News Article: Chicago Gets 2017 NHL Draft

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Registered User
Jun 29, 2010
Bettman is rewarding success and not failure with his decisions.

LA and Chicago have won 5 of the last 6 Stanley Cups combined and so have earned the right to get rewarded by the NHL for their success by getting higher priority than struggling teams.

Rewarding success and not failure is not a wrong philosophical approach.

self-loathing fans are the worst.

Between these guys and ***** like Wyshynski

My annoyance at this situation is way out of proportion to where it should be.


Registered User
Apr 14, 2015
With the 1st overall selection in the 2017 draft, the Leafs select Nolan Patrick.

Timashov - Nylander - Laine
Johnson - Patrick - Marner
Lindberg - Gauthier - Kapanen
Leipsic - Hyman - Brown

Haha what a team!!

Daisy Jane

everything is gonna be okay!
Jul 2, 2009
Bull. The NHL had the 2013 draft in Newark, then had the 2014 draft in Philadelphia, roughly two hours from each other. Once again, the precedent is already set. Stop trying so hard to be above it all.

You care about the World Cup, the majority of Leafs fans (and NHL fans in general) is that it's a joke. Once again, it's got nothing to do with the Leafs turning 100, but whatever.

Pittsburgh had it, New Jersey Had It, Philly had it, back to back to back. then Florida (so sticking on the Eastern seaboard) and then Buffalo.

even playing with the whole "hey everyone gets it." why not 2018?

Daisy Jane

everything is gonna be okay!
Jul 2, 2009
self-loathing fans are the worst.

Between these guys and ***** like Wyshynski

My annoyance at this situation is way out of proportion to where it should be.

what the heck?

honestly. i just... i can't even, even with people right now


Registered User
Sep 25, 2009
Ottawa, Ontario
On top of that we have the relaunch of the world cup, which of all the NHL properties available is the most valuable in terms of star power and meaning of the games. Clearly the fans in TO are stoked about the event because tickets are selling.

NHL has done a great job giving a piece of the pie to as many teams as possible.

This statement is the exact reason why so many are pissed off! THE MAPLE LEAFS DO NOT HAVE THE WC. The city of Toronto is hosting the WC, something that does not have to do with, nor celebrate the Toronto Maple Leafs centennial season. Why should we be satisfied with the city of Toronto hosting hockey events that do not have anything to do with our organization and accept that as a part of our 100 year birthday? How does that make any sense?


Registered User
Dec 20, 2003
Toronto, ON
This statement is the exact reason why so many are pissed off! THE MAPLE LEAFS DO NOT HAVE THE WC. The city of Toronto is hosting the WC, something that does not have to do with, nor celebrate the Toronto Maple Leafs centennial season. Why should we be satisfied with the city of Toronto hosting hockey events that do not have anything to do with our organization and accept that as a part of our 100 year birthday? How does that make any sense?

Plus the World Cup is a joke.


Registered User
Feb 19, 2010
self-loathing fans are the worst.

Between these guys and ***** like Wyshynski

My annoyance at this situation is way out of proportion to where it should be.

Nice Troll Job. Click bait... Water off a Ducks LR.... dont let it bother you. Its what his Breed do.

Pocket Hercules

Business in the front, party in the back.
Jun 19, 2008
York Region
self-loathing fans are the worst.

Between these guys and ***** like Wyshynski

My annoyance at this situation is way out of proportion to where it should be.

Never even heard of this ******** before. Is he suppose to be some popular blogger in hockey circles?


Grown Menzez
May 1, 2013
Respect given....



Registered User
Feb 19, 2010
Never even heard of this ******** before. Is he suppose to be some popular blogger in hockey circles?

Yeah... that he is, Light-Middleweight, particularly on business issues. Opinionated....Like most of them, heads into the twitterverse with regularity & shoots from the lip... my, what a clever Boy huh?... Eat me Bud.... go buy a vowel or something.

Pocket Hercules

Business in the front, party in the back.
Jun 19, 2008
York Region
Yeah... that he is, Light-Middleweight, particularly on business issues. Opinionated....Like most of them, heads into the twitterverse with regularity & shoots from the lip... my, what a clever Boy huh? Eat me Buddy.

So just another failed journalist in the large heap of failed journalists that has a Twitter acct?


