Armchair Quarterback
We're probably not going far in the playoffs this year, too many players just half-assing it and no physical presence to speak's a retooling year anyway so seriously just sell off a few guys for assets and flip those assets for other players to help us moving forward. Get rid of Burns, put Walker next to Slavin for now and get a physical #5 shutdown d-man to pair with Ghost. If Rants wants to hit UFA get what you can for him @ 75% total retention. See what we can get in UFA or what shakes loose in the off-season. This team is eventually going to have to overpay to bring in a top 6 guy or this is going to continue being how every year goes, good but not good enough. Get some goddamn f***ing physicality on this team to help clear space for our guys. Maybe then we could actually win a box-out in front of the net, bang in a rebound, or score during net-front-scramble. Clog the middle so we play around the perimeter and we're screwed 9 out of 10 times
Couple thoughts:
I don't see selling off assets as a realistic option for the organization. Some of our more astute fans might see the strategy and approve, but telling the fan base in general that you're giving up on the season would be a p.r. catastrophe.
I'll be gobsmacked (been waiting for a chance to use that word lol) if anyone on the team is going to half-ass it in the playoffs. Might be nice to see the Canes bump it up a notch or two in the playoffs instead of just experiencing it from the opponents. Get there and see what happens.
I'd love to see Rod mix up the D pairings. Having said that, I can't see selling off anyone unless it's to upgrade the D for now and in the future.