I basically echo these points. Never have I watched a player who could have been so dominant look so invisible. Kreider’s problem is he refuses to play a tough game and just floats around on the ice. With that speed, and with that size, he could have been a beloved Ranger who played a good solid two way hockey game, threw the big hit, got in guys faces, protected teammates and still scored 20-25 goals a season. He just never did any of those things that would make him beloved by us fans. Instead, he basically does the opposite.
Here’s the thing, people keep posting about his potential— he’s in the prime of his career right now. He is what he is at this point. What he is would be a serviceable first line/second line winger on a bad team and second line guy on a good team. Nothing wrong with that but time to face the reality that his future won’t be better than his present anymore at this stage of his career.
I may be of the minority, but I am gonna have to beg to differ with this. He has THREE amazing qualities. Size, Strength and Speed. The 3 S's if you will. Only his speed may dwindle a little but nevertheless.......these are things that could carry him well into his 40's if he felt like playing at that point. I mean, look no further than Jaromir. Obviously not exactly alike (dont we wish) as far as talent......but is this wrong? I dont think so. JJ was not exactly a speed demon........so........
Anyway, if we know ONE thing about Kreider, its the fact that he has gotten BETTER in some beneficial areas. Specifically being a net front presence, and probably only 2nd best to that knucklehead in San José, I think Pavelski is his name, lol.
I guess my point is, I agree that he has left us wanting more, but circumstances (like I firmly believe about previous posts being spot on, in regard to the officials/coaching) has gotten him where he is now, still not a bad player.
I absolutely do not think he will decline, and actually still has a shot at becoming a better goal scorer depending on his linemates......whether with the Rangers or not. Only time, passion (or lack thereof) and $$$$$$ will tell. But, certainly not Father Time. He just may be the select few that can beat it.
And yes......he will get shorter someday, but not in his hockey lifetime.