Mildly Disturbed
McMichael has way more value going out and he will bring back a true top 6.
Right, because if McMichael really is no real help in the playoffs, that's something that only WE know. The rest of the league has no clue! Their talent evaluation is bupkis! So of course they'll trade us a mint for him.
Your myopic view of an admittedly flawed player aside, don't you think it's possible given the cap space we have and the likelihood of retention at the TDL, that we can add to this team without subtracting from it? Isn't it better to take two steps forward *without* taking one back?
If your view of McMike is correct, then it isn't a secret and the trade partner would just as likely take another prospect entirely, cuz there'd have to be additional futures in the deal anyway if you're getting back a "true top 6."