So, we're officially 1/3 through the season. Here's our recap at all strengths (stats from NST):
CF%: 3rd - 55.28%
SF: 3rd - 942
SA: 3rd - 718
SF%: 2nd - 56.75%
GF%: 2nd - 61.35%
xGF: 2nd - 100.8
xGA: 3rd - 70.92%
xGF%: 2nd - 58.52%
SCF: 3rd - 956
SCA: 5th - 705
SCF%: 3rd - 57.56%
HDCF: 10th - 378
HDCA: 1st - 263
HDCF%: 1st - 58.97%
SV%: 7th - .912%
HDSV%: 12th - .830%
Insane progression from the boys. Some stats went down recently, but that was to be expected. Overall, the team is playing really well and is showing that them being at the top of the league in all these metrics is no fluke. They deserve this.
If the team keeps playing its game with their speed, more good things are to come! Here's to the next 1/3!