TSN: Brian Burke sit down interview w/ James Duthie (Burke Thread)


There are some things I like about Burke. I agree that he's someone you'd want to be in a foxhole with. But he ran his mouth and failed to deliver what he promised. He deserved to be fired for how badly he misjudged the team when he first arrived. He's also historically bad at evaluating and acquiring adequate goalies. He can talk the talk but can't walk the walk. Good riddance.


Registered User
Oct 15, 2011
A Doomed Monopoly, stroke of irony, Burke heads up a second GTA team

Would it not be the ultimate stroke of irony if the aforementioned Whatevers of Markham presented Mr. Burke, who clearly has every reason to stay in the GTA (his kids and reportedly now-estranged wife continue to reside here), the opportunity to resume an executive position in the hockey hotbed he was so unceremoniously kicked out of? Today, at his exit-presser, Burke was adamant that he’d take a new gig tomorrow, if it came available, and if you don’t think he might want to redeem himself and exact a little retribution, you’re kidding yourself. Not gonna lie; personally, I’d be a little torn as to who to cheer for if Burke was given the last laugh in this messy affair. Perhaps today isn’t, as Burke suggested, the last time he and Simmons ever speak, after all…



Just Rude

"I'm listening to the *** song!!!"
Oct 15, 2005
I may be in the minority, but I'm really going to miss the big lug. I think he was on the verge of doing something very special here.

Outside of that, he wore his heart on his sleeve. Anyone who remembers he constant defense of Bertuzzi, right or wrong, way back when, should know that. If you were one of his players, he would have your back to the death (well, outside of Bure's when he demanded the trade).

Burke spoke his mind, and had no time for d-bags with the hatchet-job journalism tactics of guys like Simmons, and in the end, I think that was what cost him. If you were fair, he would be open with you (see the Duthie interview).

The non-playoff years, while warranted, was just the excuse given for his firing. The new owners want their yes-man, and Burke was never going to be that. It was a clash of personalities, and the new owners have two successful brands to consider. They want the guy running the ship to be well-liked by their fans, and in turn, their customers. Again, Burke was never going to be that. Not by everyone, like a Kenny Holland.

Losing a child is something most of us, thankfully, will never experience. I really think that affected him more than he showed. Despite the obvious pain in his voice, the weathered look on his face, I really think it affected him more than most of us saw. As he says in the interview "work is my therapy." I have no doubt Burke will land on his feet and get another GM gig. One thing he will never get back is his son, and I think you can hear that pain in his voice, no matter how "tough" he wants to look in front of the camera.

I wish you nothing but the best, Burkie. I rather enjoyed your style and I think we will miss you more than we care to admit right now.


Super Elite, Passing ALL Tests since 2002
Aug 19, 2002
I may be in the minority, but I'm really going to miss the big lug. I think he was on the verge of doing something very special here.

Outside of that, he wore his heart on his sleeve. Anyone who remembers he constant defense of Bertuzzi, right or wrong, way back when, should know that. If you were one of his players, he would have your back to the death (well, outside of Bure's when he demanded the trade).

Burke spoke his mind, and had no time for d-bags with the hatchet-job journalism tactics of guys like Simmons, and in the end, I think that was what cost him. If you were fair, he would be open with you (see the Duthie interview).

The non-playoff years, while warranted, was just the excuse given for his firing. The new owners want their yes-man, and Burke was never going to be that. It was a clash of personalities, and the new owners have two successful brands to consider. They want the guy running the ship to be well-liked by their fans, and in turn, their customers. Again, Burke was never going to be that. Not by everyone, like a Kenny Holland.

Losing a child is something most of us, thankfully, will never experience. I really think that affected him more than he showed. Despite the obvious pain in his voice, the weathered look on his face, I really think it affected him more than most of us saw. As he says in the interview "work is my therapy." I have no doubt Burke will land on his feet and get another GM gig. One thing he will never get back is his son, and I think you can hear that pain in his voice, no matter how "tough" he wants to look in front of the camera.

I wish you nothing but the best, Burkie. I rather enjoyed your style and I think we will miss you more than we care to admit right now.

You're not even close to the minority. He'll be missed.


Registered User
Sep 17, 2006
McCowan was right. Look at how Rogers runs the Jays - very hands off, they let their execs do their thing. Nadir will open the pocketbooks when deemed necessary and doesn't interfere with day-to-day operations. Look at Rogers corporate culture, very laid back.

