 11 players in the top 10 (due to a tie)- 4 pre-1900 (MacDougall, Swift, Routh, McNaughton), 2 straddling the 1900 line (Trihey, Farrell), and 5 post-1900 (Bowie, Jordan, Westwick, McGee, Smith). Plus, while still not great, the distribution inside the top 10 is a little better, with Jordan jumping into that 3rd spot.

Anyway, it's not perfect, but I don't think stuff like this ever can be.


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