This team has sucked the enthusiasm out of me. It sucks going into a game against some shit team who we're probably favored to beat or at least should be beating and it being a better than decent chance we lose.
And then going into a game against a good team it feels like we have very little chance at all to win anymore.
For the first couple months of the season I couldn't really get into other games that weren't the Devils. I hardly watched any at all. I figured I would get back into it.
And then I started getting the urge to watch non-Devils games, but they mostly give me anxiety or make me fad. And other than four nations, Ive not really watched many non-Devils games this season.
I wanted to watch the Leafs-Rangers game last night, but then I lost enough interest to turn it on when the time came.
This team has sucked the passion out of me the last two months. It's a wonder I watch all of their games, but I have been turning off more games early this year than ever before.