He a cup winning GM. He'll find a GM job for that alone.I can see Q getting a coaching job real soon, StanBo on the other hand not so much.
Why would anybody hire these clowns given the blowback they will face?
I know teams want to win at all costs and will consider any option to achieve that goal but there still has got to be morals and standards.It’s the NHL, they take pretty much anyone back. How many times did that piece of shit Babcock get another chance? Go down the list, the NHL is terrible with these circumstances. Bowman because of his last name will get a chance doing something, Q will definitely get hired at some point.
Morals and standards will always fall behind money in most circumstances in this league unfortunatelyI know teams want to win at all costs and will consider any option to achieve that goal but there still has got to be morals and standards.
Morals and standards should matter but they don't.I know teams want to win at all costs and will consider any option to achieve that goal but there still has got to be morals and standards.
FixedMorals and standards will always fall behind money in most circumstances in the world unfortunately
stanny trying the “tinker with a core someone else put together and get the credit for the cup win” playbook again.
Hockey wise, I can’t believe you would hire him.. beyond that my thoughts are already on this site. It’s just insanity.
Hockey wise, I can’t believe you would hire him.. beyond that my thoughts are already on this site. It’s just insanity.
I know there are going to be lots of jokes about how can we fleece Edmonton in a trade but I wonder if Kyle from Chicago will even trade with Stan? Just brings unwanted attention to the situation.