I’m fully in now, Alfreds daughter was just captured by the Dane brothers. At this rate I’ll be all caught up by next weekend lol
Yeah love me some TLK. Holding off finishing the current season since its the last (though they announced a TLK movie to finish things up). Books are great also.
Agreed about Severance its worth a watch so far so good interesting premise just a couple of episodes in. Kinda reminded me of Devs early on but its different though with less creepy vibe that devs has which is just a neutral statement.
Finished up a couple of recent SK romantic drama series but don't think anyone here is interested in those, heh.
Not sure if anyone has mentioned The Company of Witches which is on the 3rd season but it is decent (books are decent as well).
Halo eps 3 was aight. Not really familiar with the Halo genre and nothing is exactly original but the back story stuff shows some substance despite plot lines not treading new scifi ground (thats not necessarily required for me to like but when done averagely comes across as derivative.