Hi there guys. Been a bit out of the loop for a while. My pending multimillion U$D lawsuit in Iceland, which is taking place more than 7,5 years after the day I sold my shares back to the Company, is Finally to be decided with a verdict set to be announced on Wednesday - December 16. The lawsuit has been ongoing for over 4 years and has really been stressful. Add 2 heart attacks, double bypass heart surgery, lung surgery, pulmonary fibrosis, serious depression/pharmaceutical addiction and a life threatening outbreak of COVID 19 for my entire family into this timeframe, and yeah...it gets tedious.
I am suing both the Company itself and the Directors personally (providing no mercy regarding COVID losses) for fraudulent misrepresentation, forgery and associated punitive damages due to the fact that the Directors presented clearly false written information to me preceding the sale. Which they never rectified. The profits for 2012 were 128% higher in reality than the numbers - signed and validated - the BOD gave me before the buyback. The EBITDA was also off by similiar numbers. The profits for 2013 and thereafter were also more than 100% above the Numbers I had gotten for 2011. The Company was additionally, in stealth, trying to sell all its shares and tendered external offers to outside buyers - Which They Then ironically found too low and declined- that were well over 100% above the share price I received. This is all documented and also occurred before the buyback took place. They also then tried to conceal this in a long trail of falsified bookkeeping and incomplete/changed numbers in the annual reports... for several years.
The trial, which was held on November 18-20, went very well and my excellent lawyers (on a set procentage retainer fee) are all very optimistic. It was very high profile with witnesses from 5 countries providing testimony. In the US, Canada, Sweden, Norway, Danmark, Germany and Poland - this would be a clear cut case. But this is a small island nation and the opposing party is led by a real big shot in the Icelandic corporate world, so you never know how these things pan out. He has been in hot water for his hanky panky business dealings before, but always gotten off the hook. It is time he gets his karma due. Anyways, I need all the positive energy and good luck I can get... I really need some closure here... Peace!