Prospect Info: Daniil Karpovich (#186 - 6th Round - 2023 Draft)


Registered User
Apr 14, 2016
he recently did a big interview if anyone's interested. gave further insight into his avto departure/decision to play in grodno. basically (if this is translating correctly lol), without a russian passport, there were more limitations on his ability to get promoted out of the mhl, and beyond that, it's not like there were any guarantees about it happening anyway. belarus extraleague would ensure consistent adult level hockey throughout the year, which our development team approves of. he also had this great line about the move:

But such a factor played that I myself wanted to test my level and leave the comfort zone, go to a place where they don’t know me at all, there are no privileges, there is no special relationship, and I have to prove everything again. That is to grow and progress even more. Here the challenge factor played itself.​

some good tidbits on his draft experience, training with datsyuk, and continued interest in coming over (including his disappointment about missing camp) in there as well



Registered User
Mar 7, 2012
St Petersburg
he recently did a big interview if anyone's interested. gave further insight into his avto departure/decision to play in grodno. basically (if this is translating correctly lol), without a russian passport, there were more limitations on his ability to get promoted out of the mhl, and beyond that, it's not like there were any guarantees about it happening anyway. belarus extraleague would ensure consistent adult level hockey throughout the year, which our development team approves of. he also had this great line about the move:

But such a factor played that I myself wanted to test my level and leave the comfort zone, go to a place where they don’t know me at all, there are no privileges, there is no special relationship, and I have to prove everything again. That is to grow and progress even more. Here the challenge factor played itself.​

some good tidbits on his draft experience, training with datsyuk, and continued interest in coming over (including his disappointment about missing camp) in there as well

KHL have limit for players from other countries in the roster, he should fight for a spot with more expirienced players for this spot. Karpovich is belorussian player, he isnt russian if someone dont know.

He dreamed about NHL. He tried to make visa to join rockie camp, but because they didnt know who will draft him and even will he be drafted, he hadnt enough time to make visa. He will join the team in summer camp next year.

Now the most important point for the X-men is that they constantly say about the players that they won't come, now they definitely won't come, I don't believe they will, and so on. Karpovich personally said that he had agreed to move to the Extraliga together with New Jersey, and that they were in contact with management and development coaches. And for now Devils very happy that Karpovich will play many minutes on adult level as a teenager.


Nobody told me there'd be days like these...
KHL have limit for players from other countries in the roster, he should fight for a spot with more expirienced players for this spot. Karpovich is belorussian player, he isnt russian if someone dont know.

He dreamed about NHL. He tried to make visa to join rockie camp, but because they didnt know who will draft him and even will he be drafted, he hadnt enough time to make visa. He will join the team in summer camp next year.

Now the most important point for the X-men is that they constantly say about the players that they won't come, now they definitely won't come, I don't believe they will, and so on. Karpovich personally said that he had agreed to move to the Extraliga together with New Jersey, and that they were in contact with management and development coaches. And for now Devils very happy that Karpovich will play many minutes on adult level as a teenager.
thanks for sharing that with us. Your translation skills are much appreciated. Once his season gets rolling I hope you can share some video breakdowns with us. You always do an excellent job with those.


Registered User
Mar 7, 2012
St Petersburg
thanks for sharing that with us. Your translation skills are much appreciated. Once his season gets rolling I hope you can share some video breakdowns with us. You always do an excellent job with those.
Thanks for your kindness. Always great to see people watch who watch and discuss it, know something from. it.
Will see how many time i will have this year. I got new job and its hard and taking more effort. But I believe I will want to have some detente. And of course I will make a couple of videos with every prospect. May be Bardakov and Gritsyuk will have joint video as a pair.


Nobody told me there'd be days like these...
Thanks for your kindness. Always great to see people watch who watch and discuss it, know something from. it.
Will see how many time i will have this year. I got new job and its hard and taking more effort. But I believe I will want to have some detente. And of course I will make a couple of videos with every prospect. May be Bardakov and Gritsyuk will have joint video as a pair.
You've absolutely convinced me with Bardakov. I watched the videos you put together on him and you could see the competitiveness and fearlessness in his game. His mobility was good and I thought he showed a bit more offense than you told us he had. I could see why he'd possibly displace McLeod at some point.
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Registered User
Apr 14, 2016
karp will open the regular season on the 2nd pair (now wearing 88). game starts in a little under an hour



Registered User
Apr 14, 2016
karp will open the regular season on the 2nd pair (now wearing 88). game starts in a little under an hour
View attachment 739793

thought he pretty much picked up where he left off in the MHL, which i dont say negatively considering hes at a higher level now. some quick hits:

-Mobility/Pace. hustled a ton, good speed and edge work, slippery at the point, as intense in his own zone as he was offensively
-Outlet Passing. excellent breakout passing, didnt just play it safe either, smart decisions, crisp and accurate passes
-Confidence on the Puck. led entries, dangled, even took it down low at one point to try to find a guy in front, slight negative in that it did lead to turnovers but encouraging to see the poise nonetheless
-Offensive Creativity. teed up shots, slap passes, rebounds off the backboards, faked shots for a pass, etc., didn't lead to much execution today but again intent was clear
-Assertiveness. played tight to his man, stepped up on puck carriers, took away space, physical focus but also used active stick to swipe at pucks, pinched a good amount
-Dependability. took shifts on the PK, played back on an odd man rush, was out for the final 90sec down 4-5 with the attack largely running through him
-Leadership. super communicative with his teammates, could hear him call things and see him point out plays, shows he wore a letter with avto

-Overzealousness. tried to step up too often, some poorly chosen hit attempts, occasionally got dragged out to the point trying to cover his man, too much desire to have to make a big play
-Jumbled Positioning. occasionally got mixed up on who to cover esp if he and his RD flipped sides, too many instances of having to catch up to his man, think he knows where he should be (ie he was better about this on the PK) but hes taking too long to get there and/or isnt staying there
-D Pair Support. took too long to/didnt consistently provide an outlet pass option for his D partner which caused them to take longer to break out of the zone
-Skate/Stick Coordination. not really a puck handling issue but multiple misplays trying to corral a puck after intentionally deflecting it off his skate, a little problematic at the offensive blue line

again, nothing really unexpected here, the good was still good and his deficiencies will take time to work on. think my biggest takeaway was that there was virtually no timidity to his game being at an adult level now, in fact he was probably the most consistently noticeable defender in the game


Registered User
Apr 14, 2016
he just killed someone. was ruled 2min minor for head/neck contact


Registered User
Apr 14, 2016
havent caught his games in a bit now, and my understanding is hes actually been away from the team getting ready for a u20 tournament, but a couple interesting stats i noticed:

-production is low low. 3pt in 19gp. but still virtually no PP time (3min) compared to heavy PK time (31min). if memory serves me right, he really turned it on the latter half of last season. i wouldnt expect a big jump if hes not getting PP time, but still something to keep an eye on

-3rd on the team in corsi, 11th in the league, and not just for D only. matches the couple early viewings i had where it felt like he was constantly generating something even if it wasnt translating into anything tangible

-shot rate, even considering the lack of PP time, isnt terribly far off from what he was posting in the MHL. BLR extraliga hit tracking seems kinda off (everyone is low) but still top 5 for his team

definitely wanna get back to watching games to be able to tell the full story, but a couple encouraging tidbits here, esp having a near league leading corsi rating. that said, i think his halloween costume might be the best of all:



I like goalies who stop the puck
Dec 20, 2018
havent caught his games in a bit now, and my understanding is hes actually been away from the team getting ready for a u20 tournament, but a couple interesting stats i noticed:

-production is low low. 3pt in 19gp. but still virtually no PP time (3min) compared to heavy PK time (31min). if memory serves me right, he really turned it on the latter half of last season. i wouldnt expect a big jump if hes not getting PP time, but still something to keep an eye on

-3rd on the team in corsi, 11th in the league, and not just for D only. matches the couple early viewings i had where it felt like he was constantly generating something even if it wasnt translating into anything tangible

-shot rate, even considering the lack of PP time, isnt terribly far off from what he was posting in the MHL. BLR extraliga hit tracking seems kinda off (everyone is low) but still top 5 for his team

definitely wanna get back to watching games to be able to tell the full story, but a couple encouraging tidbits here, esp having a near league leading corsi rating. that said, i think his halloween costume might be the best of all:

View attachment 760889

Where are you looking at his stats?


Registered User
Apr 14, 2016
at long last I was able to catch another game lol

-dont know if hes specifically worked on skating or not but I thought he felt faster, and his edge work in particular seemed extra good today
-still really like his play on the breakout. very good mix of quickly finding lanes for a crisp outlet pass and making poised, controlled exits. his confidence on the puck shines here. probably the area of his game where hes pushing play the hardest
-better emphasis on stick checking/positional game. not every defensive stop needs to be showy, and he was better about cutting off lanes and making smart plays to disrupt possession without trying to level a guy. good composure/timing in the process

-still too aggressive on stepping up for hits. im all about finishing your checks but hes putting himself out of position in the process. needs to pick his spots better
-puck management in the neutral zone was a challenge. his rush defense was pretty decent (outside of one blip on a bouncing puck lol), but it felt like he didnt always know what to do once the puck was on his stick. resulted in a couple dump ins right to the other team