Registered User
Jun 26, 2006
Every one of the decisions makes sense so far.

Winter classic is a US event designed for NBC. It makes sense they would prefer to feature two US markets to drive more viewership in those markets. Assuming the Winter Classic is in St Louis its an opportunity for a new part of the US to attend this game. Plus it celebrates 50 years for the Blues.

All Star game in LA makes 100% sense. Again, it moves the game around the country. This past year in Nashville, now moving West. Again 50 yr celebration.

Draft in Chicago is another smart move. The upcoming draft is in Buffalo. Wouldn't make sense to move the event 2 hours down the road to Toronto when you can expose the event to another part of the country. If Toronto fans want to attend a draft, they can easily go to the event in Buffalo.

If we get a Heritage Classic or some variation, that's far more logical because it will be an event for Canadian TV partners, which is where the vast vast majority of the Leafs fanbase would care.

On top of that we have the relaunch of the world cup, which of all the NHL properties available is the most valuable in terms of star power and meaning of the games. Clearly the fans in TO are stoked about the event because tickets are selling.

NHL has done a great job giving a piece of the pie to as many teams as possible.
Wow, that's the biggest pile of bull I've read on here in a while.

If the Leafs get some kind of outdoor game. With the amount of face slapping the league is doing to the Leafs I'm not sure they want to do more than send MLSE a greeting card.

The World Cup? Really? How does tickets being sold for that mean fans in TO care at all? It's a world wide event. Maybe, just maybe people who don't live in Toronto are buying tickets and going to fly in for it. And it still means absolutely nothing for the Toronto Maple Leafs.

The league has done a garbage job. Though the plan has clearly been pretty simple. **** Toronto and hand out events to everyone else.


Registered User
Feb 19, 2010
So just another failed journalist in the large heap of failed journalists that has a Twitter acct?

... no, not "failed" nor a "journalist".... different kind of creature altogether... come ta crawling out of the swamp a tad slimy.


$$$$$$$*NICE*$$$$$$$ 69 in 79 $$$$$$$*NICE*$$$$$$$
Oct 22, 2006
In your head
what the heck?

honestly. i just... i can't even, even with people right now
To be fair Greg Wyshynski pretty much said he was the reason John Scott won the all-star vote

I don't know how anyone can read that trash

The CyNick

Freedom of Speech!
Sep 17, 2009
Bull. The NHL had the 2013 draft in Newark, then had the 2014 draft in Philadelphia, roughly two hours from each other. Once again, the precedent is already set. Stop trying so hard to be above it all.

You care about the World Cup, the majority of Leafs fans (and NHL fans in general) is that it's a joke. Once again, it's got nothing to do with the Leafs turning 100, but whatever.

I never said that the draft could never been in the same region two years in a row, just saying I see the NHL's reasoning for spreading the wealth and making these events available to other parts of the country.

As for your World Cup opinion, cool, you're not interested. Of course I'll lay a wager you will be on here commentating on the games. And at the end of the day, even if you are uninterested, and I am very interested, we're just two people. Proof will be in ticket sales as to whether or not there is interest in the market.

The CyNick

Freedom of Speech!
Sep 17, 2009
This statement is the exact reason why so many are pissed off! THE MAPLE LEAFS DO NOT HAVE THE WC. The city of Toronto is hosting the WC, something that does not have to do with, nor celebrate the Toronto Maple Leafs centennial season. Why should we be satisfied with the city of Toronto hosting hockey events that do not have anything to do with our organization and accept that as a part of our 100 year birthday? How does that make any sense?

Games will be played in the arena that our team plays in. The city was chosen is large part as a nod to the fact that this market has a ton of passionate hockey fans.

I would like to know how a DRAFT is a celebration of any team. When you watch a draft do they cart out legends from the past of the host city and have them do laps around the rink (that isnt there)? Maybe they'll have a ceremonial "trade to announce" for a bunch of ex Leafs.

Most of you guys who are complaining are complaining because you think the Leafs are ENTITLED to everything, and you're grasping at straws because they didnt get the events you assumed they would.

The CyNick

Freedom of Speech!
Sep 17, 2009
Wow, that's the biggest pile of bull I've read on here in a while.

