I have very high hopes for Valentin Nussbaumer, a 2019 eligible. I don't think there's that much separation between him and Rossi.
I think, it is. Nussbaumer is 1 year older. That means a lot in juniors.
I have very high hopes for Valentin Nussbaumer, a 2019 eligible. I don't think there's that much separation between him and Rossi.
I asked why it was facepalm worthy. Anyway, my bad.
Marco Rossi makes his debut for the GCK Lions NLB team today!
I could see Halifax going for him at the Import Draft, looking at their track reccord with players from the swiss junior system.
It will be tougher for them with the 46th pick.
Does it matter though, if the player lets teams know he won't report for any other club than Halifax?
Does it matter though, if the player lets teams know he won't report for any other club than Halifax?
Why wouldn't he go to Saint John who have the 1st pick?
If he lets teams know he would only report to Halifax he’ll be gone early. It means he has some interest so a lot of teams would try to convince him. You know Halifax isn’t the only good organization in the CHL?
When Mooseheads drafted their last few stars they had top picks to do so.
2017 #11 Zadina
2016 #6 Hischier
2013 #6 Ehlers #12 Meier
Edit: Halifax has 43th, right behind London at 42th
Well Zadina went 11th Overall last year but was easily the second best and desired player in the draft behind Svechnikov. Kootenay Ice from the WHL picked 3rd Overall and selected Gilian Kohler who has 19 points to his name this season. They did this beacause they knew Zadina would never report for them. Now I don't know if any team would pick a players rights for the sole purpose that another team could not get said player, or if this is considered a dick move around the League. I am by no means an expert when it comes to the CHL and the Import Draft. But from what I have picked up from being a casual hockey fan, it seems to me that the players and their agents are holding all the bargening chips, when it comes to the Draft and not the teams.
There are always teams that take chances with high end players even if they don't have a commitment from them. I'm just saying it will be tougher for Halifax to get Rossi at the rank they're drafting, not impossible, just more difficult. Halifax doesn't have a history of selecting that kind of player later in the draft. I guess we'll see. Back then it was easier, teams could trade for import picks but not anymore. Halifax has finished at the bottom of the standings in the last few years, that's why they could pick Hischier and Zadina so high.
Yeah I guess we'll have to wait and see. I wasn't even aware of the draft order when I made my comment, I just thought it would be good match for both parties...
Regarding the trading clausle tough: Wouldn't you think there are ways to work around this rule with some kind of backdoor-deal?
What kind of deal you’re thinking about? 1st year Euros can’t be traded.
Something along the lines of trading a player to another team for less assets than he's normally worth, if that team restrains from picking a favoured player like Zadina/Rossi in the Import Draft. But as you said, when you only pick in the 40's range, you would have to deal with several other teams to make that happen. In Rossi's case, he might even wait a year until his rights can be traded tough. He is a late birthday and not eligible for the NHL Draft until 2020.