A lot of people hated Daemon this season but I thought it was great, it's an actual arc. In the books he's at Harranhal for a loooooooooong time. For sure waiting a year and half to two years is brutal for even the best of finales, it's just ridiculous that a company like HBO doesn't have the cash to flesh out another 2 episodes to make it somewhat satisfying.
No one is thinking of bingeing a show that might not be finished until 2028, that's freaking crazy. This two years between seasons bullshit needs to stop, it's f***ing Pejorative Slured. We live in an era with the best technology to make amazing movies and shows that we've ever seen. There's no reason for it to take that long, we're going backwards.
There's a million TV shows out there that pumped out 22+ episodes a season non stop without blinking an eye back in the day. They didn't involve tons of CGI of course but it was all about the writing. I don't need massive battles, dragons and explosions every episode, that's not what the GOT universe is about. Move the f***ing plot forward, It's pathetic that they can barely churn out 8 episodes when most of it is on a set like the small councils or the Harrenhal stage.