I'm counting the days until the Canes will throw this headcase out of the team. It's not about his controversial opinions on twitter. It's about him finding a way to not be a total cancer in the squad. He shouldn't be behaving like a 16 year old, uneducated, toxic moron with low self esteem, but he still does, at the age of 26.
Hence the low salary. Small risk, great reward. DeAngelo himself should realize this is his absolutely last chance to play in the NHL. Can he refrain and retrain himself from not being himself? Be polite, not be an a-hole, not be a cancer to team morale, all of that? We will see. The number of teams who have thrown him out is remarkable. Truly remarkable. Only his hockey talent has saved himself from becoming total pariah way earlier on. If he can't change himself this time, he will be.
I'm not judgemental. I see it as this: fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me five times, shame on me not listening to perpetual history. But everyone can change if they have the will. Everything says DeAngelo won't.
DeAngelo is like a worse version of Sean Avery in terms of personality and just a tad bit more talented. In this day and age, he has worned out his welcome slowly but surely in every team he has played for.