Does anyone in the HF Boards community have any contact names/numbers in the NHL's marketing department?
I would suggest using LinkedIn to try and connect with them. Instead of sending the generic message edit it to say something more personal. If you're looking to get information on how they got to that point ask them. You may get a response, you may not. That's where I would start.
I have a few names and numbers/email addresses but I would get in a lot of trouble if I were to give them out. I'm sorry. If you wind up in the sports business, you'll discover rather quickly the "do's and don'ts"... and confidentiality is a huge don't. I must have signed about 10 pages of confidentiality and social media agreements on my first day. I even had to sign papers stating I wouldn't give out information regarding the team's official playbook.
I have to agree with NYR89, LinkedIn is probably your best resource for contact information. One thing I love about LinkedIn is that most profiles will list information like universities they attended/graduated from or organizations they may have belonged to (or currently belong to). If you can connect with someone on one or more of those levels that may help you with future dialogue. Not to be nosey, but have you graduated from university or is that still in the future for you?
From my experience, when trying to start a dialogue with someone in management in the sports industry, being able to personally connect with someone (whether it be through a school, organization, even hometown if it is a small one) can open up a dialogue with someone. Personally I try to respond to people whenever they email me for advice/information but that may be because it wasn't so long ago that I was the one seeking the information and advice and how frustrating and disappointing the search could be at times. The managers I work with are more likely to respond to someone who is a fellow alum. BUT that's not to say they won't respond if there is no connection whatsoever either... all I'm saying is that it helps, at least from my experience. So if there is a connection, use it! And if not, just make your email, like NYR89 said, personal. Generic emails are a no-no.
Also, you might want to keep in mind what time of the year it is when you are reaching out to these people. I wouldn't suggest doing it during the height of the season or during the playoffs... most people are going to be very busy during these times, they work long hours and often times weekends. Try contacting them during the off-season when they will have time to read and respond to your inquiry.
Good luck!
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