One Winged Angel
You Can't Escape
Except show you his defensive forward voting which completely supports my case and trumps yours, although you refuse to accept it?
pretty hilarious how in 7 of the last 10 years he got ZERO selke votes in the top 5 (and there are a LOT of voters, nearly 150 to be exact, its not like the vezina)
then suddenly in the last year he exploded for 38 votes. its almost like he "evolved" his game, to my original post
Have you seen some of the players getting votes? The voting is done by writers, 90% of which don't watch half the players brought into question.
Mike Ribeiro has gotten selke votes in the past.
Also, you're the same guy that said Girardi finishing 6th in Norris Voting in 2012 was a fluke and now you're going to use Selke Voting for an argument when the same flawed system (by your standards as well as mine) determines placing?
You also just admitted that you're strictly going on voting. You've done nothing to talk about his play on a nightly basis. Thank you for proving my point.
I'd tell you to join our Game day threads and talk about what happened in the game while it's going on, since you watch the Rangers so much, but I'm not going to hold my breath since I don't see you A. Having center ice and B. Having the balls to actually follow through and back your lies up.
For the record, I don't like Nash. I want him gone. So my affiliation to team has nothing to do with the fact that for the last 5 seasons I've watched almost every game he's played and you haven't.