Say it with me now.... The 2 beat goalies of this generation.
Keep a
Saying it again and again.
Go look at the rosters Henrik has dragged kicking and screaming to the playoffs.
I don't hate AV and blame him for all the world's ills.
But I also acknowledge it was time for a change.
Wherever he goes, rebuilding followsI don't hate AV and blame him for all the world's ills.
But I also acknowledge it was time for a change.
Wherever he goes, rebuilding follows
Wherever he goes, rebuilding follows
Playing Glass over Buchnevich really helped keep this team afloat.To be honest, I think AV really postponed that rebuild here in NY. From the outside, people will downright — laugh — at the notion that we underperformed under AV. If anything we overperformed.
A change was probably due, but the level of most AV bashing has been pretty silly. You don’t win any popularity contests around here saying that, but it was.
if that’s how you read it, you read it wrong. We’re just having a conversation.
To be honest, I think AV really postponed that rebuild here in NY. From the outside, people will downright — laugh — at the notion that we underperformed under AV. If anything we overperformed.
A change was probably due, but the level of most AV bashing has been pretty silly. You don’t win any popularity contests around here saying that, but it was.
Notice how nobody is knocking down any doors to sign AV...To be honest, I think AV really postponed that rebuild here in NY. From the outside, people will downright — laugh — at the notion that we underperformed under AV. If anything we overperformed.
A change was probably due, but the level of most AV bashing has been pretty silly. You don’t win any popularity contests around here saying that, but it was.
Notice how nobody is knocking down any doors to sign AV...
There's really no value in putting any stock into what people from the outside that know nothing about this team think about this team. Lots of people think this team was garbage just because it didn't have any household names outside of Lundqvist.
Yeah hfnyr knows best, I forgot...
So HFNYR knows less about the team than some guy in like Winnipeg? What a ridiculous comment.
Yeah you know better than all experts, coaches and GMs combined, of course. Sorry I forgot, will try to remember it from now on. Clendenning should have played on he top pair, all kids should have been rushed, Brandon Smith should have been on the top pair, if AV only make those moves we win 4 straight cups. The guy from Winnipeg is delusional not understanding that Pittsburgh, Chicago and co had horrible rosters than we had.
I don't hate AV and blame him for all the world's ills.
But I also acknowledge it was time for a change.
What does this even mean?You're going against all the GMs and coaches in league history. You must know better than all of the authorities I'm appealing to.
What does this even mean?
AV's defensive strategy was Lundqvist save us and if he is not around, then pray for a blizzard. His utter inability to make in-game adjustments was out in full force. The last several years, his decision making when it comes to personnel was very much highlighted. Oh, and there are various stories about the team grousing about being forced to constantly turn the other cheek.
With that fact pattern, what exactly were you expecting? lost in printIt was a joke, I was making fun of Ola. Read the second half of my quote.
Stephenson said they were finalizing it last week. Brooks in his latest piece said it should be soon.How have they not announced the coaching staff yet....kinda bizarre.