Not many. “Graves is having a terrible year on the Penguins, therefore he sucks.” 23-24 Luke and Nemec >>>>> Graves. I
Fitz and Ruff have 1 good season vs 3 terrible seasons. There is a good chance the Devils finish second to last in the Metro.
I think Luke’s and Nemec’s potential clouds people judgement on how bad this defense is. 20-21: GA was 28th, 21-22: GA was 29th and 23-24: GA is currently 25th. Since Seigs’ return this team has been terrible and lets not pretend they were much better with Dougie at the beginning of the year.
I have serious concerns for this team going into next year. Was last years team the outlier?! They are projected to drop over 20pts in the standings. The Devils are only a couple of points ahead of the bottom 10 teams.
Graves season this year has no effect on the role he played for us last year.
And what does Luke and Nemec have to do with how Graves played last season or the comment being vacuous? Sorry, your list of grievances was goofy and I gave you some pushback on it.
(Nice, also note “role difficulty” 88)

(note “role difficulty” 35)

Note “role difficultly” 34
Why is their role difficulty so much lower?

Fitz had to completely rebuild the defense because he inherited Severson, Ty Smith, and Bahl and no other significant defensive prospect.
And the guy who left him nothing on defense also traded away our 2020 2nd, 2020 3rd & 2021 2nd for worthless assets.
Fitz had to build a defense and try to get some goaltending, plus other fixes, with later picks minus those.
No, I’m not shitting my pants about the future. The teams still a work in progress, I thought it was that before the season started.
This season is disappointing, I thought we would make the playoffs, but I in no way thought this team was a contender with this defense and goaltending.
Some of these players need more experience and the team building isn’t finished.