Appealing to authority with the team's medical staff is... Well... You fill in the blank.
It isn't really a straight appeal to authority though since many posters are merely pointing out that management / medical staff have information we don't have. So, the argument isn't to given credence to their actions because they are an
authority, but to do so because they obviously have information we don't have.
Plus, an appeal to authority is when the authority isn't qualified on the subject. But the HF posters criticizing the Canucks medical staff, by and large, have zero qualifications where at least the Canucks medical staff are qualified in the medical profession. So it mostly isn't even an appeal to authority.
With that said, the medical staff definitely could have screwed things.
Nobody here should not be giving them the benefit of the doubt given the history.
For all the lists of injuries put together by posters on here, who are almost always not medically qualified to even analyze the information, I have never seen anyone even attempt to try to put how these injuries were handled in context with the medical industry as a whole, and more importantly, within the context of NHL teams. At best they are just a list of injuries with outcomes that the poster
thinks are worse than industry standard but has provided zero evidence for. Like, sure, NHL players will get injured, and there are a range of potential treatments with a range of potential risks, and sometimes the players who get injured realize some of those risks, and sometimes, in hindsight the best treatment option is not picked. And sometimes, outcomes are just bad. And sometimes, the medical practitioners are just bad and are negligent.
So, ya, the Canucks medical staff might suck. I don't know. You don't know. And no one has put together any compelling argument that they do suck other than just list a bunch of injuries without any real context.
I don't think the media is harder here than Toronto or Montreal, or any Canadian City really... but I mean if a media member says the media that they are apart of isn't hard then it must be true
Drance said that he has been soft on Petey so its true unless you think he's lying?