You seem to get your pants in a bunch every time someone doesn’t act lock step to your opinion.
The simple fact is you did a couple of Google maps searches and suddenly you’re an expert on what traffic is like in the Phoenix metro area….. and think because you make long drives to see games in Winnipeg that everyone else should too.
Funny thing is… I spent years making the same similar argument in F40 with people WHO ACTUALLY DO THAT COMMUTE, and for many of them it’s an issue.
I'm not the one making absurd special circumstances arguments...You are.
The fact is you won't accept that MILLIONS of fans drive through demonstrably worse conditions, just as far, in major centres with just as much traffic if not more than Phoenix has.
All because your only excuse for the failure of the market(again 30 + years at EVERY LEVEL of pro hockey, multiple owners, multiple arena locations, multiple leagues) is ?
TRAFFIC!!!!!!!! something every other market has. But.... somehow It's just so much worse in Phoenix than anywhere else in the NHL.
Please do drone on about how NOBODY in the world has to commute to work... I mean I work in the country and at least 5 of my coworkers commute over several miles of Gravel and over 30 miles of highway, summer and winter rain or shine....for commutes of up to an hour.... something by your statement is nigh on impossible and an absurd claim for me to even dare suggest.........
and somehow you act like no other players in the NHL have to drive to work across town. and they all must live within 15 mins of their arena and practice facilities. and NONE of them ever live on the outskirts, or the other side of big cities from where they play......and how no other fans in the world are faced with a large commute...
I've lived in Vancouver Toronto, Winnipeg, Small towns, I've gone to games in Buffalo, Detroit, TO, MTL.... I've been to Phoenix, I've been to Dallas, Ive been to Tampa.
Urban sprawl and long commutes are the norm not the exception.
your argument about poor poor Az and it's impossible to manage commute that is soo much harder than everyone else in North America?
it's laughable.