Current state of the Boards

If I could just get the angry Jokinen reaction face back, that'd be great.

Small nitpick, but is there any chance to get the HFboards link in the blue bar back on mobile.
It was there prior to the downtime earlier this year, and recently came back in a slightly broken but usable state after this most recent downtime.
It's really quite small in the grand scheme of things, but having it back briefly even in its broken state reminded me of how nice of a QoL feature it was. I did not realize how nice having the main site be one click away from anywhere on the website was until it wasn't.
First image is what it looks like now, 2nd is what it could look like now using what it used in the past, and 3rd is what it looked like before.


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Small nitpick, but is there any chance to get the HFboards link in the blue bar back on mobile.
It was there prior to the downtime earlier this year, and recently came back in a slightly broken but usable state after this most recent downtime.
It's really quite small in the grand scheme of things, but having it back briefly even in its broken state reminded me of how nice of a QoL feature it was. I did not realize how nice having the main site be one click away from anywhere on the website was until it wasn't.
First image is what it looks like now, 2nd is what it could look like now using what it used in the past, and 3rd is what it looked like before.
I thought that was only a “me” problem. Glad I’m not alone
Is there a way to see when your sponsor date ended? Because I'm pretty certain I was still a sponsor before these board issues and all of a sudden I've got ads everywhere! Could just be coincidental that it expired at this time, but I want to make sure before I ante up again. (and sure, i can use adblock at home, but I mostly browse during downtime at work and I don't have access there!)
adding hide avatars option