If the Leafs get some kind of outdoor game. With the amount of face slapping the league is doing to the Leafs I'm not sure they want to do more than send MLSE a greeting card.

The World Cup? Really? How does tickets being sold for that mean fans in TO care at all? It's a world wide event. Maybe, just maybe people who don't live in Toronto are buying tickets and going to fly in for it. And it still means absolutely nothing for the Toronto Maple Leafs.

The league has done a garbage job. Though the plan has clearly been pretty simple. **** Toronto and hand out events to everyone else.

You think the NHL World Cup, essentially a brand new event, is at a point where most of the tickets are being purchased by people in other countries? I would guess the vast majority of tickets will be sold to people within 3-4 driving of the GTA.

Its funny that people like you would have been happy to host the All Star Game, but you dont seem to grasp that the World Cup is just an All Star Game on steroids. So you're a mark for the name "All Star Game". Both are NHL events, we got the bigger event.

Would love to hear what a Draft and an All Star Game "means" for the Toronto Maple Leafs.


Registered User
Nov 1, 2011
New Brunswick
Normally I try to stay level headed and even about things, but this is pretty disappointing. In my eyes the standards were set by Montreal during their 100th, and feel that should pretty much be the standard for any team during their 100th. I don't care if it's the Leafs, the Panthers, the Blackhawks, or whoever. A 100th season is a major milestone for a team, and the League as a whole. It's a massive achievement and is something that you'd think would be celebrated as much as possible for that one season.

Like I said, Montreal set the precedent when it comes to events. So far it's really disappointing to see the Leafs losing out on this stuff. It makes me as a fan feel unappreciated when the team I pour money into (and by extension the League itself) isn't seemingly being given appreciation or events for a 100th season that another team has already been shown.

Maybe I'm weird though.

Le Cobra

Rent A Goalie
Nov 11, 2015
Toronto The Good
It's hard enough to live to 100.

Next season should be The Year of The Leafs.
Every single event should be a tribute to this great legacy.
All Star Game.
Winter Classic.
Heck the Heritage game should be Cup winning Leafs vs non cup winning leafs.
Every province in Canada should erect a statue of Brendan Shanahan in solid gold (LOL) right square in the middle of the capital of their most populated city. The PARLIAMENT should fly a flag with the new logo on it for the entirety of the centennial year. Timmies should introduce a blue and white Iced Cap. Canadian Tire will change their logo blue and the tiny maple leaf white. Our currency especially the five dollar bill because blue and white should have the faces of those Leafs who are currently represented on Legends Row. The Gardiner Expressway will be redubbed 'The Jake Gardiner Expressway'.

The Jays, Raptors', Argos. Toronto FC, Toronto Rock, Milos Raonic uniforms will sport a 100 with the new leafs logo on their sleeves/top corner of their uniform.

The Draft. Leafs get an extra draft lottery ball JUST BECAUSE. All NHL 2018 covers for the video games will all have a closeup of James Reimer's face smiling. HBO special 24/7 the Leafs 100th.

I say this all tongue in cheek :sarcasm:

But with all honesty

There isn't ENOUGH that can't be done. Give credit where credit is due.
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Registered User
Jun 11, 2015
Outside Moncton, NB

"Toronto’s entry in the newly formed National Hockey League for the 1917-18 season played its first game on December 19, 1917 against the Montreal Wanderers. Toronto scored a total of nine goals but still lost the game by a count of 10-9. Ironically, it was the only win for the Montreal Wanderers in the NHL as the team folded operations when their arena burnt down after only six games."

Correct me if I'm wrong but does that not make the 17/18 season the 100 year anniversary?
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Global Moderator
Feb 27, 2002
Leafs Home Board
I'm surprised that some fans think hosting an All-Star game weekend in a mean nothing event is more prestigious than hosting the inaugural World Cup tournament in the city instead.


Also how does hosting an entry draft in the middle of summer June 2017 when there is no hockey on, actually tie to Leafs 100 years centennial season celebration which isn't held till summer 2017, when Leafs centennial year of 2016-17 has already been complete and celebrated? Isn't that like celebrating your birthday and then months later expecting your belated presents to arrive?.

If anything shouldn't Leaf fans have wanted the 2016 entry draft (being held in Buffalo this summer) to kick off their 100 year anniversary season?


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