Ritchie was pretty bad last night... there shouldn't be much debate about that. Both of his games have been rather poor IMO.
On his staying up or going down, I think too much is made of it on either side. If he's rushed and he isn't ready (which to this point, I don't think he is)... the most important thing is that the Avs recognize it and send him down. You don't want him struggling up here to just keep him in the NHL. I'd probably say try to make that decision prior to 9 games. But at least by the end of November. If he's sent down, there is still a lot he can develop and learn in the OHL. He should dominate offensively because he's skilled and the league should be easy for him. He can still learn to attack the middle of the ice better, be more aggressive, play better defense... and overall learn to utilize his frame. There are things he can work on there, so not the worst thing to send him down.
In either manner, he'll end up roughly where he should be regardless of the decision. If he struggles in the NHL, it might just delay him a bit and hurt his interim value.