Without talking likelihoods, just imagine that we're in one of the universes where Boo gets a shot with Kreider for whatever reason, something clicks, and he blossoms overnight into a top6 power forward.
Just imagine the copious amounts of crow that bern will be justified in serving. He could gleefully dish it out with both hands for decades and never catch up to what he's earned. Just imagine.
Yes this would be true in that I would be more than justified, I would be fully effin entitled.
However, the rule here is most of the base and I are not in as much disagreement as would seem to some.
I have put forth an idea, based on what I consider a sound premise.
No guarantee, but a sound premise.
The great majority of the board -- in many cases wishing well --- does not share my optimism.
That is both my right and theirs.
But they do recognize there is a premise. I COULD BE right. They just disagree as to %s on that.
Where I draw the line is not a polite dispute over that premise.
Where I draw the line is I insist everyone admit that it costs the Rangers nothing to try, and give this kid a LEGIT shot w/Kreids.
So, esp since we have a 2nd invested in him, try it.
And I'm pleased to say, kudos to you all [save a few exceptions], that there is no consensus against that.
And when it suits Quinn, whether or not he reads this, it is my hope he will get around to trying it, and if there is adequate trial duration and conditions, then we will know.
Of course, there are always a few exceptions to every rule.
I am not persecuted by the great majority.
I am pleased to own my often outside the box comments, and accept lumps for those which did not work out.
I'll take my %s.
However, there are a couple of guys here who are total naysayers, who would argue with me if I said water was wet.
Even if it costs the Rangers, they would love to have another stone to throw at me.
I won't elaborate on that for now; he who laughs last...