Controversial Entertainment Opinions/Discussion Thread - Part II

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Dipsy Doodle

Rent A Barn
May 28, 2006
I definitely did get that impression, but.... why? Why is declaring that you're Paul McCartney and listing cliches about your Paul McCartney-isms while winking at the audience that it's intentional and that you're fully aware of how awkward/insubstantial it sounds..... why is that funny?

Just going "Oooh, look at me, I'm George Harrison, the "quiet Beatle" and I like sitars, ooooohhh, isn't my impression awful, everyone? *wink*"..... what's funny about that?

I just didn't get the joke.

It's been awhile since I watched it, but isn't one of the most tired conventions of these pop star bio pics the "cameo appearance" of some other star(s) from the era shoehorned into them, done with uniformly terrible impressions?

Pretty sure that's what they're mocking.


they praying for the death of a rockstar
Apr 6, 2015
Czech Republic
The Witcher games do not live up to the books at all and are basically glorified bad fanfiction

99% of 60+ minute albums would be much better if they were 35 minutes.

New Bermuda >>>>> Sunbather

Nobody ever did the whole female fronted rock/metal schtick better than The Gathering and Anneke is the sole reason for that. There is no vocalist even close to her level on the scene (cleans only).

Little Bo Pete

Registered User
Feb 12, 2009
Some of these might not be controversial, haven't read the entire previous thread, but here goes.

- Although Pantera was a good band, Dimabag became insanely overrated after his death. Descent guitarist? Sure. But no where near the god-like status some people put him in.

- Same applies for Kurt Cobain although i'm sure this came up in the previous thread. Nirvana's popularity was more about what they stood for/represented. Had they been just regular joes without the "f**k the establishment" attitude, nobody would still be talking about their below average music.

- Brad Pitt is a terrible actor

- Jennifer Aniston is hotter than Courtney Cox today, but wasn't during the Friends days

- Izzy was incredibly underrated, and is a better musician than Slash. GNR began their downfall the day he left.

- Jerry Seinfield is not funny and never was

- Although impartial to their band's music, Mark Tremonti (Creed) and Dave Donegan (Disturbed) are very underrated guitarists

- Superhero movies are all the same to me and very dull

- Shadows Fall does not nearly get enough respect as a band

- Black Sabbath, ACDC, Led Zepplin were all overrated. Alice Cooper was the best thing to come out of the 70s in terms of rock

- The Howard era of Killswitch Engage was better than anything done with Jesse

- Ride the Lightning is the best Metallica album

- Breaking Bad was OK at best

- Kim Kardashian is average looking

- Korn was a terrible band

- Bono is a TERRIBLE vocalist. I have no idea how U2 was able to become so popular with him as a singer

- Metallica would've had taken the same path with their music even if Cliff were still alive

- Angelina Jolie has never been good looking

Might have a few more, these are the ones that came to mind for now.

member 51464

Some of these might not be controversial, haven't read the entire previous thread, but here goes.

- Although Pantera was a good band, Dimabag became insanely overrated after his death. Descent guitarist? Sure. But no where near the god-like status some people put him in.

- Same applies for Kurt Cobain although i'm sure this came up in the previous thread. Nirvana's popularity was more about what they stood for/represented. Had they been just regular joes without the "f**k the establishment" attitude, nobody would still be talking about their below average music.

- Brad Pitt is a terrible actor

- Jennifer Aniston is hotter than Courtney Cox today, but wasn't during the Friends days

- Izzy was incredibly underrated, and is a better musician than Slash. GNR began their downfall the day he left.

- Jerry Seinfield is not funny and never was

- Although impartial to their band's music, Mark Tremonti (Creed) and Dave Donegan (Disturbed) are very underrated guitarists

- Superhero movies are all the same to me and very dull

- Shadows Fall does not nearly get enough respect as a band

- Black Sabbath, ACDC, Led Zepplin were all overrated. Alice Cooper was the best thing to come out of the 70s in terms of rock

- The Howard era of Killswitch Engage was better than anything done with Jesse

- Ride the Lightning is the best Metallica album

- Breaking Bad was OK at best

- Kim Kardashian is average looking

- Korn was a terrible band

- Bono is a TERRIBLE vocalist. I have no idea how U2 was able to become so popular with him as a singer

- Metallica would've had taken the same path with their music even if Cliff were still alive

- Angelina Jolie has never been good looking

Might have a few more, these are the ones that came to mind for now.

What did Nirvana stand for/represent?

Dipsy Doodle

Rent A Barn
May 28, 2006
What everybody's opinion on butt implants? :laugh:

Also, I liked Peter Parker's strut sequence in Spider-Man 3. Pure Raimi.


Registered User
Apr 8, 2008
I got everyone piggybacking my Angelina Jolie controversial opinion. I know none of you were controversial enough to think that at the height of her popularity. I said that and got tons of **** for it. Truly controversial.

As for what nirvana stands for, I don't think even cobain knew. It's pretty widely known now that he would give a completely different answer literally every time someone asked him about what smells like teen spirit meant. Eventually Dave grohl had to clarify that the lyrics were absolute nonsense and meant nothing.


