quat said:
Not sure if this is news to you, but Canada is extremely anti-American. Obviously size and location have a lot to do with this, but I am always embarrassed by how sniveling Canadians get about the States. It doesn't have to be this way, but opposing Americans in any way possible seems to make Canadians feel better about themselves. Sure there are lots of valid things we Canadians have to complain about, like some serious crack-head trade practices, but all the important stuff gets lost in the huge, younger, smaller brother whine that fills the news and now actually defines us. Sad.
it's not news to me, but i was a bit surprised as i got older and witnessed how resentful some [not most, but a few] Canadians were about being confused for being American...they were very quick to clairfy their nationalism (as if one needs to apologize for being American these or any days)...
i'm not an average U.S. citizen, i know this, i like hockey MORE than the next guy and in my oblivious lust for the sport, just assumed that 'you're ok, we're ok', and didn't see the schism until much later in life... have been asked multiple times by people if i am from Canada, but i sure didn't get into a snit about it.
it's a shame, because in the U.S., there seems to be a preponderance of foreigners across the board who make a decent life for themselves here, reap the benefits of an education/trade and life in this country (which is great, IMO, i feel fortunate), have a family here but seem so despicably obtuse about this America because of its politics and foreign policy.
it's hypocritical, and i notice it even more because my wife is originally from Japan, came to the U.S. originally on a work visa, and she is THE most patriotic person i have ever known, by a long shot... from her families perspective, they feel a great deal of affinity for a country that allows them the opportunities we have here.
conversely, i can understand some of the hard feelings, i mean, i think a lot of people here in Calif are a bunch of knuckleheads, with the ignorant redneck Nascar hicks almost as nauseating as the hip-hop A-hole culture.
in closing, no matter what some of you think of us, i love Canada, love Canadians, and am eternally grateful for your country bringing us all the best sport in the world.