Yeah, a lot of this doesn't add up. I think one of your posters (Beerz, or Chain?) said this is either a nothing-burger trade, or one of the fanbases is going to be really unhappy. These aren't really ideal trade partners and what makes this more annoying is that DET front office never leaks anything. Like ever. It's one of the reasons the DET board gloms on to Pete because he does give some foresight (take that for what it's worth).
I can only speculate but given the shakeup rumors around BUF, that the Greenway thing was seen as a success that they would try to grab similar guys? But it seems like you have a lot of steak in your group with Tuch, Greenway, Tage, etc. etc. I don't know why Ras would be necessary and feel redundant. Or maybe Adams wants to build the 90s Flyers? No clue... Its why I didn't jump to Rasmussen as the likely player they were looking at, but maybe he is?
I don't think either squad is scouring the other main club either way for picks and prospects. Given both teams and GMs pushing to shake up their cores to make a run, this doesn't feel like a futures discussion. maybe picks to balance? but given what we've seen, this feels like roster for roster if anything happens