I’m enjoying Hockey Canada’s comeuppance as much as anyone but these are actual kids. Booing them and throwing jerseys is ridiculous.
All the more reason why it's kind of troubling that there's a contingent of Canadian fans (not all, or even a majority I think) who believe that these kids should be free to cheap-shot other kids in the name of grit and sandpaper triumphing over skill, and the IIHF refs basically no, these are kids - it's kind of a good idea to have some safety boundaries, even if it's hockey.
I think the bulk of Canadian fans recognize the complete idiocy of leaving players with world-class skill home in a tournament with world-class teams, in favor of a bunch of third-liners who will finish their checks and not allow opponents to "admire their pass". It's just bizarre that with all the elite skilled players up there, the only 1 picked for the team, McKenna, was the youngest guy. Why would you not do more to showcase the skill that the country's kids have?
And Cameron is just a colossal, cyborgian moron. I'm not going to hold any team practices during the tournament and can't do anything about my players taking cheap-shots (when kids do stupid things, it's best not to hold them accountable, eh?), but I can make a fruitless challenge to an utterly and completely obvious goalie interference call against one of my dumb players late the in the 3rd period of a tight elimination game and put my team down a man. The mentality of the adults in charge of leading these kids was just staggeringly warped.