Registered User
Apr 2, 2005
Vancouver, BC
I got everyone piggybacking my Angelina Jolie controversial opinion. I know none of you were controversial enough to think that at the height of her popularity. I said that and got tons of **** for it. Truly controversial.

As for what nirvana stands for, I don't think even cobain knew. It's pretty widely known now that he would give a completely different answer literally every time someone asked him about what smells like teen spirit meant. Eventually Dave grohl had to clarify that the lyrics were absolute nonsense and meant nothing.
When was the height of her popularity? I know that when she was getting the "most beautiful woman in the world, stealing Brad Pitt" talk, it was a really common opinion.

When she was a young up and comer, that's a different story.


Registered User
Apr 8, 2008
When was the height of her popularity? I know that when she was getting the "most beautiful woman in the world, stealing Brad Pitt" talk, it was a really common opinion.

When she was a young up and comer, that's a different story.
That's revisionist history at best. Right around that time I almost got lynched for saying it. I got called all type of homophobic slurs. But I stuck to my convictions and didn't drink the Kool aid. It took a lot of courage but I did it.

People truly were brainwashed by the media spin.


they praying for the death of a rockstar
Apr 6, 2015
Czech Republic
pound for pound Megadeth >>>> Metallica
Megadeth's best album is better than Metallica's, the next 3 are pretty even and then it enters AINEC territory.

The 3 best Megadeth albums came out in the 90s

Progressive =/= good and a lot prog bands just use mindless ******y to cover up their bad songwriting skills. Same goes for "atmospheric" subgenres.

95% of metal bands that get popular are either not metal (Ghost, droves of core bands) or garbage (Deafheaven, Batushka). Kudos to exceptions (Mgla, Vektor).

Subgenres are incredibly important and everyone who gets angry at being corrected doesn't actually care about music.

Book is the best form of storytelling by far. Proven by the fact that almost every adaptation is worse than the source material.

Spring in Fialta

A malign star kept him
Apr 1, 2007
Montreal, QC
That's revisionist history at best. Right around that time I almost got lynched for saying it. I got called all type of homophobic slurs. But I stuck to my convictions and didn't drink the Kool aid. It took a lot of courage but I did it.

People truly were brainwashed by the media spin.

Dude, we're talking about an hollywood actress, not the civil rights movement. You're talking as if you went through an immense struggle against some sort of all-powerful institution. :laugh:


Registered User
Apr 8, 2008
Dude, we're talking about an hollywood actress, not the civil rights movement. You're talking as if you went through an immense struggle against some sort of all-powerful institution. :laugh:

Not surprised to see this type of talk. People always trying to diminish my sacrifices when they never went through the struggle. Whatever.


Registered User
Apr 2, 2005
Vancouver, BC
That's revisionist history at best. Right around that time I almost got lynched for saying it. I got called all type of homophobic slurs. But I stuck to my convictions and didn't drink the Kool aid. It took a lot of courage but I did it.

People truly were brainwashed by the media spin.
You truly are a better man than the rest of us, aleshemsky83. *single tear rolls down cheek in admiration*

I just remember that around the time she was picked #1 most beautiful woman in the world, everyone I knew-- friends, family, etc, were dumb-founded by it. I don't recall anybody other than media personalities pimping it, personally.
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Stupid Sexy Flanders
Aug 14, 2006
Jerry Seinfeld is funny
Conan O'Brien was a better writer than a talk show host
A would never go to see Taylor Swift perform even if it was free & across the street from my house.
Jen Aniston can't act,neither can Cortney Cox.
Time for Tony Bennet to pack it in,you've had a great career.
Stones,Ozzy,Hulk Hogan,Neil Diamond, should follow suit
South Park is garbage
Comparing Curt Coban to Jim Morrison is a joke,Curt was not a genius.
George Harrison doesn't get the credit he deserves


Nov 4, 2005
Les Plaines D'Abraham
Don't know if it's contoversial but anyway...

Even though I was born in the 80s, I think the ideal Male Actors were the top stars of the 1930s to the 1970s, middle-age manly men that could act.

Whereas nowadays you have tough guys neanderthal a la Rock and Statham in one hand or eternal young men like James Franco, Cruise, Leo, Gordon-Levitt, Effron, Gwenental, Gosling, etc...on the other hand.

I wish they could get back to the classic model where manly guys who can act would have the best roles like Eckhart, Jon Hamm, Clive Owen, etc...Not only this do not happen but it's even hard to find them. And Hamm is pretty much MIA since the end of Mad Men.


What do we want!? Unfair!
Sep 8, 2008
Daniel Day-Lewis is probably one of the most overrated actors ever.

Which is unfortunate because he really is a great actor. The problem is he is put up as a deity.


GostisBeHere Now
Oct 22, 2016
Anytime a music reviewer says that a band/musician has "made a return to their original sound" it's because they think the record sucks but they don't want to get ripped for disliking a popular artist and are simply trying to think of good things to say about it.
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