Make a poll then. You are literally the only person on this website who I have seen complain about the referees since the game was actually played. Let's see where the majority will vote. Put it on the Swedish section if you like. We both know that you won't do that, because you know how it will turn out.
The proof that the game was was reffed is in the video. I already proved it. NHL referees being the best in the world is a completely different point, but it's already clear to anyone watching the NHL and also IIHF tournaments. As far as my "Canadian darlings", who says that NHL referees have to be Canadian? Many are American, and ideally they would incorporate more referees from other countries. Sorry if that gets in the way of your strawman though.
Why didn't any of the players at the Olympics complain about the referees then, since most of them also lost? Also, I am amused by your strawman attempts. I am actually getting embarrassed responding to someone who is clearly (hopefully?) still a child.
To be clear, NHL (not Canadian... NHL) referees tend to be superior officials than IIHF referees. That does not mean they are gods or that they never make mistakes, because unfortunately there is a massive gap between "IIHF ref" and "ref who makes no mistakes".
Doubt it all that you like but Niklas Kronwall and Erik Karlsson, two actual members of the Swedish team, disagree.
Good question. Luckily we have actual game evidence that clearly indicates that Forsberg's complaints were unfounded. Like you, he has the option of going through the game and indicating when and where the officials actually favoured Canada. He won't do that however, just like you won't, because his complaints were proven wrong.
You are obviously wrong, and your failure to indicate even a single refereeing error in the video only proves that point further.