That he's leading the team in ice time for fwds is a real indictment on the roster building. He's a fine player and should be a decent NHLer at some point but this is not the guy to be carrying the mail for a national team. He's 5th on his junior team in scoring ffs(I know he's missed some games).
That he's taking a penalty like that one late in the 3rd and trying to toe drag defenders every shift in the NZ is a real indictment on the coaching. That's not a coach that has his team on the same page.
Nobody is forcing the rest of Canada to watch TSN or Sportsnet. I’ve never understood why nobody starts (Insert Canadian city here) Sports Network or (Insert Canadian team here) Net.
Uh yes they are. Those are literally the only dedicated sports options in this country. Most sports radio is either owned or affiliated with one of them.
They all get bought out by either Rogers or Bell. No small company can compete with these behemoths. They have the infrastructure, they have the deep pockets, they even hold most distribution. This is by design.
TSN and SN are both Toronto sports channels…both are headquartered here…both started off locally. With the advent of cable and digital cable in the 90s/early 2000s, these channels both got picked up nationally.
Imagine crying about TBS being too Atlanta centric or NESN being to Boston centric.
Rest of Canada needs to pick up the slack. Southern Ontario can’t be running this country.
They aren't Toronto sports channels. They are National Sports Networks that have Toronto sports channels. They also have a plethora of other channels based on different regions. The frustrating thing is they treat the rest of the country, which they purchased and signed up to cover, as an afterthought. Earlier this year SN had a Jets v Flames game, two Canadian teams that were both at the time leading their respective divisions. The HNIC intermission panel spent about 30 seconds on discussing that game before using the rest of the 8 minute segment to talk about the Leafs PP woes in a game that had already finished.