you don't have to since the Habs clearly should have very good info on him due to Boborov's dad. So anything that is said now up to the draft is just noise that the Habs likely don't have to worry about since they should know all this stuff.
terrible scout, NEVER draft for need in the top 5, that's how you end up with KK, unless you know how to develop talent.
They will know this in advance due to Boborov's dad so I'm not worried about this, if the Habs don't pick him (as I assume he's there at 5th) then I got to think there's a very good reason for it, that they know something that they learned from Boborov's dad say vs just some kind of not saying woke line of thinking but not picking him just because he's Russian and it looks bad because of what they are doing. Not saying that's the case, and it's not like if they did pass on him, we likely wouldn't know the full truth as to why I'm guessing.
just so it's clear I only have VHL games as the KHL geo blocks my vids so I can't post them. If you go way back to '21 when he was 15 in the MHL, if you look up the Alexander Gordin vids I have, he could be in some of them but I can't say for sure and I have been deleting some of the really old vids from prospects that likely won't get any views anyway.
based off the # of views most my vids don't get that many views outside of Hutson doing something crazy in a game. It does suck badly when you put 2 hours into something and like 200 or 400 people view it (it terms of money that's like .50 cents for the effort)
1 - I could see it. I know Friedman on his 31 thoughts had him falling out of the top 12, I thought that was nuts cause I don't see the Caps passing on him at 8th.
2. It's crazy how much he's been rumored to us, to me it seems to high but I don't know him well enough to say other then this sounds like a smokescreen unless they really think he's in the Seider range.
3. I haven't seen him at all but that write makes him sound interesting, I wouldn't be surprised if he's the 2nd or 3rd D taken in the draft.
4. I could see it.
5. I don't know him at all other then I saw he's almost 6'7, I don't know if I would draft a goalie that tall.
6. I've been saying that ever since the Jackets said they like him a lot.
7. this one I don't know at all
8. I thought he would get picked but he is small for a goalie
9. I don't know this one either
10. sounds likely