At least it’s Muskegon (haha…weird statement I know). There are far worse outposts in North America juniors for a Russian to go. I would assume the have some language flexible staff and billet families already established with their history being the first port of call for more than a few Russian prospects in North America.
Given that he (or maybe more correctly his agents/handlers?) have already torpedoed the first half of his draft season - I’d say at this point, it’s probably a good move.
With his reticence to play juniors in Russia, I would assume this is mostly a move to be more front and center in the minds of NHL scouting departments and that ultimately, the ideal track of the player is to be developed in the AHL next year - a path a few high level Euros take in coordination with their NHL teams in their post-draft seasons. But he has a LOT of work to do to get there. If he’s exceptional, he will produce in the USHL but as has been pointed out and as various USHL to CHL moves have proven this year - it’s generally a harder league (not saying ‘better’) for 17/18 year-olds to score in, let alone ones making such a monumental move in the middle of the season.