Nope, no misunderstanding at all. I've been heavily invested in competitive sports my whole life so I get that part. Perhaps you misunderstand that the players don't run the team. These guys should feel disrespected or disgruntled, or something for the crap performance this season and they should be made to be aware of their failures. Instead we fans always pay the price. As long as these millionaires aren't put out in any way whatsoever I suppose, even if the team is worse off for it.
So what you're saying is no team is able to trade players for draft picks, which is odd because I could have sworn I've seen it done before. Like it almost seems like we did it ourselves one day earlier. No disrespect there though I guess. For the record I would be flipping those picks for players this summer when they're available and the cap is easier to figure out. Our margins are so tight it will be a huge challenge to improve the team. Surely these players aren't so dumb and impatient they couldn't understand these concepts. Whatever though, I don't really care, I've become apathetic. I just think they're dummies and this is part of the reason we have trouble winning. Always chasing high risk low reward $$. Maybe it's time for a bold decision or two?
You're on a completely different tangent here than the OP. I thought it was clever. I mean feel free to
make up your own analogy that explains your point better but I don't think his intent has anything at all to do with what you're talking about. It was just a joke

about the visual makeup of the team and how it looks better than it is.