EDIT: For about this idea. He's 5 years older than Evans. I thought he was 2 years older and age 30. My bad and I apologize
I doubt many other Habs fans would do this but I have been looking for a stop gap if Evans gives us contract fits. I was looking at Gourde earlier and also ROR. However, I have been pondering about Nelson.
* Nelson is 2 years older than Evans
* Nelson basically gets paid $4M (+/-) vs what Evans will get. Worth it though
* My concern would be term. I would prefer 5 years taking him to age 35.
This would be my offer for Nelson:
* Flames 1st. Probably the best 1st offered from any other team (12-18 range)
* One of the Habs 2nd rounders.
* Prospect like Mesar... disappointing development but still has time
* Maybe a 4th rounder added.
* Conditions on getting an extension for Nelson (5x $7.5M)
* Habs take on the full contract. Maybe $1M-$2M retention max. No contract dump.
Habs can then flip Evans for the best return we can get. Nelson replaces him and we get an upgrade.
What do you think about the offer above?