I'll be impressed with the change when AM sticks up for one of his team mates instead of a team mate sticking up for him. I'm not disparaging him. I don't want AM fighting any and all. But, if I were to call out JT for weakness as 'C', it would be the team's consistent lack of fight back by its best players. I wish JT had dropped the gloves to help a team mate, to provide the lesser lights a sense of being protected by the best on the team which in turn would hopefully lead to Matthews, Marner and Nylander having the same sense of responsibility to the team. Of our best players, I only (rose coloured glasses?) remember Rielly stepping up to physically support a team mate. If Matthews shows the rest of the team that he's going to go to war with them, to fight along with them, then I think this can be a good move for the team. However, if he continues to play the same way as he has, as good as that has been, I don't believe the 'C' affects the team to any great extent...deck chairs.