I can vouch somewhat as an employee of Bell, on the other hand they are very much the opposite. Very structured, very polished, but very 'my way or the highway' style of leadership. Their execs tow this line to the T, and they very much frown upon dissidents.

The board didn't necessarily have a problem with Burke. George Cope, on the other hand, would be the person most likely to have issues with Burke's management style as it is very un-BCE.

Thanks for that bit insight into the Bell Style of doing things, so you feel George Cope, may have been the force behind Burkes firing.

I'm begining to see, putting two and two together, that Burke's answer to the media, saying you should ask them that question, may have validity but it seems very petty, to fire someone for what can only be described as clash of style.

I hope this does not interfere, with other aspects of the Leafs operation and I also hope it has nothing to do with Burke supporting Gay Rights, I certainly think people have the right to voice their own opinions, without fear of this kind of Retaliation, just because it may not jive, with their own, or corporate values.


Registered User
Mar 6, 2012
It has nothing to do with Gay rights do you not remember Damian Goddard of sportsnet?Fired for expressing his views.And fired 24hrs later


Feb 27, 2002
Mountain Standard Ti
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Good interview and I do hope BB find a new GM job asap and do well there.

I have no doubt he'll find a job. He does have a Cup on his Resume.

I'm glad he's gone, and with a $6 million severance package no one should feel sorry for him.

I could see him fielding offers as of yesterday, but the question might be where would he want to live/work?

For the good of the league, let's hope he goes somewhere to a struggling franchise that can take advantage of his soundbites.


Burke is a good guy. I wish he was still GM, but given we had Nonis it's not a huge deal.

I believe it's as simple as the new owners didn't like him. Nonis is more of a quiet, corporate guy.


Registered User
Sep 17, 2006
It has nothing to do with Gay rights do you not remember Damian Goddard of sportsnet?Fired for expressing his views.And fired 24hrs later

Well it still hasn't been explained why Burke was fired and his answer to the media was ask them.


Global Moderator
Feb 27, 2002
Leafs Home Board
I'd love to see Burke join a TSN panel. Is there any chance this happens?

Not unless MLSE allows him and/or Burke wants to take a huge pay cut to find other employment while under contract and paid by the Leafs.

Since TSN is Toronto located I highly doubt they would want Burke in the spotlight in the same hockey market they wanted to silence him in.


Registered User
Mar 20, 2006
I have no doubt he'll find a job. He does have a Cup on his Resume.

I'm glad he's gone, and with a $6 million severance package no one should feel sorry for him.

I could see him fielding offers as of yesterday, but the question might be where would he want to live/work?

For the good of the league, let's hope he goes somewhere to a struggling franchise that can take advantage of his soundbites.

Even do he make a lot of money I still feel a little bit sorry for him. Not sorry in a sad kind of way just that when some one is passionate and give their all but fail and are rejected I always feel sorry for them.

Cbj would be a good club for him. Perhaps he could bring Kessel with him.


Registered User
Jul 20, 2010
I don't believe him, and I truly believe it did affect his job performance, but we'll never hear that from him and that speaks a lot about his character.
okay get it this way... first two years Burke didn't do a swell job

and he still won Silver after what happened in his personal life
Burke's the type of guy that enjoys working regardless of the situation


Registered User
Mar 6, 2012
Budsfan your right I think it has to do with private life maybe an altercation with someone who is very powerful a director with the team or the wife but if so why was he not fired from organization?There's a good book out there to be written


Registered User
Sep 17, 2006
Budsfan your right I think it has to do with private life maybe an altercation with someone who is very powerful a director with the team or the wife but if so why was he not fired from organization?There's a good book out there to be written

Your right, that may be the case but to interfere with the team in that manner, is just plain crazy and what else will they do, if someone doesn't toe the line and is out of sync with their view of proceedure, it boggles the imagination.

The reason he is still with the team, is that he asked and was told he could become Sr. Advisor for hockey operations and evidently Anselmi and Tanembaum OK'd that, at the time he proposed it but later he was told, he would be only reporting to Anselmi and would have no direct involvement with Nonis or the hockey operation and this is just another put down, by it seems the same people, that fired him in the first place.


Registered User
Dec 23, 2009
im still in shock that he isn't our GM anymore. Id feel much better if Nonis was the guy and had burke back there behind the scenes or something.



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