Obviously, I'll be disciplined if I'm too off the cuff, but for these reasons, I try to be as real with my students as I can be.
I think education can be a great thing, and I fancy myself an important factor in their lives, even if only for a few months, but I see where education has failed us. We've left young people with a lot of debt and a lot of skills that aren't taking them anywhere, with some missed lessons along the way. I do my best to impart things that will actually help them.
For example, we do presentations in my class, and every time, half the class tries to opt out because "I'm not comfortable with public speaking." No. We're doing it. In most workplaces, you're going to have to present. So we're doing it. And I'm not harsh on these. Most of them get good grades. But you're ****ing doing it. When we do written assignments (and I tell them this straight up) I don't care if it's not William Shakespeare. I care that you follow directions. I just graded a pretty bland paper today but the girl got an A because she followed the format 1000%. Another student gave me really deep, intelligent stuff, but he didn't get an A because he was too cavalier. If you wanna get introspective, come sit in my office and I'll make coffee, but on the paper, you better follow directions.
That's not to say I discourage creativity. There's something to be said about innovation in the workplace and I think it's also an important part of being a healthy human when you go home for the day. But you have to do it within the parameters you're given.
Another student of mine gave me something similar. Really intelligent, spectacular thoughts, but not what we asked for. But this student did something the other didn't - he sent me a draft. He got some work done early and asked for feedback. That's a relevant skill. That's applicable to jobs. And because he did that, we got his deep thoughts into a system that works, and he got a perfect score. That guy has a bright future.
The advantage I have is that, on an assignment, I absolutely can give honest, candid feedback. And again I'm not gonna kick your **** in for not being a wonderful writer, I'm gonna kick your **** in for being irresponsible and not following directions. I hope and I pray, since I can give honest feedback, that because I tore you a new one, an employer will never have to.
Of course, don't mistake this for me being some hardass. I'm a marshmallow. I put chocolate out in my office and stay late for students who want extra help. But if you don't follow directions and aren't willing to try things you don't wanna do, we're gonna have a bad time. Many students, unfortunately, say "oh well" to that and take their C. They're adults, I can't force them. But other students dramatically improve, and those are the people that get me up in morning.
When you finish my class, frankly, I couldn't care less if you remember facts about sociology. I want you to leave with self-confidence, the ability to follow directions, and the notion that you're able to present your findings, work with peers in a productive way, and work with supervisors in a productive way.
Your knowledge of Emile Durkhiem isn't going to make you money. Your ability to give your boss exactly what they asked for to your highest standards is going to make you money.
I do my humble best to get them working that way. If I can get 2 or 3 of them out of the 25 they put in front of me to get their **** together, I feel pretty good at the end of the day. I would love for it to be all 25, but I know them for four months. I can't parent them. And unfortunately, the school system they went to until they were 18 is more concerned with teaching them how to pass tests than teaching them how to work. I mean, sure, many jobs will test you on basic stuff, but it's hardly the most relevant skill. It's the only skill they get in public school.