Uh yes they are. Those are literally the only dedicated sports options in this country. Most sports radio is either owned or affiliated with one of them.
It’s not Toronto’s fault that its two local sports channels are being broadcast nationally. Don’t like it, start your own channels. Nobody is stopping anybody from starting Calgary Sports Network or Jets Net.
They all get bought out by either Rogers or Bell. No small company can compete with these behemoths. They have the infrastructure, they have the deep pockets, they even hold most distribution. This is by design.
Again, that’s not Toronto’s fault. That’s the failure of your own politicians and your regions inability to be competitive with the Greater Toronto and Ontario.
They aren't Toronto sports channels. They are National Sports Networks that have Toronto sports channels.
Except they are Toronto sports channels.
TSN has been in Toronto since 1984, it only was picked up nationally in 1997….a whole 13 years after its inception. Ir was originally known as Action Sports Canada Network as a pay-per-view channel, and joined basic cable in 1988. It remained a local Toronto channel until 1997, when CRTC granted it permission to be broadcast nationally across Canada.
Sportsnet follows a similar path…to compete with TSN going national, Sportsnet began following a similar model back in 1996….it went national in 1999/2000.
They also have a plethora of other channels based on different regions. The frustrating thing is they treat the rest of the country, which they purchased and signed up to cover, as an afterthought.
I’m well aware of those other channels. Fun fact: RDS, the TSN French spin off, was broadcast in Toronto until the early 2010s.
Earlier this year SN had a Jets v Flames game, two Canadian teams that were both at the time leading their respective divisions. The HNIC intermission panel spent about 30 seconds on discussing that game before using the rest of the 8 minute segment to talk about the Leafs PP woes in a game that had already finished.
Like I said, imagine crying about two Toronto sports channels talking about Toronto sports teams.
Ain’t nobody stopping you from creating Calgary Sports Network or Jets Net. Nobody really cares about the Flames or Jets outside of Calgary or Winnipeg.
The Leafs on the other hand are Canada’s Team…whether you want to accept it or whine about it, that’s just a fact. They bring in the ratings. I’m not watching no damn game between the Flames and Jets and if the intermission isn’t talking about the Leafs, I just change the channel.
Tough luck. That’s capitalism and competition for you. Remember, it’s Trudeau’s fault. We can’t have communism here.