Idk, I find that he's extremely flashy- with all the direction changing, dangles, quick hands and even that one between the legs thing he did. Can't really say who he reminds me of too much because the more I watch of him, the more I see a mixture of a few players.
That is one thing I noticed too about not only Matthews but Laine too. Before, on the euro ice, they had a little bit more room and a moment or two extra to shoot. They will have to get used to the NHL style of guys getting sticks and bodies in front of everything.
Yea I think they'll adjust, they'll just need a little time to figure out timing and space differences but I have no doubt they will. FOr what it's worth, I think Matthews will figure it out a little quicker than Laine (simply because Laine has played all his life on Euro ice, Matthews has just done one year) but they'll both figure it out before long