Don’t care to join another argument after being at the center of a bunch recently, but to this one thing I will say, no. Especially with the private discussion re: mods and standards.
Frustrated or irritated or just not interested in entertaining the argument I understand, but I hate this. The reason I’ve been so ornery lately is that everyone seems to recently think that condescending and dismissive snark is A) justifiable as long as it’s not overboard (the way mine definitely was) and B) preferable to actual discussion. In some cases - obviously here you’ve stated your case already… but plenty of posters no longer even do that. They just post derisive, dismissive snark and if you question it, the level of self assured superiority they exude is gross. Again, not talking about this argument nor wanting to become involved in it. Definitely not saying you don’t hash out your thoughts most of the time. But don't condone dismissive or condescending snark by pretending you’ve earned it somehow by posting a lot. You (or I) sanctioning dismissive and condescending posts, even if just our own, is an endorsement for other knuckleheads who the same and a lot of them aren’t doing much else beside chiming in here, there, and everywhere with annoying condescension. It’s becoming way too prevalent on a board that once was filled with much better quality discourse and is now being filled with self proclaimed expert hot takes and snark.
We need to do better. If the conversation is over or at an impasse, just let it be. But you or me saying “yes, I am superior and never wrong and my ‘status’ because I have 100k posts, or a 2:1 like ratio means I’m allowed to be condescending” is just green lighting other posters to be condescending and dismissive, and unlike us, half of them don’t even EVER post something of subtance or longer than 2 sentences, which makes their rampant condescension like 10x more insufferable.
And now I am 100% removing myself from this situation permanently because, like I said, I’ve drawn enough ire this week. But no one on these boards should be intentionally condescending towards anyone. So, even if sarcastic, saying “yes” 150k posts earned me a right to be condescending is still crap. It’s the thing that basically set me off earlier this week. I’m so tired of snide one liners from people who rarely advance any meaningful discussion but always have an opinion which they’re sure is correct. Everyone do better. I don’t know who TF everyone thinks they are all of a sudden, but damn near 75% of us are apparently the next great undiscovered hockey mind incapable of being wrong, and so sure of it that we just dismiss and deride our fellow posters. When did that shift happen? Because whenever it was, that’s when I started slowly getting more and more and more fed up and ready to eventually snap on people. It’s BS. Everyone needs to cut it out, which means prominent posters like you (or I) can’t be engaging in it, just like you and Leo told me that my tantrums were out of line. And they were, but it’s largely because our community has become people being dismissive jerks to one another way too often. So smug.
Not singling you out. You’re mostly better than that. I’m saying you doing it makes it okay for others, who frankly contribute Jack shit, to think they can do it too.