-hes still trying to do too much on the puck at times, which can lead to turnovers. ive seen him reel it in and make better play selections, but you can kinda tell when he gets in that zone where hes gonna try some monster rush fighting through defenders. that said, i think hes shown a little growth here in terms of: 1) not trying to go hero mode as often, and probably more importantly 2) sometimes recovering better when he messes up. when i saw these types of plays begin to break down last time, he would basically try to force them through anyway and ultimately put himself out of position behind the attacker. that can still happen, but i think he has better awareness of when things are going awry because there were a few times i noticed he either circled back sooner than he normally would have or took an extra sec before powering up the ice to try to buy more time/space for a better plan of attack
-his offensive game was much simpler than in my previous viewing. not sure its inherently a drawback since he did take some big time risks last time, but his involvement heavily leaned towards stationary puck distribution. not as much on the shooting/activation side of things
-hes really good at using his body/reach to shield the puck under pressure but hes not yet strong enough on it to consistently maintain possession. good ideas, not always good execution

not quite the same multi-zone explosiveness he showed earlier in the season, but i think it was a more stable game as a result. feels like the neman staff might be trying to tame him a little bit, which i dont disagree with


Registered User
Apr 14, 2016
believe yesterday was his last regular season game. really, really enjoyed the viewing. rather than outlining good and bad again, i think a couple points on his year-long progression would be more interesting:

-his early season offensive zone assertiveness was on display again, with the same fakes, slipperiness, and power drives to the net, only this time with smarter decisions and a better respect for attacking the space he has rather than trying to power through defenders

-his playmaking game, particularly off the rush, seems expanded. while ive generally always liked his breakout passing and manipulation at the point, his play off the rush had previously felt a little simple i.e. every attempt was either a one and done stretch pass or a forced entry attempt. now, i see cutbacks, i see give and go's, i see a player who's harder to read

-really like his neutral zone defense. his timing is usually great and hes excellent at using his reach and mobility to take away space. physicality is still a key part of his game here, but hes using it to squeeze attackers off the puck once hes taken away a lane instead of outright relying on it to box them out

-defensive position is improving. better gap control, not getting crossed up with his partner as much. overall more purposeful positional game with him starting to shed the need to chase hits all the time. i had mentioned months ago that i generally saw this whenever he was on the pk and i think its more consistently showing up even strength

-a couple stat updates: finishes 2-9-11 through 49gp (8pt in 30gp since i last posted). hard to call it a jump but a step in production. he also shot 2.2% compared to 9.4% with avto last year. hes better offensively than his stats indicate, and ill say that confidently. up to 1st on his team and 7th in league wide corsi (incl F/D). he got a bit more pp time down the stretch (i dont think i ever saw any lol) and a continued heavy pk load

-while this is pretty overtly positive, hes obviously not a perfect player. he botches pass attempts, his backskating/pivots have some quirks to them, i still think hes prone to playing too high at times (even if hes better at sticking to his man), and theres plenty of good ideas im calling out that hes not perfectly executing in game. but im happy with how his game is progressing

-dont know when playoffs start yet but ill keep watch. he captained the belarus u20 team to a tournament win in the future cup a couple weeks ago (not to pretend its anything that significant), so we'll see if he can replicate that success

finally, just a couple clips i wanted to call out. first up, some great moves at the point and the same power drive to the net he loves to make. like the vision and cuts on display here. these types of plays pop up semi-regularly

next, a little bit of a subtle play here, but i really like this clip because it shows how he can use physicality to his advantage without having to rely on it. a clean stick check, he boxes out the forechecker along the boards, and one hands the puck to safety

and to wrap up, this isnt a perfect sequence by any means, but i think it showcases a lot of what hes been improving and is worth sharing. smart defensive stick and positioning to start, a good read to quickly jump up in transition, lots of scanning on the puck, a bit of a poorly executed drop pass, probably too lax dropping back at first, but he quickly powers back in position, gets a stick on the puck behind the net to slow the pass attempt, and then shows off just sublime poise on the puck to bait two attackers and free up space for his teammate. this clip is honestly a great representation of his full year to me, tons of good ideas and largely positive overall even with some flaws

excited to see what the future holds for him. from his interviews, he still seems quite interested in an NA jump next season. i saw a video from a belarus outlet interviewing one of our russian scouts and (assuming the translation conveyed the message clearly) it sounded like the team might also consider a KHL gig for him next year(?) so perhaps something to watch if they think utica is still too logjammed on the back end


Registered User
Oct 2, 2007
Solid write-up(s) - I think NA is a bit premature because I think he's too old for Canadian junior, and if they signed him to an ELC, he'd be in the Urbom/Studenic position of being a late 04 signing at age 19 which would make him waiver-eligible in 2027-28. That's not something a team typically wants out of guys drafted in the 7th round. He could agree to an AHL deal for next season and then if things progressed they could sign him to the ELC next year.


Registered User
Mar 7, 2012
St Petersburg
Karpovich said he will join NJD training camp this summer. He tried to do the same previous summer but they didn't have enough time to make visa.
He said that he was connected with Devils scout all the time, he helped to analyze his game and work on it. He has 2g+9a in 49 games, +20 in the season, 1a and +3 in 6 games in play off. He had low production start, he couldn't score, it hunted him for some time but scout and coach said that everything will come - he did everything right and created enough offense, scout was happy about his defensive game.


Registered User
May 18, 2013
Brooklyn, NY
he just killed someone. was ruled 2min minor for head/neck contact
My lord dude was literally dead.


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