Except I got screwed out of the offer. Got the job, but the offer wasn't made. What happened is the last post on the previous page.
Stuck in the ****hole that is Charlotte.
At this point, I'm going to have to pay hundreds, if not thousands, to some "resume professional" to tweak a resume with over 20 years experience. All because this market is all about who you know rather than what you know, ESPECIALLY when you're 47 and already facing age discrimination.
If you're going that route, go the route of a consultant, bro. I'm working with a consultant, I haven't applied anywhere yet so no results yet but I'm loving the process we're going through and he knows his shit. He's extremely smart an attentive. Hell of a nice guy. It's possible he doesn't have too many clients yet so maybe he'll be less attentive with time. But all in I'm paying $1,300. But you can choose services a la carte. I'd recommend splurging and just doing the whole thing if you can. The amount of money you'll make by possibly cutting down months of unemployment will make the $1,300 worth it. If I did the math right let's say we do Charlotte (I know you don't want to be there but just for simplicity), if you expect to be making $100k a year, after NC income taxes, Charlotte income taxes, and Federal income taxes you will be in the green if you just start a job 6 days earlier than you would have with no help, the line is at about 41.76 hours for a 40 hour work week, so after 42 hours you made back the $1,300 and more.
If you want to know the math, you can check it yourself:
Federal income tax for $100k a year: 24%
NC Income tax: ~5.5%
Charlotte Income tax: 5.75%
Total: 35.25%
Anyway, long way to go about telling you that this pays for itself in Charlotte if you make a decent but not ridiculous amount of money.
And to show how attentive he is, he surprised me today by remaking my resume. When I used a consultant to help me get into business school due to ethical reasons they could only help me and they couldn't do the resume themselves, here no such ethical dilemmas exist and it was an amazing surprise. I'll take a look at it of course and will have to customize it to roles but I was shocked.
Here's the link, if anyone is interested you can check it out too.
Wehnered.com - Supercharge Your Career and Unlock Your Greatest Potential.