Hell Toupée!!!
Hey, Devils fans. How do you all feel about taking in strays? I am a lost sabres fan who just can't handle it anymore. It's so bad. Not just the losing. You get used to that. But the way the organization/franchise has become an absolute joke and laughing stock of the league is just too much for me. So i am looking for a team to support that might actually give me a return on my investment of money, time, etc.
With all of that said, i am wondering if anyone can give me a brief summary of the team. Style of play. How the coaches are doing. Best players. Players you want to ship to the moon. I can absolutely look this all up myself, but sometimes it's easier to get behind something when you hear it straight from the mouths, fingers, keys, whatever of other people. So if anyone is willing, i'd appreciate your perspective for a potential new fan.
Also, i hope this is the right place to post this. If it's not, or if it's inappropriate at all then i hope the mods are able to delete my post. Sorry if i derail your current topic of discussion. Thanks for your consideration.
as a sabhater myself i fully welcome you leave them and join us.....
....now get @sabremike to fully commit as well