I think if you build a team around Brady and Stuztle and make them feel like he is part of the solution really goes a long way in keeping a guy like that.
People keep pointing to M.Tkachuk but people keep forgetting the history around him and him playing a hard style of play and there being 'rumours' floated that the team didn't like it wanted him to ton it down aka not having his back. You also had Johnny Gaudreau leave 7 days before MTkachuk wanted out. Lastly you had an american player who just went through covid lockdowns in Canada.
TBH I think some fans need to stop being fragile and actually evauate the issues and actually push to trade under performing players off the roster cause we expect better and not trade a player because you think he will want to leave Ottawa.
Building around Tkachuk is what we need to do. Be more like the Panthers who played a hard style of play leading MTkachuk to be the best version of his game.
Norris plays a better 200ft game than either Brady or Gaudette. Maybe if he cheated for offense more he'd have more points as well. Gaudette has been working on his details but he's still nowhere near Norris. Brady is either not interested or doesn't have a clue how to be a 200-ft player.
Norris needs to be much more consistent offensively if he is making 8mill. I am not paying 8mill to a guy who will play the PK and pot 55 points while having minimal intensity. Also you might want to check Norris defensive stats....Imagine having a guy like Bennett as your 2C vs Norris. This team has uber soft outside of Stuztle and Brady