Fox Mafia Consigliere
I remember when Torts came in... wouldn't let anyone step on the logo in the dressing room. Stern. Strict. Discipline. Ran some rough practices... bag skates. The conditioning was exemplary.
Eventually Torts ran his course (& his mouth) and the team needed to be freed up a bit, especially offensively.
Enter AV. The first season, they go to the finals... yeah maybe they could've defended better and won. Maybe the refs could've ALLOWED Hank to make saves without people in his crease and things might have gone differently.
AV wears out his welcome with his impossible defensive system, player usage issues, his hands off approach & his inability to adapt along w his reluctance to bring along the youth.
Enter Quinn.
Talking about practice, work ethic, conditioning, creating relationships with players young and old, analytics and puck possession.
Torts has a very good system but it's very rigid and has a hard time overcoming its own limitations. He affords very little freedom. He isn't well liked but has the respect of his players. His teams battle. He's a good coach, but he's too much.
AV gives all the offensive freedom but he's also completely negligent in other areas of the ice. He's a likeable guy at first but commands little respect. There's virtually zero culture and discipline. Deadbeat coach, too hands-off.
I see Quinn -just based on the interviews- at the middle ground we've needed.