I said to myself, spinorama. As posted earlier, he's done that move before and that always stands out for me when I think of Raymond and a shootout.
What should be obvious is that the spin-o-rama is a gimic. The name of the move is the first and last clue needed. The fact that you can lose a regular season game to a skills competition with a move that has name that screams gimic is a problem in my book.
This is my first vent on SO's for a while. I hate, hate, hate, them. They are best left to the All-Start game. It would be like taking a baseball game that goes beyond 10 innings and deciding it on a home run derby. A lot like deciding a basketball game, after one OT, with a slam dunk contest.
The fact that a spin-o-rama is allowed should cast major doubt on the legitimacy of the SO. The fact that a SO win gathers the same amount of points as a OT or regulation win is a black mark on the game.
The spin-o-rama just gave me another opportunity to blast the joke that is the shoot out. It takes one of the best games in world, if not the best, and turns it into arena football. I feel dirty every time they do it. If they want to have that decide games for 8 year olds, that is cool. But for a pro game? A joke. Why do we have it? Well one of the top two is so that people can't complain about a regular season game end in a tie. It's NOT a playoff game. It is NOT a legitimate win, even when we get lucky enough to win more of them than we lose.
As far as Raymond. I guess you have to be known for something. Beyond that he's a rather unremarkable player. Maybe he can teach Brassard or RJ that move.