Agree. Schenn was more productive, and helped get us the CupSchenn by a mile
Agree. Schenn was more productive, and helped get us the CupSchenn by a mile
Agree. Schenn was more productive, and helped get us the Cup
Backes and its not even close.Who was the better Blue, Backes or Schenn?
Backes and its not even close.
Yep. just a good thing to throw hits into other peoples heads.I always liked Trouba
Why? Dude is trash and goes out of his way to try and injure players with hitsI always liked Trouba
Why? Dude is trash and goes out of his way to try and injure players with hits
I can believe it. The NHL has the worst officiating of any sport. It is too fast paced for these middle aged and older guys. They need to move a ref into the press box with authority to overrule any call and also buzz down to the ice to make calls.You can tell by Kyrou reaction that contacted the head can’t believe it wasn’t called.