Former TheRillestPaulFenton; Harverd Alum
It's less the contract I'm worried about than the roster spot. KK doesn't play well on wing. Maybe you put Drury on the wing, but he's always been a center at every level. Aho, Miller, Staal, and Drury or KK. So to make room, you have to move whichever one Vancouver prefers, and give the other one the job.
And even with the cap going up, $4.8 is a lot to pay for a 4C.
Staal is going to be 37 this year. If Miller or similar-caliber player is acquired w/o KK coming back, the future center lineup is likely Aho-Miller-KK-Drury once Jordo hangs up the skates. That's a 4-deep lineup that can be strong for at least the medium-term. I'd play someone like Drury on the wing until Staal hangs it up.
I'm not saying, BTW, that the Canes should not do a KK for Miller trade. All that I'm saying is that the Canes have the luxury to be patient to get the right trade because of their long-term cap situation.
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