...and again, you cherry-pick, this time snippets of a post; I stated that he "would be a negative infinity" (yes, an obvious exaggeration) ON PITTSBURGH because 1) they don't have an Ekholmesque defender to pair with him to compensate for his (again) OBVIOUS defensive shortcomings (why do you think Team Canada doesn't take a high-octane RD like Bouchard??...perhaps they also see that he requires the type of LD partner they don't have on the team...maybe??...or do YOU think you know more than the management of Team Canada does??) 2) Pitt is not the puck possession JUGGERNAUT that the Oil are, therefore negating some of Bouchard's strengths while having the possibility of amplifying his weaknesses, since his team will possess the puck less, causing him to have to defend more 3) again, you use specific stats as your ENTIRE arguement here, while dismissing completely that they are highly contextual and even slight variables, like the quality of competition specific to shifts, can/does amplify said stats in one way or another...etc, etc, etc...and the kicker is that you run screaming to "defend" Bouchard when no one was attacking him, just stating his obvious shortcomings along with his obvious strengths...so I guess just keep burying your head in the sand when it comes to anyone saying anything that isn't a GLOWING review of an Edmonton Oiler...have fun...