It isn't BS and I can honestly stand here all day and back that up with as much data as needed. I'm not just saying that to blow smoke either, recruiting and hiring is what I do for a living. Just because there aren't enough opportunities for your field in the area that you live, doesn't mean they don't exist elsewhere. All the hiring data as well as compensation data HAS continuously pointed to the most favorable market for job seekers in 50+ years. We have had to raise our starting salary twice just to try to keep up with other companies. Job seekers are turning down offers in record numbers because of all the options available. Will this continue to be the case? Doubtful.
The higher you climb and the more specialized you become, the fewer opportunities that exist. That has always, and will always be the case.
The other thing I will add, to kind of piggyback off of
@East Coast Bias point, things are changing in the IT world. While I am not as in touch with it as I used to be (I did specialized IT recruiting for a while about 7 years ago), competition for jobs is actually increasing in that field. 10-15 years ago Universities and Colleges began to heavily invest in IT programs at their schools and made a big push for students to consider IT as a career choice. The supply of IT folks, while I think is still somewhat scarce, isn't nearly as scarce as it used to be.