"The Queen's Gambit: A Netflix Series Where The Chess Is Done Right
The Queen’s Gambit is a seven-episode series, debuting October 23 on Netflix. Set in the Cold War-era, it is a coming-of-age story that explores the true cost of genius: that of Beth Harmon, a highly talented female chess player. Initially,
The Queen's Gambit was supposed to be a film. Allan Scott acquired the rights to Walter Tevis's
novel some 30 years ago and had different directors working on it, the last being
Heath Ledger who died in the middle of preparing the movie. Soon after he finished working on
Godless (a successful American Western drama that was created in 2016-2017) Scott Frank got the idea to turn
The Queen's Gambit into a miniseries. "Netflix fell in love with the idea and said yes to it," said Frank."
The Queen's Gambit: A Netflix Series Where The Chess Is Done Right
I'd like to see
The Polgar Variant someday. Here's a game
Judit Polgar vs Garry Kasparov (2002) Ladies First where Kasparov plays the Spanish Game: Berlin Defense (the same defense Kramnik used to beat him for the World Championship
Kasparov - Kramnik Classical World Championship Match (2000) ). l'Hermet Variation Berlin Wall Defense
(C67) and she beat him.