No matter how much shade is constantly thrown at the Canucks medical team, even when they've turned over their staff under multiple management regimes, I refuse to believe it is just a parade of incompetent fools. Medicine is complex and frequently nebulous, with mistakes being made all of the time, but I don't think the Canucks specifically have some sort of pipeline to all of the worst medical professionals in the industry. Not to mention, these millionaire athletes have access to the world's top specialists and they likely wouldn't hesitate to get a second or third opinion, if needed.
It just seems like a leap to me to assume that absolutely everyone in the organization has collectively messed up and poor Petey is caught in the middle, with no agency to contribute to the situation.
From what I've seen over the course of his career, Pettersson seems to shut down when he's injured and lets it affect his game far more than most. Many in this thread have deified athletes as all being cut from the same tough-as-nails cloth but that's simply not true. If Pettersson does bounce back, I'm still wary that the next bump or bruise will see us right back where we are right now.